Semua Bab Until she met him: Bab 31 - Bab 40
247 Bab
31. Humbled
The Leej family have been keeping the news of young master Matthew Leej arrest as a top notch secret and had been hoping that he will be released before the media got hold of the news. The scandal that will follow that will definitely ruin the family. It’s was as if their luck changed when Matthew appeared at the entrance of the Leej residence on the fifth day post his arrest. He was disheveled, lost weight and his eyes that always held a mischievous glint seem dull and lifeless. It made people wonder what actually happened to him when he was arrested. The maids and everyone present was baffled.“Master Leej welcome, please do you want something or should be help you anything?” all the maids rushed forward to attend to him at once. Although he has been a bully and was very rude to them in the previous years, they still have to take care of him when the need present itself. The maids been working for the Leej family for so long and his current appearance was very pitiful to uphold. Brin
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32. Matthew’s Story unfolded
With all the Leej family seated, he started the story of how he made plan for an innocent girl to suffer just because of his ego but rather suffered in place of her.“You’ve all heard the news of how Alice cheated on me years ago and so I went ahead to date her sister Linda right?”, he questioned them with his head bowed down. He decided to tell the story from stretch.They family nodded eagerly not understanding where this was leading in terms of what happened to him in jail. With a bitter smile, he muttered in reply. “well it’s a lie, I was using Alice only to get close to Linda. I lead her on for years and dated her because of her sister so when Linda agreed to go out with me, I dumped Alice immediately for her without a second thought. Linda and I couldn’t just come out with the truth so we made that story up so we won’t look bad in front of people.”The family members that were once worshiping the ground Linda walked on suddenly disperse her as they thought of how she could do t
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33. The Story Continued
Knowing what he knew now, he was sure he would have done things differently in the past if given the opportunity.Seeing the disappointed look on the faces of his family, his heart hurt and for the first time in a long time, he felt remorse for his actions. He knew he had to finish the story for his conscience to be a tiny bit clear so with all the dirty things he had done in the past. With all the strength he would master, he continued the tale with a stoic expression on his face.With his head bow low, he spoke softly, “We thought she was out of our lives for good because we knew that her being out of the Davison manson was the end of her life. She had no one besides them, she was literally an orphan because Jacob was never a father to her. That had been the reason why although she was always maltreated by them, she still stayed with a complain. She went to her friend Ava to stay with her whilst looking for a job. They were staying together in harmony until Linda went to blackmail th
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34. Why He Is The Most Feared
“Matthew why are you calm about the way that parrot spoke about you? Are you okay? what has befallen you?”, His youngest cousin Leah asked curiously with her mouth gaping wide. The way she said it earned her a sharp glare from Rose but the others giggled silently and teasingly making Rose flush red in embarrassment. She pouted and roll her eyes in displeasure.With a small smile, Matthew explained “I have experienced worse taunting than this besides he only did what he did to teach the Leej family and especially me a lesson. He did it to prove to us that the Davison family and all the other families that pulled out of our company will only be with us only when it beneficial to them. He said our company will be back to its original glory by the end of today. He also mentioned that he will be our major investor and will help build us up again from the ground into one better than our previous company. He said he will rebuild our brand from ashes and make us more stronger and successful t
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35. The Scandal
Days in and days out, days soon turned into weeks and like magic, it was summer time. Like every other young girl, Alice was excited for her dream summer as she doesn't have to work or worry about anything apart from going to school and enjoying her best life. It was good in the beginning but all her plans failed in the blink of an eye. Alice have been getting extremely close to Alex over her stay in the villa. They went out on dates to the restaurants, beach and the cinema for the movies even when there was a home theatre in the mansion. Sometimes they just go out for drives or casual walks hand in hand. They got closer and more intimate and bonded more with the time they spent together. It wasn't long before pictures of them together surfaced and soon the public was aware of her presence in Alex's life. In the early morning of the beginning of the summer season, the whole town was buzzing with the latest news of the new woman in the life of Alex Johnson. Overnight Alice became the
