Semua Bab More Than A Man: Bab 11 - Bab 20
70 Bab
"What is this I am hearing about you losing your temper to hit Master Rodas daughter?" Vallas said as a mode of greeting the moment he stormed into his heir room. His heir was lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling and when Vallas growled in anger at the lack of response from the child. "What I am talking to you child, look at me and pay me the respect I deserve."Penn released a sigh as she slowly sat up and struggled not to let her face pull up into a grimace because she knew that Vallas was watching her. She had to be careful not to show enough of what she is feeling because nothing much gets to escape her master notice. If she could pull off this deceit, she would count herself as lucky."Sorry sire, what?" Penn snaps at Vallas who frowned at the temper shown by his ward and also the title which his ward had not used in a long while."Why did you hit a friend of yours, what on earth possessed y
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“What do you mean that Penn is taking the blame for Stanley?” Vallas fury filled the room.“Apparently, Leda told Penn to try and look out for Stanley then the idiot decided to accost Penn in town and beat him then when my daughter tried to step in, Stanley turned his fury on her.” Rodas explains as he watched Vallas pace around in anger.“Unbelievable… so that was what the little brat was hiding.” Vallas was clearly angry but also he was amazed by Penn decision. Choosing to take the blame for someone who despised him and whom he hates just because he made the person’s mother a promise. That left him humbled. Penn was raised by good people to be able to do something which he himself would have never been able to do. “I am tempted to leave him there just because of his fool hardy behavior.”“Him being able to do something
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Penn returned to the compound to see Rima waiting impatiently for her.“I have half a mind to order your disassociation from her.” Vallas said in the middle of his conversation with Penn as Penn frowned at him.“Why? What have we done?” Penn asked.“It isn’t as a result of what you have done but what you will do and have already started doing to her.” Vallas corrected.“Speak plainly Master, I have not hurt Rima in any way and I would never allow her to get hurt in my presence.”“Hurt is inevitable, especially for those who we care about.”“There is no possible way for me to hurt her.” Penn said after thinking about it as the carriage rolled to a stop. Hurt Rima who was her only friend would be a foolish thing to do and she knew this and she wouldn’t be able to hurt Rima in any way, she actually liked the girl and Rima represented a sense of normalcy to her.
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Penn smiled as she looked at where Stanley and Rima were arguing like a pair of old married couples, they were perfect for each other but they would rather die than admit to that. Penn remembered when Stanley's attitude towards them changed, that was when he came back from the mill. The first thing he did was to hug Penn and thank her for saving his place in the compound and then he started to find ways to help Penn and to be around her, at first it infuriated Penn because Stanley was always getting close to catching her in her disguise. She still remember one time when Stanley had barged into her room while she was undressing, the hell she had raised as if she was being raped. “You maggot, stop dragging Penn's attention with me, he was my friend first while you were making his life miserable.” Rima stomped her foot in anger as Penn watched on in silence. While Stanley might have infuriated Penn before she started to make time for him, he still infuriates Rima who Pe
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After Vallas words which Penn took seriously she made it clear to her two new friends that she was not interested in being friends with others and although Stanley at first dint believe her words and tried to introduce her to new people whom he thought would be better friends than Rima, Penn refused and that was when her loyalty shone brighter than ever. Rima was a girl and thus was unneeded in a men world but Rima was also Penn's first friend and if there was something Penn didn’t do, it was abandon her friends because better options came up. And now Penn was feeling a childish anger of maybe getting new friends and abandoning the two enemies who rather have a competition between themselves for something related to her than to help her. “You just go alone.” Rima said to Penn as Penn glared at her and Stanley.“I honestly cannot believe you two, it doesn’t make sense. You are both fighting to accompany me on a task the day I have to do the task and ther
