Lahat ng Kabanata ng Parshawna Macduff- The greatest Witch of the decade: Kabanata 21 - Kabanata 30
98 Kabanata
The secret of the murderous chamber- 2
PRIAM'S POV: I left the party while looking for her, I know what I am doing is not worth it anymore, the more I try, the more I will get hurt in the end. She doesn't have any feelings for me. She chose Dekker over me, but for some reason, I want to follow her, I want to see her again, hold her again. I want her to be mine. If even it not so, I want to make sure she is safe and I am doing that right now. I heard someone calling my name from behind as I turned back and saw Brad was panting running towards me. He said-" Wait up for me"   I asked-" Brad? What are you doing here?" He replied while catching his breath-" I think something is wrong." I asked with a concerned voice-" what do you mean?" He replied while keeping his one hand on my shoulder-" They are in danger" I asked hurridly-" what? how? wait, what are
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One step closer
JUNNIE'S POV:   I can't believe we fell into the trap!!! If not for Brad and Priam, I don't know what would have happened to me and Shawna... Maybe it's my fault too... I should have not listened to her and have informed someone elder... That way maybe... Nevertheless, we were saved by Mr. Ben Dunnie. Shawna trusts him, I don't know what makes her do so... But as I have seen so far... He cannot be a criminal.. maybe that is why she chose to help him. The danger had faded... They were gone...Brad Picked me up in his arms to take me to the nurse. I was a little shocked by his behavior and my heart was beating so fast seeing him up so close. It felt like my heart will jump out of my chest. I am pretty sure, he could hear my heartbeat which was out loud. I gasped a little as he picked me, and I looked at his face to see only a frown and concern. Is he worried abo
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A picnic day- part 1
SHAWNA'S POV:     I was sitting on the corner of the bed waiting impatiently for my grandmother and dad. I was scared of thinking about what should I tell them? Do they know about Ben Dunnie? No, they cannot know about him possibly, Nobody knew about him yet apart from my friends. I was a little afraid of thinking what if Jennifer and her friends saw him, but I was relieved to hear they were unconscious at that time. I was waiting while looking at the door impatiently when Grandma comes inside along with dad. She immediately rushed to me while hugging me saying-" Oh my dear, I was so scared when I heard about the incident." She looked at me, carefully trying to locate any bruises, to check if I am hurt. I gave her a smile of assurance saying-" Grandma, I am okay, I am your granddaughte
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A picnic day- Part two ( Confession)
SHAWNA'S POV: His kingdom was indeed bigger and stronger than ours, and also his father and mother are wise kings and queens. They did not show off their powers as they ruled the kingdom with grace and love just like their children. The people here seemed happy. Our country was stronger for grandma, but dad is alone without a queen in his beside, which had affected his status and his mental health too. I can now understand why the queen is equally important as the king in a kingdom, she gives strength to him while he is busy ruling the kingdom. Nevertheless, My father had never been discouraged towards his responsibilities but I am sure he misses mom very much. I wished if mom was here she would have hugged me too as Priam's mother did. She would have been proud of me too... I would have told her all that was going on inside me. A drop of tear escaped from my eyes, with the thought of her. I heard someone knocks at my door as I turned around to find his mom s
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His heart is mine
SHAWNA'S POV: His kingdom was indeed bigger and stronger than ours, and also his father and mother are wise kings and queens. They did not show off their powers as they ruled the kingdom with grace and love just like their children. The people here seemed happy. Our country was stronger for grandma, but dad is alone without a queen in his beside, which had affected his status and his mental health too. I can now understand why the queen is equally important as the king in a kingdom, she gives strength to him while he is busy ruling the kingdom. Nevertheless, My father had never been discouraged towards his responsibilities but I am sure he misses mom very much. I wished if mom was here she would have hugged me too as Priam's mother did. She would have been proud of me too... I would have told her all that was going on inside me. A drop of tear escaped from my eyes, with the thought of her. I heard someone knocks at my door as I turned around to find his mom s
