Semua Bab The Immortal's Diary: Bab 21 - Bab 30
31 Bab
Entry 19: April 1615
I saw a flock of geese, and a idea came to my mind. It was a sunny spring here and it’s a good day to let the animals to graze freely. Cows, sheep, donkeys, geese, chickens, name it almost every farm animals were everywhere. I shake every dust and hay on my clothes. As I went outside, I saw Barbara, she’s feeding the chickens.My heart raced like hell, my tears started to flow again.I was affected by every word she spoke yesternight. It echoed in my mind, these pain is unbearable. I can handle the  pain when I travelled through time but this one, it feels like it has tripled. “We must stop these relationship, if we do have. I need you to get out of this house. You’re just a stranger to us.” I held my chest, as I kept wiping my tears. I gathered all my strength to walked outside. I noticed her staring to me then turned her gaze away. 
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Entry 20: April 1615 (The farmer's daughter)
I've never been this happy especially after meeting these women :Lianna, Gaille and especially Barbara. Barbara trusted me in my actions now. We run to the wheat farm while hilding each other's hands. I can't help but smile, I am with the woman whom I know I love so much, more than the affection I have for both Lianna and Gaille.I looked at her and saw her smiling too. We stopped when we were at the entrance of the forest. She was surprised when she noticed the abandoned house there.I released her hand, we were both panting yet the smile on our faces never fade. Her hand landed on her lips covering it, she was in awe seeing the view, "This house isn't here before." I looked at her, "We will live here." "Really?" I nodded as a response. I reached my hand to her, "Are you sure? Are you ready to be one with an immortal?"
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Entry 21: 1941 (Unbeknown)
She was surprised at the new things that was happening to her right now. She was examining her skin which heals the wounds she received when we travelled. I stood up straight and looked at her, "Wanna go upstairs, milady?" I saw her blushed and she reached my hand. Together we went upstairs. When we got there, seems like time stood still. My mouth open in surprise. "Is there a problem, Samuel?" she asked me. Her voice is so soft and tender, it was like music in my ears. I closed my mouth and turn to her, "I was here before..."Then I walk towards the mailbox that is attach onto my door. I picked up a mail, it was dated December 1941. I met Leana in 1940, I don't know if I will meet her or if she know me. Barbara looked at me, "Is something wrong?" I snapped and turn to her, "No, nothing. I didnct exp
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Entry 22 : 1941 (Resentment)
I heard the main door open, I hurriedly run to it and see Barbara leave the house. I chased her, she ran unknowingly the consequences of the year today. For God’s sake! It was 1941, World War II happened this year. I grabbed her arm when I reached her. We were panting heavily, her eyes were both swollen. My emotions swirled, pity and anger. I hugged her, “Whatever she said to you, it was all untrue.” She felt relieved as her arms returned my hug. Now , I need to talk to Leana. I carried her back to the mansion. She rests her head on my chest and falls asleep.When we got back at the house, I went straight to my room and placed her on the bed. She was fast asleep. I carefully close the door to avoid making sone unwantwd noise. I went straight to the basement where  heard her laughing. It made me more rage. “That woman believed everything I s
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Entry 23: 1941 (Frailty)
 I am almost near the room when I saw the floor clearance (the gap between the door and the floor) emitting too much light.   Without thinking twice I immediately opened the door and I am horrified by the scene.   “BARBARA!”  I jolted. A nightmare. I looked at her side, she’s not there. Where could she be? I rose up and checked first the bathroom which is located inside the master’s bedroom. No one’s there. I went to the kitchen, then to the living room but she’s not there either. Lastly, I ran downstairs, to the basement. I saw her there, talking to Leana and Geanne. I sighed in relief. I joined them, she seemed surprise when I held hwr shoulders. She looked up at me, I kissed ger forehead and greeted them there. “Leana, pl
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Entry 24: Immortality
“S-Sam...”I panicked seeing blood flowing out of her eyes. I held her shoulders, my hands were shaking. Her hands and face were covered by blood. “I am not this miserable, until you came...” She shut her eyes. When she opened them she glared at me, “It was a mistake meeting you!” What is happening? I have sacrificed almost everything I have to be with her. “I wished I’ve never left Talia!” she screamed. I never noticed that I fell on my knees, I was surprised and shocked by her words. It was like arrows that pierced me... The last thing I heard was the door closing. I was staring on the wooden floor of the house, tears started to drip on the floor. My fists rolled to a ball. I was very angry. I never felt this emotion before.&nb
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Entry 25 : The Changes
Life of an immortal is both easy and hard. Easy because you have unlimited resources, you were born in a wealthy family; well almost every immortal is rich.Hard because you rarely see another immortal, you follow certain sets of rules which I have disobeyed since I met someone.You can’t even marry the one you love most – especially if it is a mortal. You cannot mingle with their lives. If they were born a mortal, let them live and die as a mortal. Infusing a pure immortal’s blood, loving an immortal and creating offspring with it are a few that prohibits us to do. Doing those makes a new set of life – the hybrids.Hybrids are half human and immortal. The priveleges of hybrids are they can travel through time, decades to centuries are their time travel perks. They cannot travel like immortals, who can travel even a minute ago, it costs them their life.Hybrids are abandoned after being born. The immortal parent will only leave them a certain amoun
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Entry 26: The Tampered Lives
"He's gone. Gone to work." I heard a chuckle from this person.My jaw almost dropped when I saw the owner of the person.“H-how?” I mouthed. I’m still in awe.She closed the gap between us, with her index finger, she closed my mouth.She smiled. “What are you talking about? Come join us for lunch.”Gaille was happy seeing me too. She grabbed my hand and assisted me to the dining hall.“Mom, what’s our food?” she asked as she lets go of me.Talia is Gaille’s mother. She doesn’t even recall me. Is she? Leana and Geanne are her in – laws.I looked at her, she’s matured. Prettier than Barbara whom I met a few moments in the car dealer’s shop.Talia is sexier, her sex appeal is strong, I cannot take my eyes off her.I shook my head and take my eyes away from her.I think of a topic so we could escape this
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Entry 27: Geanne
My hands were shaking as I looked back to the house.I took my keys and placed them in my pocket, I opened the door and started walking again back to the house. I knocked at the door and it opened quickly. Gaille peeked and smiled, she swung the door open and let me in. I saw Patrick kissed Talia on her forehead. He smiled at me and said , “See you again, Sam. Lunch’s over gotta get back to work.” He tapped my shoulder and went out. This is weird. Talia greeted me with a smile. I did not smile back, I intently looked at her grabbed her arm and took her where Gaille’s far and won’t hear us. I let her arm go and started to ask her questions. I almost whisper at her, “What is the meaning of this, Talia?”She gave me a confused look, “What do you mean? You’re scaring me.” Gaille went inside her roo
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Entry 28: December 2001 (The warning)
I explained well the details to Talia, alone. Geanne looks like Gaille’s brother they looked like each other. I remembered how she looks, she’s really scary I wonder how Patrick reacts to that. I told her to explain things to Geanne, she nodded as a response. I lost interest to Gaille. She just reminded me of a sister. I bid them goodbye and went to my car.Someone is waiting in the car, he is leaning on the car door. He waved his hand while smiling. Things get creepier. “Hi, Sam. Wheels of fate changed, you’ve brought someone that change everything.” I know who he meant. I am still wary whenever he’s around. “The cab driver you met was a different Pietro whom he never knew his fate. Your enemies are different, be cautious. You have been warned, Sam
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