Semua Bab FIGHTER: Bab 11 - Bab 17
17 Bab
God you dumb idiot! Why did you have to go say that ?!Sorin lets out curses as he tries his best to calm himself.He hadn't meant to push Eira against the wall like that or even push her for anything in fact. He wanted to keep the blackmail thing as minimum as possible as long as it kept her near him.The method wasn't exactly effective but his panicked mind couldn't think of anything else.Shit shit shit what should I do?Sorin groaned mentally.As soon as he had finished uttering the words to Eira he had picked up his hoodie slammed the door of his room shut and made his way out if the house and towards the figh
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Eira sat on the sofa flicking one channels after another on the televison. The words of Sorin from before playing in her mind again and again like a broken recorder.'the memories that you are so desperately trying to run away from catch upto you again''the memories''the memories'"UGHH SHUT UP!" Eira shouts out loudly throwing the remote on the sofa.Eira didn't know how to get Sorin's voice out of her head. It frightened her , because she didn't want any part in her past again.She ruffled her hair crazily wanting nothing more then getting the voice out of her head.
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Sorin tucked the straying hair falling on Eira's face behind her ear. Her sleeping form hugged him tighter and she shifted a little at being disturbed.Sorin chuckled at seeing this. He couldn't help but gaze at her sleeping form, totally uninterested in the movie going on.He observed her form. How she mumbled in her sleep, how she wrinkled her nose when he moved or shifted a little, how serene and peaceful she looked while sleeping.How beautiful Eira looked while sleeping.He could go on and on staring at her form for hours and hours.He was a gone case. He sighed. He was falling in deeper and deeper with nothing hold on to stop him from falling.
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Eira sat there on the swing hanging from the branch of the huge wide expansed tree. The swing creaked as she tried to move it back and forth while pushing her weight.Eira was a small girl again, carefree and lively. Dressed up in red overalls and two cute pigtails in her hair she relished in the warm breeze whisking pass her cheeks with small murmurings. She closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath."coco" a faint voice called her making her open her eyes. Standing in front of her was a brown haired boy with light blue eyes. A stark contrast with her choclate brown eyes.The gentle breeze wafted through his hair making them fall on to his forehead as he smiled a sweet, serene smile."How ar
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Eira walked down the hallway, with her books in the hand her mind dreading the next class which was mathematics.She hated that subject with a burning passion. All the formulas and logic made her already confused mind more tangled.Finding her locker, she opened it and taking the book for the next lecture she made her way towards the class.However in the middle she saw someone being cornered by a girl. That person was trying to run away from the girl but she was stuck like a leech to him.Eira were ready to burst out laughing when you realised that person was none another then Sorin harboring a very annoyed and semi-frightened expression like he wanted to slap her and at the same time he was scared of what the girl would do to him if
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Eira rapidly walked through the doorway with heavy steps. After the confrontation with Sorin she had pushed him away from the  door and had headed out, banging the door.Even after completing her classes, it still irked Eira that Sorin had entered the classroom with an easy grin.Even after everything that had just happened.Eira banged her locker door shut as she made her way towards the cafeteria."Eira!" a cheerful voice called her out and before she could turn fully around, she had been tackled into half side hug and a half head lock .A strong arm almost choking her.Eira looked up to see a wide grinning Maceo and following him was Aarav who also grinned while coming towards them  giving a slight nod of his head as greeting."Jesus Christ! Easy on me Maceo! I do not go to a fucking gym everyday" Eira gasps as she tried to get away from the bulkier man's grasp."Maceo, let the girl breathe" Aarav chuckled "The way she is
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All the seven of them stood in the living room, all drenched in water from head to toe, water dripping from their hairs and wet clothes stuck to their body.After the prank, when all of the three culprits had ran away, Maceo had been caught by Luke who had mercilessly dunked him into a bathtub and Aarav who had been caught by Devika by the ear, was dragged and also dunked into the bathtub.So when Eira and Sorin had come back, into the backyard, Sorin wasted no time in picking up the water pipe and blasting water right at her face, making her entirely wet.And so afterwards all the others also joined in and all of them had water fights, even Luke who didn't like such things was laughing and running. Well technically he was not running more like waddling."Ughh, we all need baths" Devika groaned as she sniffed her clothes, which were sordid and stinking."Yes, we do and I need a goddamn hot water bottle for my toe" Elijah winced as he touched his so
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