Все главы Taming the Ruthless Alpha: Глава 51 - Глава 60
Chapter 51 - Old legends
Oliver POV: So this is my mother’s new game, she tries to force me reject my mate, she knows that I’ll do fucking anything to protect her from the danger that race is posing. That event might be nothing more than a mere formality for a she-wolf, but for a human is an entirely different story. And it’s a double-edged sword, not only Kylie could die, but if that dreadful scenario happens, I’ll also be as good as dead inside. I believed that she cared about me, about her family, but I don’t know at this stage. She’s like an entirely different person, every day surprising me with new plots. I can’t understand her anymore, she had completely lost it. I tried to deny this even to myself, but my mother is a public danger. She messed with my fucking brain, locked my brother in the dungeons and made my mate fight in the arena. And only the Goddess knows what else she did that I am not aware of. I’m done finding excuses for her behavior, I’m going to have a lit
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Chapter 52 - Of witch blood
Oliver POV: She was right, I was wasting my time trying to make her regain something at least remotely similar to consciousness. That spell overpowered her own will long time ago, she just can’t see it. Means that she needs a little push from my part. I am pacing in the room, making holes in the floor, waiting for Blake to come and have a talk. It’s challenging for him to leave the premises of Killian territory and come here undetected, especially in such a short notice. I hope he’ll make it, for right now he’s all I got. “Stop that, you’re making me even more nervous!” Kylie demands sounding tense. Fuck, I’m a useless piece of shit. “I can’t help it, baby! It’s my fucking fault for not seeing earlier what my mother has become.” I blame myself for not being there for her more when my father died. I barely managed to get through with my own grieving and I was not the best son, probably. I should have done more, I should have been more p
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Chapter 53 - Compass
Oliver POV: It’s fucking happening. Kylie is about to spend three days in the forest, all by herself. Not one of our packs’ members is allowed to set foot in the forest, either to help her or attack her, Killian surely would have loved to send his elite soldiers to hunt her, but still, there might be rogues out there. Or worse, the demon wolves might make an appearance. Hell, if she is lucky, there would be just feral animals lurking in the forest, if that can be considered luck, of course. “Are you really going to be like that?” Her anguished voice pulls me from my own thoughts, only to meet her penetrating gaze filled with agony and disappointment. It’s fucking torture, to see her like this. It’s killing me from inside. I feel useless, in fact, I am fucking useless. I thought about taking my mother’s offer to reject her, erase her memories of me and let her live peacefully. This way she will be safe and maybe live a long happy life.
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Chapter 54 - Land of the damned
Kylie POV:I glance one more time at Oliver, my heart hammering loudly against my chest.Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.He leans down and settles the tracker on my ankle, I am supposed to wear it for them to follow my moves. It is equipped with a countdown timer as well, he sets it at 72 hours.So those three days are counted to the last second.“It’s your last change to give up, if you want.” His voice matches the pain in his eyes.I shake my head in disagreement and then taste his lips one last time.“I said ‘Go’!” An angry voice behind me makes me roll my eyes in annoyance.Oh just give me a break, I’m on my own fucking time!With no further delay, I bury my fear deep inside and start running through the spine-chilling forest. I run against time as fast as I can, adrenaline is pounding in my veins, I need to find a shelter before it gets dark, my life depe
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Chapter 55 - Statue
Oliver POV: Everybody stopped from what they were doing, they all look perplexed by the unexpected development of this event. Even my mother seems affected, confusion flashes in her eyes, she puts down her glass of champagne and stares at the map. There is a reason for all this sudden interest. My pack and every pack that I know tried at least once to claim that territory, but nobody was able to even get close to it. Though it is marked on the map, each time we edge near that area, we just find ourselves going in circle, we have never once been able to push forward. Everyone that attempted to find the land of the damned just passed near it, so rumors have it that it was enchanted one thousand years ago, when a human girl destined to a werewolf alpha died there, betrayed by her mate and his kind. Of course, those might be just made up stories, it’s not like someone from one thousand years ago is here to confirm it. We do live a longer life than