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36. Sick
Alice has been down ever since the issue of the scandal came to her notice and broke out, she’s been withdrawn and haven’t been eating well either. She’s been moody with a lot of mood swings and tantrums.Alex was worried,”Mr Peter, I’ve been very worried about Alice of late, I’m done with the issue concerning the scandal, it’s been erased completely and no one even dares to mention her name. Do you think I should let her know that she doesn’t have to worry anymore? That everything is now in the open?”, he asked Peter softly.“Yes of cos young master you have to! , please hurry and let her know maybe it will brighten her mood and make her less moody.” He replied with a soft smile.Alex nodded eagerly and went to her room in long strides. It surprised him that she was already awake and reading a novel by the time he entered the room. He didn’t ever bother to knock because he felt she won’t be awake, he planned to join her in bed hoping to cuddle up to her a bit before she wakes up.“Mmm
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37. The News
William was quite anxious about the whole situation after realizing that the one Alexander wanted him to see was the same girl from weeks ago. Initially he was quite curious to see who the girl with Alex was, his anxiety made the wait look so long that he almost opened the door himself to go in search of the two people he was dying to see. Just then the door opened and Alex came in first holding the hands of a fragile looking girl that seems to be hiding behind him.But at a glance she was very beautiful and a sight to behold, she stood tall and bold with big green eyes, pouting red lips and an appearance that speaks elegance and sassy and a bit of attitude.Taking a closer look at the girl, he knew who she was immediately, ‘isn’t she the one this shameless guy over there threw his precious virginity away for? , oh so the rumors are true then, they are truly dating. I knew the picture of the girl on the magazine looked quite familiar and I wasn’t wrong. Damn! I also heard about how he
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38. Meeting Grandma Johnson
In the VIP room of the prestigious General hospital, Alex gradually regain his consciousness. His mind was crowded and he was a bit disoriented. He got up slowly and sat on the bed as he spoke to himself softly.“Oh what a terrible dream I’ve had, hahahahaha! To even think of myself as a father gives me goosebumps. I think I will have to talk to Alice about getting protection against pregnancy before it is too late.” He nodded in agreement to his own words.He almost jumped in flight when he heard a soft tired voice,”I don’t think you were dreaming Alex, you could have at least tried to look at your surroundings before rushing to conclude on your situation. And I don’t think protection is needed because we are never having sexual again.” With an angry humph she turned angrily.‘What is so wrong about having a baby with me. I’m afraid the baby might be for the stranger that took advantage of me weeks ago, I’ve been thinking for a long time since I got to the news but haven’t reached a c
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39. Schemes and Plots with a Revelation
Total and utter slience was observed in the room after Alex finished talking with Jake. So silent that even a pin drop would have been heard from a distance in the room. The two women where both speechless, confused and bewildered.The first to recover was Alice, she approached him with a confused expression.“Alex?, did you just inform your assistant to apply and to get a marriage certificate ready by tomorrow? A whole marriage certificate? I think I might have been hallucinating earlier because I heard that.......”, she turned to look at Grandma whilst thinking of what she thought she must have heard wrongly.“Well, then I guess I had the same hallucinations as because I heard it all. I heard it loud and clear”. Lilly muttered with an amused expression whilst looking between the youngsters in front of her.Alex seeing Alice expression and how cute she looked frowning as she tired to make sense of what she heard , he had some interesting things going through his mind. ‘Damn! Look at
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40. The Ring
That evening after that celebration, they had a silent time in the living room with everyone lost in their own thoughts. The food they ate earlier was indeed very delicious but no body paid it any mind and after a while with the tension raising. Alice placed her glass of non-alcoholic drink down and got up from the couch,” I’m going to bed, i had a tiring day and all I want to do now is to coil up ……… bed and sleep like a baby…”, she yawned in the midst of completing her sentence. Grandma nodded in understanding,”yeah yeah you should be really tired but are you sure you’ve had enough food for the night?” She said whilst eyeing the extra plate full of food she gave her a while ago when she complained of hunger. The plate of food looked barely touched. Lilly turned to look at Alex, she saw that he was also staring at her with some intensity making the girl blush shamelessly. Shaking her head in amazement,’ young love…. Ohh laaa laaa, look at them like school children looking at the
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