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[Kingdom of Quinn] Somwhere In the dark palace   TECCA'S POV: Tecca-" Master, I have arranged everything" I replied while bowing down before a shadow ???2-" I have heard that before. Do not make me disappointed this time." She hissed in anger. Tecca-" I dare not master, This time, we shall succeed and you shall be reborn again" I replied with a low tone while still bowing towards her. ???2-" Make sure, everything falls in place, I have waited for 300 years for this moment. This time, while the power of the moon and sun hold as one in that day, I shall reborn, and shall be invincible." She spoke while laughing like a devil. Tecca-" I shall make sure of that this time, we have already threatened her for the war, and soon we will be meeting in person, for which, we will divert them in the war while you shall have the key m
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A Birthday Surprise
[TWILLIGHT, AT WWS AT SHAWNA'S ROOM] SHAWNA'S POV: AFTER A MONTH- JUNE 12TH 2010. FLASHBACK 10 YEARS AGO:  Gracious-" Shawna? Wake up, It's your birthday" She whispered. I rubbed my eyes while opening one eye, looking at her while still half-sleep. I was overjoyed to see Uncle Tom and mom holding a small cake with a candle on it. I immediately gave them a wide smile while hugging them while clapping my hands, I said-" It's my birthday..." Mom broke the hug and replied-" It is my little princess. You are a big girl now, You have turned Seven" I smilingly blew the candle and close my eyes wishing-" Please make my dad come back, I miss him so much" END OF FLASHBACK. FLASHBACK 6 YEARS AGO  Gracious-" Shawna? Oh! you are still awake?" she came inside holding a small cake in her hand with a candle on it. I replied with a small smile-" I was looking that if my wishes have worked for al
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It's all a trap!!!
There were lots of emotions going on in my mind, confused as hell. There was a lot to ask and a lot to know, but the situation had trapped me. Jenny is missing!!!. We have no idea where she could be. I was scared in my heart, what if she is in danger? What if...?  I stopped myself from thinking anything stupid, and tears were running from my eyes. Junnie hugged me and cried out loud, whereas I was just standing there with a confused face. She said while sobbing-" S-She was right here, in front of me, a-and suddenly she d-disappeared right in front of me!!!! I couldn't hold on to her" I hugged her back while striking my hands through her head to make her calm down. But what can I possibly do, when I was scared as hell. Knowing my situation, Priam held my shoulders tightly giving me an assurance look.  I nodded my head in return. What the hell is going on? What was that prophecy King Makenzie was telling me? How mom's picture was there in WWS? What is
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Rebirth of the Witch
The portal closed while making me standing there with the Sword alone, with blood dripping from my arms. My hands were shaking because of the pain, but I cannot stop, I know this sword will grant one wish out of pure blood, and that can be any wish, be bringing back any dead. This sword was powerful as well as dangerous. A lot of questions were running in my mind, how can be I pureblood? If not, why did the sword react toward my blood? But this is not the time to think of these. King Tecca's eyes fall on the sword, while I tightened my grip on the sword, ready to fight. He drew his sword ready to fight me. He said while smirking at me-" Princess, you are not in the position to fight back, give me the sword and the wand, and I shall let you live" I looked straight into his eyes and replied confidently-" Never... If you want it, come and get it from me". I still regret telling him that with confidence as I was scared from inside. He smiled and replied-" So shal
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Re-Unite of Some Old Friends
SHAWNA'S POV: My heart was beating so fast due to fear and panic. I didn't think that I would get back from there ever. Mr. Ben suddenly pulled my hand towards the portal and we landed before the gate of WWS. My body gave up and I landed on the ground holding my chest. I closed my eyes and tried to feel the fresh air to breathe, my heart was pounding so much that it could explode at any time.  I jolt opened my eyes hearing a familiar voice. I looked that way from where the voice is coming and saw a few figures running towards me. I squinted my eyes to see clearly and they were none other than my friends. Priam ran towards me and hold me in his arms while hugging me tightly-" Shawna? why did you do that? What if something happened to you? Are you insane?" I can sense the presence of care and concern in his voice. My smile curved into my lips and I hugged him back while saying slowly-" I am okay Priam"
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