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Chapter 56 - New life
Kylie POV: My body is in full panic mode, I hold my breath in stupefaction as she falls to the ground. Despite my instincts that scream to get out of this place, I take a few steps to where she fell and reach a trembling hand to check her pulse. There is none. The woman is cold as ice, her skin the color of the porcelain, her long black hair styled in loose curls, she is wearing some dress from centuries ago that gives her an aristocratic air. Even with her eyes close, I can tell that she is stunning beautiful to say the least. And that statue she was trapped into was sculpted after her appearance. Poor soul, how did she get here? Who did this to her? Then out of nowhere, her chest is rising, she gasps for air. Next thing she opens her eyes, they have the color of the sky in a stormy day, a cold and murderous aura radiating from her figure, the shock coursing through me drives me to lose my balance and fall on my back. I start
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Chapter 57 - Prophecy
Oliver POV:My body is fuming with rage, I slam my fist in a wall in anger, all eyes are on me and I couldn’t care less.‘He’s gone.’ My brother’s words are resonating in my ears, my brain cannot make sense of anything. I feel anger at my own foolishness.How could I have been so stupid?There must be someone that has some type of information about the witch boy, and where else can you find all the packs if not here, celebrating my fucking nightmare, dancing on my dire misery.I try to keep my mind clear and my rage in place despite the strong emotions I am experiencing, but it’s not working. Before I could conceive a strategy, my impulse and my despair get the best of me, I begin interrogating all the guests, asking if whether or not they knew Jasper’s identity or where to find him.Some seem annoyed by my inquiries, but most of them appear to be actually worried, making promises to provide assistan
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Chapter 58 - Scenery
Killian POV:“And you mean that human girl might give birth to the half-blood from the prophecy?” I scoff, what I am hearing is utterly impossible, I refuse to believe it.After all the efforts I made to take control of the demon wolves, the supreme sacrifice I had to perform to make them obey my commands for no great power comes without one, after everything, does she want me to believe that a simple half-blood offspring would overpower me? Maybe when hell freezes over.I gave up something valuable, if Kendra would know what really happened to her mother, if she would know what happened that day, she would never speak to me again, or worse. “What I know is that the one thousand year seal was shattered, my magic is slowly crumbling, I can feel it in my bones, and it happened the moment she entered the land of the damned.”Shock is coursing through me, I drop myself on the couch, there are too many things that I might l
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Chapter 59 - No way out
Kylie POV:I take a step back, my brain struggling to come up with a solution, but it’s clear that even if I give it my best shot, I cannot escape her. Maybe I just have to surrender, after all, I’ve been running for hours and I am exhausted to say the least. It’s not good for the baby either, my angel needs to be healthy and strong.After drawing the conclusion that I have to confront her, I push forward, closing the door behind me and walking to the table where she is, pulling a chair and leaning on it, I do need some rest.“Good choice. You had no chance in outrunning me anyway.” She declares nonchalantly, as if reading my mind.Can she do that? No, there’s no way, I am just panicking.“I guess you’re right.” I utter.“I’m sorry about earlier. Everything was a blur in my head, but I am starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I still don’t have the whole pic
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Chapter 60 - Betrayal
Kylie POV: There are some prominent lines between her eyebrows, anxiety is surging in waves from her. She rubs her temples, her eyes are shut close, the image in front of me is truly heartbreaking. I wish I could do something to offer comfort and ease her pain, but I can’t think of anything. “There is this weird feeling I’m experiencing, as if I’m searching the corners of my mind for pieces of memories, only to find the shelves empty.” She explains, her tone laced with a mix of anger, confusion and disappointment. Truth be told, I am curious too of her origin, of the reasons someone had to trap her in here, of her connection with this place. Out of nowhere, the walls of the small cottage are fading from existence, we are entirely out in the open now. My curious regard falters and turns to one of worry, I am practically shaking in fright. As quickly as the walls faded, a new scenery replaced the old one, rendering me speechless. My eyes
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