Semua Bab Boyfriend for Sale: Bab 51 - Bab 60
577 Bab
"Wait, no!"Alex used his body to block the gate and stopped Shantal and upon seeing it, Shantal's eyes went heavenward."Come on, Alex, man up!"But then just right after Shantal said those words, she smirked."Or rather, robot up."She added and without waiting for Alex's response she started pulling the horse out of the stable."But I have never ridden a horse before!"Alex revealed with wide eyes. He thought that it would convince the other party to change her mind or at least make her think twice. But, Shantal only shrugged her shoulders when she heard that and gave her robot a once over."Obviously?! Besides, it was not like I expect you to have tried this before, and I honestly don't see the reason why Alpha Tech would have to spend time making their robots ride a horse before shipment. Don't worry, I got you."Somehow, Shantal found Alex's reaction quite silly."No, please spare me."Alex pleaded wi
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Right after scaring the shit out of Alex, Shantal invited him to go for a walk.However, just as when they were walking and enjoying the breathtaking view of the sun setting down on the horizon, Shantal subconsciously reached out to her neck to feel something.Yet upon her touch, she realized that something was missing. Dread clouded her feature as soon as it dawned on her that she lost her necklace somewhere."What is wrong?"Alex inquired when he noticed the sudden change in Shantal's expression."My necklace. It's gone. We have to find it before it went dark here."She replied as she frantically looked around her, checking the pavement as well as each of every bush along their way; and making sure that all spot was checked and no stone was left unturned.They also ended up tracing back their steps."Is it really that important?"Alex asked Shantal as the other party was busy feeling in the grass, thinking that her nec
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"Oh man, my necklace. Where is it?"Shantal thought out loud after she let out a deep sigh of exasperation. Because despite their combined effort, her necklace was still nowhere to be seen.While Shantal was wallowing over the loss of her necklace, something glistening within the grass caught Alex's attention.He hurriedly checked what was it and realized that it was actually the necklace. He finally found it but chose to remain silent."I'm pretty sure I lost it while we are doing horseback riding. If only I had not talked so much with you and get distracted."Shantal, on the other hand, added with an obvious tone of lamentation."I told you that I would find it for you, didn't I?""I suggest you start thinking what kind of wish you will be  granting me.""Hmmm. How about if I buy you the longest-running battery available in the market?""Nah. I have no use for that. Every Android Partners comes with a built-in bat
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"My first love."Shantal's answer came shortly and it was brief. At the same time, her set of orb-like eyes glistened with a nostalgic gleam as she rewound her life clock a tad."Zoren, Jodi, and I grew up together and the three of us used to play here. He was the son of a close family friend and both me and Jodi had a big fat crush on him back when we were a child."The corner of Shantal's lip quirked up a little when she recalled the past."When we went to middle school, Zoren confessed his love to me and since I also liked him, we became childhood sweethearts. But I told him that we have to keep our relationship in secret since I know how Jodi would feel about it."The smile on Shantals' face slowly turned into a bitter one the more she continued her story."But a year after that, my parents and I got into a car accident. They died and I was the only one to survive. Later on, we found out that the accident was orchestrated by a family fri
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Meanwhile, inside the townhouse..."Arvin my dear, can you please go to Mr. Hamon and asked for more rice wine? I feel like it has been ages since I last had a taste of the wine he made himself. I kinda missed the taste of it in my tongue."Jodi ordered her robot and the other party followed without her instruction delay."Just follow the pavement and it will lead you to the end of the orchard; his farmhouse will be just right across it then.""Roger that!"Arvin replied and without wasting another second, he left.Shantal, on the other hand, entered the house just as when Arvin exited from the same door."Where do you send him? Nighttime is approaching.""I told him to fetch us a few more rice wines from Mr. Hamon's farm.""I came there, you could have just called me.""It's fine. Beside Arvin was already on his way."What if he got lost in the dark?""Ohh, don't worry. Arvin is good at finding his
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Meanwhile, Jodi called Alex into the living room."Alex, can you help me?""What can I do for you, Jodi.""I need a flashlight but I think I left my phone inside the washroom. Can you get it for me, please?""Sure! No worries. By the way, have you seen, Shantal?""Nope. I have no idea of where she was right now."Jodi spouted a lie with a straight face."I see.""Don't worry, though. I am pretty sure she is fine.""Okay."Then Alex left to get Jodi's phone in the said washroom.Ever so slowly, Alex pushed the door open, it creaked as he went inside. He instantly spotted Jodi's phone lying on the sink so he picked it has.However, just as when he was about to live, he felt eyes on him. He looked behind his shoulder but there was nothing but darkness.Slowly, he approached the shower curtain.Meanwhile, on the other side of the shower curtain, Shantal was forced into a corner.
