Semua Bab HONEY, WE MEET AGAIN: Bab 51 - Bab 60
67 Bab
THEN it's Heira's turn to decorate the bamboo hut. She put some lights on every bamboo since it was a wired lights, and every of it's wire has also lights and it change's it's lights from time to time. The whole bamboo was covered of flowers, all kind of differrent flowers like roses, lilies, sun flower's, and many more.She put the long rectangle table on the center of the bamboo hut. She also used the different table to put all of their gifts for him, and since Yves' mansion has fountains, by using this, she used a different method to be more creative and everytime the water come out of the fountain, it would create a message of Happy Birthday Xavy. She also put some lights near to the fountains so that when the night cames, Xavy could read the message on the fountain.While Xyneth was the one who calligraph the message for Xavy, she used hundreths of color coded bondpapers to calligraph all of their message includes Heira, Xyneth, Blake, Yves, Livy, Reves, Vhan, Dei
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IT'S BEEN A WEEK since Xavy celebrated his 4th birthday. It was fun and he enjoyed his birthday. But this day was the start of the challenges that will comes to their way, whether they dodge it—run away or they will face it together to conquer those obstacles.Little by little, the puzzle of that mysterious man who always seen by her dreams, was starting to be revealed. The more she seen the man on her dreams, the more her head hurts... she knows that she have already meet that man on her dreams yet she can't still figure it out, who is that man is and who is he to her, and why does he have a special place on her heart which is more confusing.Xyneth sighed before she closed the novel that she's been reading while Yves was using her lap as his pillows."What are you sighing for?"Yves asked her out of curiousity.Xyneth took a glance on Yves who was also watching her closely like he's been bothered on why does she keeps on sighing. Xyenth felt like disgust on
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"OH YEAH, I have a question to asked you... so who is the mother of Xavy? You even have another wife while I was away, hmm? Care to explain it to me, honey?"She said sweetly yet her eyes were glaring at him perilously.Yves shooked his head, "I don't have any other wife except you and I won't even dare to cheat on you nor to find another woman because only you can satisfy my heart."Xyneth looked at him confusedly,"What are you talking about? Are you saying that Xavy is my son?"Yves smiled before he nodded his head,"Yeah, he's your son."Due to what he've said, Xyneth mouth were wide opened, "W-What a-are y-you—""He's your son."He said while smiling ear to ear.While Xyneth was still unable to speak due to shock, she calm her nerves and body while holding her head. That's why she felt like something feels odd whenever she saw Xavy, It was because of the bond as a parent and a child."W-Wait... He's my son? How... wait... I think I'm going
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XYNETH AND HEIRA arrived at the mall, her mind was still thinking about something, she still can't believe that she has a son, but how come when as far as she can remember, she can't produce offspring? How does that happen?That's why, Xavy felt familiar on her... because she looked like him when she was a young, a boy version of her. They also have the same color of eyes.One thing that left her confused, why does they don't want me to remember what happened in the past when it's better if I can remember so that I could understand the situation, like how come that I could produced an offspring when the her doctor says she can't?Xyneth startled when Heira shouted her name, she looked at her confusedly, "Why are you shouting my name?"Heira rolled her eyes, "We are already here in the mall yet you're mind was still at home, wake up. I've been calling you for a thousands but it seems you were thinking about something else. I invited you because I want you to e
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"FIANCE?! SON?! How come that you could produce an offspring when you can't?! Did you lie to me whe I asked you that time?!"He shouted making the other people looked at them."No. I didn't lie to you, what I said was true about that time, I even contact my doctor and she said that I can't bear a children. Besides, you were the one who left after knowing that I can't gave you a happy family, but now that I'm already happy, you're here telling me to get back at you? Fuck you."Xyneth said angrily.His faced darkened and tried to harass her when a strong punch landed on his face and even his stomach."Did you even dare to touch my wife?! How dare you?!"It was Yves who's face was darkened and murderous that he could kill someone by looking at him. 'As expected from a past mafia.'Heira immediately went to Xavy's direction who was on the car to covered his eyes from looking at them.Ofcourse, all of the people on that area was already sent away, they w