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Penn got home to see everywhere in chaos. “What is going on?” Penn grabbed one of the maids who was running around in a panic gait like a headless chicken. “Young Master.” She gulps. “Sire requires your urgent presence.”  She rushed out as she started herding Penn towards the direction of Lord Vallas's study. “Hold on! What is going on? Why is master looking for me?” Penn dug her heels into the ground, refusing to move a step further if she was not answered. “I don’t know.” The maid wrings her hand in distress, her eyes darting around like she was thinking about how to turn herself into two so one of her can drag Penn to see Lord Vallas while the other will go about the urgent activities which she was doing before Penn stopped her. “Okay, you can go back to what you were doing.” Penn orders, eyeing the maid carefully like she was worried the maid would throw her over her shoulders to deliver her to Lord Vallas.&nbs
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Penn controlled her coughs as she tried to shoot the prince glares from her watery eyes.  “Wedding?”“Yes.” The prince responded simply. “Don’t tell me that you spend a lot of time alone with a lady and don’t expect to get married to her?” Chandler grinned at the fire which Penn's eyes spat out. He doesn’t remember the last time he had this fun with someone who was not bowing down and kissing his feet when the person is aware of his status. In fact Penn was still looking at him like the errant child he originally thought Chandler was.  The prince fixed a concerned look on his face. “You cannot be with a lady of noble birth and not marry her.”“Your Majesty.” Master Rodas growled as another trainer held him back. He did not like what the prince was insinuating. Rima with her cheeks a fiery red, she clenched her fist in Penn arm to hold him back but she knew that he was going to retaliate. The rest of them present might know their place and not beat t
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“I am so happy that, that little brat is gone.” Vallas heaves a sigh of relief as Penn neck almost twisted off in her surprised as she whipped it around to look at Vallas.“I am sorry but I think my ears are going deaf, did you just say that you are happy the prince is gone?” Penn asked Vallas who smiled at her.“Yes, it is the best news I have gotten since I heard that he was on his way.” “But you just told him that you were sad to see him go and if he couldn’t extend his stay a little bit.” Penn reminds Vallas.“Really? I did, it must have been a long time ago.” “This happened just the past hour here.” Penn bits out as Vallas laughs. “I might have fibbed the truth a little bit to his face, what would you have had me do, tell him that I think he is a scum and not worthy of being under my shoe because of his parentage and lack of home training? I couldn’t tell him that if I wanted to keep my head on my neck.” Vallas stroked h
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Apparently, a step closer means the same place as before. Penn frowned as she stormed out of Vallas study, it has been a week since she and Lord Vallas returned from their little trip, little but highly significant and yet nothing had happened, when she had gone to complain to Vallas, with his annoying smile _like the world was full of daisies and people were not dying_ smile and simply told her that she was not ready. What will it take for her to be ready? Penn asked herself.“Penn, the man of the hour.” Stanley greeted as Rima stopped in front of Penn blocking his escape. “Not now both of you, I am not in the mood.” She mumbled to them, trying to side step Rima but she still went to her front. “You have been acting weird since you returned and you need to talk to your friends.” Rima said.“And if I chose not to?” Penn asked as Stanley and Rima laughed. “He thinks that he has a choice.” Stanley said behind him.“I wo
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“I hate coming to the capital.” Penn complains as Rima rolled her eyes beside her. They were seated in a carriage opposite Vallas who offered to take them to the capital to spend a day because he had something to do there. Stanley had begged off because he hated the capital and because Rima knew the reason, she allowed him to stay behind. Penn on the other hand was forced to come along with Rima who didn’t want to pass up the opportunity and wanted to hang out with her friend too. And since Penn life in the capital was not fully known to Rima, Penn couldn’t avoid going but she had been making her displeasure known right from the moment she was forced into the carriage with Rima who had been bouncing around in her seat with excitement. “And do you have to sound like a grumbling girl?” Vallas asked Penn who glared at him as if he had just given her the biggest insult ever and Rima took note of the look which Penn gave to Vallas. “You know, I have started to not
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