Lahat ng Kabanata ng Reaper's Hollow: Kabanata 41 - Kabanata 50
158 Kabanata
Chapter 41
“What about Larkin’s ancestor. Ronobe? Where is he?” Ru asked“Same place as Larkin,” Cutter replied. “Although he has managed to escape many times, which is how Larkin came to be.” “And Thanatos mentioned his father. Azrael?”Once again, Cutter nodded. “He was sent to Hell a long time ago, but like Ronobe, he occasionally escapes, and one of us has to catch him. Azrael is one of the few original Archangels who have fallen that continues to operate on this side of eternal damnation from time to time.”“Why is that?”“Because, originally, he was sanctioned by God with the duty of collecting names and recording them in the book. But once we realized he was allowing Reapers to collect unmarked souls without ramifications, he too was damned.”Ru took another sip and then puzz
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Chapter 42
Ru sat on her sofa in lotus pose, attempting to connect with her inner-self. She’d always made fun of her sister, Danielle, when she talked about her yoga, but after she’d returned from the coffee shop, she’d begun to contemplate everything Cutter had said. As she graded stacks of papers and lesson planned for the next few weeks, the back of her mind was running through the possibilities of everything he had disclosed. If Cutter and Nat were able to take on a spirit form and somehow jump into her dreams, shouldn’t she be able to do the same thing? Of course, thinking that she could would mean she bought into Cutter’s fanciful stories about her origins, and even though she wasn’t quite sure she accepted any of it, how else could she explain the fact that he knew what she’d dreamt the night before? She hadn’t called him and recounted the vivid dream, after all.So, with the lights dimmed, and the sun setting,
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Chapter 43
Talking to a hot guy in the grocery store was new to Ru, but she was really starting to dig this guy. She waited patiently for him to answer her question about whether they were new to Reaper's Hollow or if they'd lived there a while.“No, we just moved here. Yesterday, actually. Jess has been looking for a teaching job forever, and she finally got one. It’s in Tarrytown, but we weren’t able to find a rental over there. Luckily, one opened up here, so we moved in. She’s very nervous about starting her new job on Monday, but I keep telling her it’ll be fine. That, coupled with moving from the big city out here, well, you can imagine… it’s stressful.” Ru nodded along as he continued to talk. With a crooked grin, he said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to unload all of that on you.”“No, not at all,” Ru assured him. “I just happen to be a teacher myself,
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Chapter 44
Her phone was ringing. Why did it seem that the only way she could wake up on the weekend anymore was from someone barging into her brain—either literally or through the use of her ringtone—to blast her out of sleep?She looked at the clock on her nightstand and saw that it was past 10:00 and wondered why she’d slept so long. After she’d come back from the store, she’d fallen asleep watching Netflix with Piper and hauled herself to bed before midnight. She hadn’t had any vivid dreams, not that she remembered anyway. With a loud exhale, she picked up her phone, fairly certain whoever was calling would be sent to voicemail before she could answer now anyway. When she saw it was an unknown number, she thought all the more reason not to hurry. Somehow, she managed to accept the call before it transferred to her messages. Falling backward onto the pillow, expecting either a recording or a sales call, she mumbled, “Hel
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Chapter 45
Wilken’s was one of the only decent places in town to eat, though there was a truck stop out on the main highway headed toward Tarrytown, and they’d gotten a McDonald’s a few years ago, though the latter certainly didn’t fit the description of good eating for Ru. She knew the café would likely be very busy on a Sunday afternoon, but hopefully not until the church crowd got out, which should give them time to get through lunch without a rush. It had occurred to her that she might see some of her students, but she didn’t think there’d be too many questioning glances since Kyle’s sister would also be there. It wasn’t like this was a date. At least, that’s what she kept telling herself.She’d decided to go casual, tossing on a pair of jeans and a blue sweater. Granted, she had chosen that color because it played up her eyes, but it wasn’t like she was wearing a dress. She hadn’t e
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Chapter 46
“Thank you, so much,”  Kyle said, his face sincere. “I think you’ve really calmed my sister down.”“Really, it’s no problem,” Ru said, happy to finally be alone with the handsome stranger, even if it was just for a few minutes.“I could tell she was nervous when she ate the whole pint of ice cream in one sitting. She never does that.” Kyle laughed, his eyes crinkling around the edges.“You’re kidding?” Ru said. “Who does that? I still have most of mine in the freezer!” She hoped she made it clear she was being silly, and when he laughed even more, she joined in.“Well, anyway, thank you. It’s really hard being out here all alone. She had a lot of friends back home, and she almost didn’t take the job because she was afraid she’d miss them too much. It’s great that she’s alr
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Chapter 47
Cutter stood in one of the many bedrooms on the second floor staring at the wall. Rider had taken it upon himself to create one of those police diagrams with pictures of victims with pieces of string linking all of them back to Reaper’s Hollow. Even though they had no idea where this center of activity was since they hadn’t found the portal, it was compelling evidence.“So… our newest victim, Lana Paul, died last Saturday night. That makes five.” Rider was standing right behind him, filling him in on information he already knew, as if saying it out loud would somehow help them both process.Taking a step forward, Cutter studied the pretty woman’s face. She wasn’t that old and was definitely unmarked. They still had no idea whether it had been Nat or one of his minions. For that matter, they weren’t even sure how many Reapers had congregated here. While Rider had seen Raven with his own ey
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Chapter 48
Ru sat on the couch in lotus position, her hands on her knees, frustrated beyond all understanding. “Why isn’t this working?” she whispered aloud. Not only was she unable to get anywhere close to freeing her spirit from her body and jumping into other realms, as Cutter had explained it, she couldn’t get the blue light to come back to her hands either. She’d been trying that one for a couple of days. Once again, she gave up in frustration.It was past 11:00, and that meant she was going to bed late, which was never a good idea on a Sunday. She just wished she could figure out how she’d manage to make the lights appear the last time, but she’d been asleep then. If she could do it when her brain was dead to the world, why couldn’t she do it when she was really trying to?Realizing she’d likely need some sort of training from Cutter, she decided to call it a night. She made sure the door
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Chapter 49
Ru arrived at school early the next morning having never gone back to sleep after she awoke at 4:30 in the morning. There had been no blue orbs, nothing unusual about the electricity or lights, but she did feel overwhelmed, as if she had actually spoken to Nat, which she supposed, if what Cutter had told her was accurate, she had. And now she was left wondering whether good guys always wore white, and bad guys always wore black, or if things were never that simple.She was sitting behind her desk grading some papers when she heard a small knock on her open door and looked up to see Cutter standing there. “Good morning,” he said, once he had her attention. “Do you have a minute?”“Sure,” she replied, setting down her pen and turning to face him. He was dressed in khakis and a red button-down shirt beneath a light brown sport coat. He looked handsome, as always, if not a little more tired than usual. Sh
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Chapter 50
Ivy wandered through a dream full of creepy clowns, feeling her way through on residual emotion only. She knew a Reaper had gone this way, had sensed him, but she wasn’t exactly sure which way he’d gone. It was like stalking a wild animal, and while they could be unpredictable, one of her talents was tracking, and Ivy had a feeling she was closing in on this one.As she neared the edge of reality, she made another leap, fairly certain this one would do the trick, and found herself standing in a bedroom. Across the room, near the door, a tall shadow filled the expanse, reaching almost to the ceiling fan. He was dressed all in black and carried his scythe, clearly here on a mission. A young man slept in the bed between them.The second he realized she was there, his eyes grew large. Ivy recognized him even with his hood up, but when he pushed it back to gain a better look at her, she saw the jagged scar that marked his right c
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