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(WARNING: SLIGHT SPG AHEAD. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.)CHAPTER 54"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. It's not that I'm doubting myself as a mother of Xavy, I'm just confused on how does this happened to us. I wasn't even there when Xavy need a mother, I still can remember when he locked his self on his room alone... I failed as a mother, I wan't even there when he was a baby, I didn't even take a good care of him... while he was suffering, I'm doing nothing and even forgot all of my memories... How could I do this to my son? Do I even deserve myself to call as his mother?"She was sobbing, she let all of her emotions out by crying on his arms."Ah... I forgot to tell you that Xavy was just acting in the beginning for me to hired you as his babysitter."Yves said while chuckling making Xyneth froze then she raised her head to look at him.She glared at him, "What?""Uhmm... actually, since you forgot your memories, I and Xavy always stalks you whenever we had a time, he alrea
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"SAY 'please let me pleasure you, master' and I'll let you it."She teased.Without a second and hesitation, he said it,"Please let me pleasure you, master."Xyneth chuckled, "Okay, go on and take me.""You'll be bottomed again, you know."Yves teased which rolled her eyes."Duh, I'm a bottom ofcourse besides it's not like I can be the top."Xyneth said which made him laugh."But you can be the top of me, you'll be the one who's taking in charge."He said wickedly."I know. Go on and take me."She ordered earned a soft laugh from him.Yves brushed her lips using his lips, claiming her, sucking and nibbling her lips until they were out of breath. He pulled away and just like what Xyneth did to his neck, he nibbles her neck leaving a mark earning a soft moan from her.When she realize about herself, she cover her mouth preventing herself from moaning and letting him hear her moan but he moved her hands which was covered on her mouth."D
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FLASHBACKXYNETH was happy to went home to tell her parents that she's been accepted to her new job as a waitress on the other street which just five kilometer away from their house, but even though it's a little far away fron their house, she doesn't worry about taking a cab, taxi, or so whatever it is.Everytime she passed the abandoned building which was near to her work, she felt like someone was watching her... every move that she makes, she can feel someones presence even though he conceal it.Xyneth chuckled, 'He might be an amateur when it comes to concealing his presence, there's still a little presence that I sense.'She didn't mind who's the person who always follows her, she just let him follow her. But if he/she try to do something funny, she's not gonna hesitate to call the police and report the person who always follow him.When she finally got home, she's excited to tell them that she finally has a job, but suddenly she heard them shouti
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FLASHBACKXYNETH woke up early to do her morning routine. After she's done doing it, she went down stairs to bid her goodbye to them before she leave."Where are you going?"Her mother asked her.She replied with a smile, "I'm going to work.""What about your school?"Her father asked in a curious tone."It's saturday today that's why we don't have a class today. I'm gonna get going."She said, but before she could leave her mother spoke in a serious tone."What are you going to do with Y?"She sighed and looked at her direction, "Don't worry, I'm gonna do it." 'Ofcourse not!'Her mother smile, feeling triumph, "That's good. I'm gonna look forward to what you can do."She almost rolled her eyes in annoyance, "I know." She said before she leave their house.It feels suffocating inside of their house. Though, she's curious about whose voice she heard last night, it feels like someone was screaming for help. Maybe it's just her i
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"DAMN. I hope I can find a man like him in the future."Lireh said while sighing, she's been single for her whole life... waiting for her soulmate to come, but until now there's still no sign for her soulmate. Maybe he's still in a relationship with someone else right now, she can't wait for them to break up."Destiny will always find a way for you to have your own man. Just wait, be patient and relax."Xyneth was gigling while talking to her.She tsked, "I hope so too. But what if he won't come because he's already have someone in his heart? What about meme?"She asked her while gaving Xyneth her puppy eyes.Xyneth chuckled before she tapped her both shoulder,"Then it's time for you to find someone else, dear.""Damn."She cussed earning a lot of laugh from Xyneth, her manager and also her co-workers.She was about to speak when someone opened the glass door of the cafe... Yes, it was Yves who was huffing, catching his breath as soon as he got there.
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