Semua Bab A Kissing Spell: Bab 41 - Bab 50
162 Bab
The Show
Samil gazed at the CFO with a satisfied smirk. Basing on their characters, I could guess they were not just “good friends”, they were more like brothers… or even twins sharing a collective mind. They were both cold, calculative, and uncompromising. Mr. Havet stood up from his chair and walked towards the presentation screen.“Can you go back to your first slide?” he asked, or rather ordered the assistant who showed the presentation.The young female flinched, her hands started shaking, she barely managed to hold the remote control, I took her a while before she pressed the right button. Mr. Havet observed her composedly standing right next to her. As soon as the slide appeared on the screen, he pointed on few basic points presented there.“Are you the one responsible for that load of nonsense?” he asked her, smiling maliciously.“I-I-I… only prepared… the presentation,” she stated stutte
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The risk and reward
I wondered why I couldn't shut up and tell myself that it didn't concern me. Now, the whole department was watching me, and I could easily predict that if I failed to save them, they would blame me instead of feeling a little thankful that I tried… The CEO chuckled as he most likely found my desperate attempt of saving the entire department's jobs amusing. That moment I wished I could be as calculated as he was, I wouldn't get myself into trouble again. I looked at the CFO, he was smiling at me, impatiently waiting to hear my idea. I immediately realized that I burst out without even thinking about it thoroughly, but I knew I had to pretend as I knew exactly what I was doing. “My idea is to use our website and social media more actively…” I began. I instantly heard groans of disappointment and discontent extending into the room. So much for giving me courage to speak… I started to regret my rush decision even more. I was irked, but I decided to continue despi
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My side of the story
I stood at the threshold petrified for few seconds, then I turned to Samil and Mr. Havet. “D-did you see that…?” I was seeking confirmation that I wasn't the only one. “Yes…” Mr. Havet replied, “It might be a reporter hoping for a good scoop, but it might be also something worse than that…” he sighed. “Mr. Philips…?” Samil turned to the concierge with a deadly glare. “I deeply apologize on behalf of the Grand royal restaurant… You obviously have our full cooperation in solving this outrageous situation,” he bowed down. “We need your surveillance footage,” Samil demanded. “Certainly,” the concierge bowed even lower, more apologetically and left us to prepare the recordings. We walked inside the private room, Mr. Havet closed the door. Samil took his phone out to make a call. “Someone dared to take pictures of us, he wore a cap, didn't have any backpacks with him, so he might be going by a motorcycle or a car, instead of
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Wicked fate
We left the restaurant and got back to work. I kept glancing at Samil on the way back to the office, hoping to notice any signs, that he recognized himself as the main character of my story. Yet, that didn't happen. He either decided to keep his poker face despite the facts he knew that I was the one who rescued him, or this event didn't matter to him as much as it used to… or as much as it mattered to me. I felt upset knowing that the accident which determined my whole life could become irrelevant to him over the years. I imagined that when he would find out the truth, everything would change. Well… something did change. He stopped teasing me, his attitude became colder. I tried to tell myself it was merely my imagination, and that I expected too much from him, but my aching heart didn't want to hear such explanation. We got back to the office almost without talking to each other. Only Mr. Havet and I engaged ourselves in a meaningless shred of conversation, Samil d
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Her decision
Immara's legs and arms were bleeding from being dragged through the ground. She couldn't heal herself since the Duke's presence was somehow preventing her from using magic. The worst part of experiencing this sort-of-dream was that I felt the pain. I was bleeding as much as she bled, and I couldn't do anything about it, her emotions were my emotions. It felt so real I thought I could die if those torture lasted longer… But the more terrifying fact was I couldn't wake up! The Duke tied the rope in the middle of the chain of Immara's shackles as an extension, then tied the other end on the rope around his hand. He got on the horse. Immara used that time to get up from the muddy ground. “Let's go!” the Duke commanded, and the whole group of the Black Hoods rode on their horses off of the village. I could hear the villagers cried after Immara, while she was walking fast, trying to keep their pace, and continuously stumbled following the Duke's horse. She met a cr
