Semua Bab Night Slayer: Bab 21 - Bab 30
142 Bab
Chapter 21
Conversation continued as Jo walked into the cabin, Zane behind her. He didn’t stay there for long. Dax raised a hand to him, and Zane tapped Jo on the shoulder before he went over to say hello. Everywhere she looked, groups of people were swapping stories or getting reacquainted. Some were laughing, as if they were caught up in the glory days of the past. Others were clearly irritated or even downright angry about what LIGHTS had become. A few of them smiled when they caught her staring, but no one approached, and Jo wasn’t sure what to do.She felt like at least a half hour had passed as the groups ebbed and flowed, people shifting to other parts of the room or disappearing into other parts of the house. No one said anything to her, which wasn’t too surprising considering she didn’t really know anyone save the people she’d arrived with--and Scott. From some of their expressions, it was clear she wasn’t necessarily we
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Chapter 22
Jo stared at Scott as he came to a stop in front of her. He took a step to the side and gestured for her to step forward. “Let’s get on with it, Little Mac,” he said.If Scott was willing to listen to her, then everyone else had to be, too. The others gathered around, and Jo tried to determine what would be the best place to start strategizing.There was a pool table in the corner. Jo moved toward it, and the others saw where she was headed. A screech of wooden legs against wooden flooring filled her ears as they moved the table and assembled chairs around it. “Do we have a paper map?” she asked Mila because she was standing nearby and had been there a while.She looked a little confused, but Mikali stepped over with the requested item. It was large, and he’d pulled it from the corner of the room where it had been propped against a bookshelf.“Thank you. I app
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Chapter 23
The sky above her was clear, a thousand foreign stars winking down at her. “Russian stars look a lot like American and Canadian stars, don’t they?”She knew it was Scott behind her before she turned her head. In fact, she’d known he was the one who’d come out even before he spoke. She couldn’t read minds like her aunt could, but she did sometimes get a sixth sense about things.It was odd how he’d been glaring at her earlier and hadn’t spoken a word to her until she needed someone to help her out with starting the meeting, someone the others would follow. Sure, Zane could’ve stepped up, but they didn’t know him any better than they knew her, and with a last name like his, chances were they wouldn’t trust him until he proved himself to them either.But Scott was here now, wanting to talk. Jo sank down on a roughly hewn log bench, and he sat at the other e
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Chapter 24
Somehow, Jo had ended up getting stuck with the Jeep riddled with bullet holes. After a big fuss where some of the team members yelled at others over who got to take the vehicle they’d rode to the cabin in together, she’d finally settled it by drawing straws. She was still shaking her head about it two hours later as Zane drove them deeper into the snow and ice, closer to the mountains. If all of their team members always acted like this, like kindergartners fighting over a toy, it was no wonder her dad always seemed to be on his last nerve.Ping and Leo sat in the back seat, neither of them saying much of anything. Jo knew now would be a great time to get to know them. It was important for her to be familiar with anyone who might have her life in their hands, after all, but they weren’t voluntarily speaking up, and she didn’t see the point in forcing them. Zane had tried earlier, asking a few questions about where they’d gr
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Chapter 25
The table in front of him was littered with poker chips and cards, coins from various European countries and a smattering of bills in the middle. The man in black ripped all of the money toward him, a grin pulling at one corner of his mouth as he wished his rivals a good day. The others tossed down cards, their cries of anger or disappointment evident even though Jo didn’t speak a lick of Russian and didn’t care to use her translator on matters that didn’t make a difference to her.Some of the others departed as she approached, either out of the game or leery of a woman dressed in black leather carrying more weapons than a gladiator. A few stuck around, possibly hoping for a show. Jo ignored them and waited for the American to look up from the cards he was shuffling, his winnings shoved safely into a pouch that hung around his waist.He was ignoring her. That much was certain. It didn’t take anyone that long to s
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Chapter 26
The village faded out the back glass as Jo tried to pry her eyes away from the rearview mirror. Night was falling fast, and it wasn’t long until the tips of the rooftops vanished. But it wasn’t the town her eyes were drawn to; it was the strange man sitting behind her, his hood still pulled up around his ears as he huddled in the back seat, his uneasiness pervasive enough to fill the entire vehicle.They hadn’t gone far when he ordered Zane to stop the car. He turned from one side to the other, carefully looking through the darkness for any signs that they weren’t alone. When he was satisfied, he opened the car door and got out.Jo looked at the others, unsure of exactly what was going on. Zane gestured for her to get out as well. The American was standing in front of the Jeep, his hands in his pockets as he waited, the falling snow catching the headlights as it swirled around him. With a deep breath, she pushed
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Chapter 27
At dusk, Zane pulled the Jeep to a stop near the spot in the winding overgrown road where Jo had spoken to Ryker the evening before. They couldn’t see the tavern from here, but she imagined the lower the sun sank in the sky, the more scurrying figures could be seen rushing to their homes from the gathering place, their heads down but shifting so that they could check their backs with the corners of their eyes. What a miserable way to exist.“Do you think he’ll show?” Leo asked from the back seat, the skepticism obvious in his tone.“Yes.” One word was all Jo could bother with. After a day of wandering around the frozen Siberian tundra, visiting a few other villages, and getting nowhere. She wasn’t in the mood to explain herself. Checking with the other teams hadn’t given her anything to grow excited about either, though Cass had finally reached the town where Eliza and Lucas lived, not tha
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Chapter 28
Sitting on what appeared to be a handmade quilt at least a few decades older than her, draped across a mattress that may have been in the old lodge two villages over, the first one that had had an empty room, since Jo’s father was born, she listened to the rest of her team discussing their options, keeping her mouth shut. Ryker had spent the entire drive cussing them out over how much trouble they’d gotten him into, and even when Jo had handed over twice the cash she’d originally promised him, the man hadn’t shut up. He was downstairs in the bar now, likely spending a chunk of the money he’d just earned trying to forget their predicament, a luxury Jo couldn’t afford. He’d insisted on keeping his bags with him, too, saying he didn’t trust them not to go through them.“I say we leave him here,” Leo was saying, sitting in an old recliner near a fire they’d lit for their human companion when t
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Chapter 29
Voices awoke her well before Jo was ready to open her eyes. The sounds of men’s voices discussing something in hushed whispers across the room mingled with another voice, another male, a familiar one, emanating from her own mind, and she realized she’d fallen asleep with her IAC on. That didn’t happen often. By the time she realized it was her Uncle Elliott trying to get her attention, Jo’s eyes were open, and Leo and Zane were looking at her, wearing matching worried expressions.Rather than attempting to explain to them that she hadn’t heard a damn word they’d said, she pulled the blankets over her face and focused on her uncle. “What’s up?” she asked, certain the grogginess in her voice wouldn’t be his only clue that he’d woken her. He’d likely figured that out when calling her name eighty-two times had gotten him nowhere.“Well, if it ain&rsqu
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Chapter 30
The location Ryker had given her was farther away than Jo realized. It took a few hours to get there, especially since the roads were terrible, full of potholes and covered with fallen branches. The inches of ice and snow they had to pick their way through didn’t help any either. If the vehicle they had was the high-end sort the team had instant access to in the past, they might’ve made it in half the time, but dreams of what used to be were nothing but a distraction, and Jo didn’t need any distractions at the moment.Zane brought the Jeep to a halt on the side of the road in a wooded area. The wind whipped between evergreen branches, blowing the snow off of the needles and sending it spraying up off of the ground so that it appeared to be snowing, even though it wasn’t at the moment. “This is it,” Zane said. “As close as I can get us by road.”“Where’s the actual location?&rdq
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