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On that particular night, Alex noticed that Shantal was acting weird, tailing Arvin and following the other party wherever he went.At the same time, she was walking with an awkward gait."I wonder how many bottles she had?"Alex was busy watching his master when all of a sudden he heard Jodi speaking right next to him. When he looked at the other party. Jodi only jutted her lips and pointed back at Shantal.He followed it with his gaze and when he realized where the direction she was pointing him at, he saw that their fridge was left open and there were some used bottles that littered the floor below it.In fact, Shantal was actually holding another bottle in her hand.When Alex saw all of that, it was then that realization hit him and he immediately made his way towards Shantal."You already have enough, Shantal. Why don't you go to your room and rest for tonight?"He suggested but Shantal only swatted his hands and pushed hi
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Jodi and Shantal felt like throwing a camping vibe that night and so to complete the mood, Arvin tried set up a bone fire outside. But starting a fire out from scratch was not as easy as how the robot initially thought it was. After all, Arvin have never done it before. That was when Alex decided to give him a hand."First you need this."He muttered under his breath right after he made a heap of dried twigs that he happened to collect along the way."I will go and get some more."Arvin said as he also started to pick some dried branches. With Arvin and Alex's joint effort, they were able to use it to start a  fire in no time. Just like what the two girls planned, they indeed make the most of the night. But, nothing eventful happened that night, anyway. Other than the fact that Shantal and Jodi both ended up wasting away. As they made sure to enjoy the rice wine up to its very last drop.From the current look it. it even seemed that they were
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Another half an hour passed with mostly Jodi and Shantal goofing around, and when their body was finally unable to handle the amount of alcohol that they were taking, they both went limp. So once again, the two gentlemen were left with no choice but to carry them on their back and bring them to their respective rooms. As soon as Alex was done tucking Shantal on her bed, he received a notification from the facility house and when he looked at its ID, he saw that the message was registered under Harold's name."Everything is ready on our end. Our car will be outside any minute from now."That was what he said in the message and Alex already knew what has to be done from there."Alright, I will get going."He replied with a simpered smile before he headed to the door. However, just as when he was about to step outside the room, he turned around and looked at Shantal for one last time."I guess, this is goodbye then."He mutter
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A sudden change of disposition
For some unknown reason, Shantal woke up in the middle of the night. She was not sure why, but she suddenly felt like something was wrong and when she checked the end of her bed which was Alex's usual spot, that was when she realized that other party was nowhere to be seen.When that realization dawned at her, she quickly bolted straight up to her bed and look around her. She squinted her eyes and tried to strain them and looked past the darkness, yet there was nothing she could see at the moment but the pitch black room. So she untangled herself from her blanket and swung her legs at the edge of the bed to let her feet dangled as she tried to adjust her eyes from her surroundings. At this point, she was already sober enough to wonder where her robot had gone."Where is this robot of mine had gone at the middle of the night?"She thought to herself as she exhaled an exasperated sigh. Then as she used her feet to feel in the darkness; searching for her slippers,
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