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I jumped up on my bed and nearly screamed. My hands were shaking, and I could feel the exhaustion from pulling the Duke up from the cliff, like I was the one who actually did it. I looked around to assure myself that I was awake and back in my own room. I sighed in relief and collapsed on the bed again. My heart was pounding like I just ran the marathon. I touched my lips with fingertips. I still felt the tingling sensation, as it was my lips that the Duke kissed. The irony of what I experienced hit me hard… I wondered if Samil's lips tasted the same as Duke's. No matter how hard I thought about the Duke as an enemy, he was as freaking hot as Samil! Besides, there was another thing that irked me… “Why Samil couldn't have a spontaneous reaction like that, when he found out I saved his life?!” it was definitely one of the things I envied Immara. Of course, I couldn't tell if the Duke did it to thank Immara, it was more likely that he did on a whim using the adr
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Girl Power
We quickly realized the devastating fact that figuring out the name for the show would become the easiest part. Now, we needed to imagine how those episodes should look like, but first we needed to figure out something that always differentiated shows between those which were exceptional and those which anyone could call a disaster, and that was the host. “It should be someone who is easygoing, self-confident, spontaneous…” I counted. “But also funny, natural, charming…” Grace added. “This is hopeless,” I interrupted her, “We are never going to find someone who fits such description, and even when we do, we won't be able to afford someone like that! This supposed to be a low-budget production…” I collapsed on the tabletop, discouraged. We were obviously missing something, but couldn't tell what it was. The time was running out, I knew that the CEO and the CFO would expect results soon, while we were in the middle of nowhere with our draft. “Le
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“Sir… what brings you here?” I called panicked. The CEO closed the door of the conference room and walked closer to Grace and me. “I wanted to check on your progress,” he stated casually. “Our draft is almost ready… we just need to go through it one more time, to make sure everything is fine,” Grace helped me explain, while I kept hectically wondering how much of my blabbering did Samil heard.  “Good…” he smirked and stood right next to me, “I'm looking forward to see your draft,” he patted my shoulder. I flinched under his touch. My heart beat faster and faster, I couldn't focus, my brain was too busy processing words I said when the CEO entered the room and every possible way, he might have understood them. “Ms. Lee, I need to take Ms. Eder from you now, so you will have to finish your project tomorrow,” he gazed at me commandingly. “O-of course,” Grace gulped overpowered by his strong presence. “See… you tomorro
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We arrived at the entrance of the Diamond Hotel, the place itself made me feel intimidated. It was a huge, luxurious, a five-star hotel where one night in a middle-class suite costed more than one month rent in my old apartment. There was a rumor that the hotel changed its owner recently, and now it was owned be Artur Canas. No wonder the anniversary celebration of his company was taking place right in that hotel… We walked into the reception hall where I took my coat off finally revealing my glamorous outfit. Samil looked me up and down carefully. I could feel his gaze on my half-uncovered thighs, then on my waist and finally on the neckline ending right between my breasts. I started praying that the foundation I put on my face would keep my blushing cheeks hidden. I smiled shyly and wanted to ask if he liked the dress he sent on me… but suddenly he turned his head away as he was showing disinterest. “Doesn't he like the way I look in that dress?” I thought, immedia
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Magical help
I took another glass of champagne from the waiter's tray and kept gazing around the room full of spiteful and hungry predators. I felt like a little lost bunny among them, hiding by the table and hoping that no one would notice me... Unfortunately, I forgot that I was already standing near one dangerous creature, and he was getting attention. Suddenly, some couple walked towards Samil and me. “Mr. Borda, nice to meet you here!” a tall man wearing glasses called. “Mr. Jensen, pleasure to meet you here as well,” Samil smiled. The couple walked closer to talk. The man looked like he was around 40 years old and was obviously a very wealthy person. I could see it by the tailor-made suit he was wearing, and by the luxurious Patek watch on his hand. The woman standing next to him and holding his arm wore a flashy designer gown, I wouldn't be surprised if there were real diamonds that were sparkling on it. As soon as she saw Samil up close, she let go of her partner'
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