Semua Bab Alpha Alden: Bab 31 - Bab 40
51 Bab
~Kezziah Understandably, Alden looks confused. It slipped out of my mouth before I had time to go over it in my head. Beforehand, I had planned to walk in and approach this casually. Now I’ve stunned Alden, and left me raking my mind for a way out of this. I’m unsure of how I’m going to take a few steps back from what I’ve already said. I shouldn’t have come up here...I shouldn’t have thought it would be a good idea to approach Alden with this idea. I shouldn’t- “Could you say that again?” Alden asks. The creases in his forehea
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~Alden My first reaction was not to chase her.I felt it deep within the primal part of me. My instincts suggest I should follow her, catch her and bring her back here. But the practiced part of me knows better than to make a riot out of trying to find her. Frighten my people and risk exposing the expanse of what is going on inside this institute. So when the elevator doors glided closed, and Kezziah’s panicky face disappeared, I pulled myself to a stop and breathed in deeply. No matter how hard the depths within me pull me to follow her, to stop her before she escapes into the streets, I don’t.
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~Kezziah Jamie’s fear told me everything. Whoever may behind me has him so frightened, he’s seized with fear, unable to say or do anything other than stare. I’m frozen too, muscles rigid under the hand that lays on my shoulder, tighten as each second passes. I have a feeling that if I wanted to escape, it wouldn’t be an option. Suddenly snapping into reality, Jamie says no more, quickly shoving his door closed. I hear the lock click, leaving me be with whoever has scared them so much. When they finally remove their hand, I slow
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~Kezziah The world fell out from under me. It was the strange feeling that enveloped me that scared me most. I’ve been through this before with a different Immortal. What scares me is the tight grip on my arm, refusing to let go, forcing me to follow suit. I don’t know exactly where Fate is taking me, but the idea in my head is terrifying. He’s taking me straight to Time. The moment my feet found hard ground, I pushed away so hard from Fate, I stumbled back a few steps, nearly toppling over. Wherever he’s taken me, it’s not fro
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~Alden It hasn’t rained so hard in the Wisdom Pack for a long while. Icy winds accompanied it, lashing against my back and side, soaking me right through to the bone. This weather is a personification of my mood. If there is even an inch of this city I haven’t searched today, I would would be very much surprised. On my own two feet two. As much as the ache and protest, begging to to stop.My building comes into view through the haze of rain. People with black umbrellas up, rushing through the weather pay me no mind. With rain drenched hair and a solemn expression, I’m almost sure they don’t recognize me. 
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~Alden It hasn’t rained so hard in the Wisdom Pack for a long while. Icy winds accompanied it, lashing against my back and side, soaking me right through to the bone. This weather is a personification of my mood. If there is even an inch of this city I haven’t searched today, I would would be very much surprised. On my own two feet two. As much as the ache and protest, begging to to stop.My building comes into view through the haze of rain. People with black umbrellas up, rushing through the weather pay me no mind. With rain drenched hair and a solemn expression, I’m almost sure they don’t recognize me. 
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~Kezziah I’m not sure why I’m so nervous to see Alden. Maybe I’m nervous for his reaction. I can’t imagine he will be very happy to see me. And all my privileges with a good room and being able to walk around will be taken from me. However, Fate is right. I need to go back and face this issue. With this ring on my finger, I’m almost certain to be hidden from Time. That is, if Fate is telling the truth. He took me from the strange realm between the mortal and immortal land to the top of a very large building. We teetered on the edge, the lights of the Wisdom Pack city so bright it’s disorienting. Fate holds my arm while I r
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~Kezziah I’m not sure what compelled me to do it. Maybe it is the mate bond between me and him that suddenly becomes apparent the moments our lips touch. The second it dawned on me, I pulled away though, not leaving enough time for either more or Alden to experience it long enough to grasp it in the moment. It was only until I pulled away and looked back into his stunned eyes that I realised what I had done. Alden blinks a few times, then tenses. In that moment, all my ideas Fate had plotted alongside me crumbled into nothing. I had just revealed we are mates. There is no longer any way to hide from this. 
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~Kezziah “How do you know?”Etta stares at me blankly, all colour seeping out her face. She knows she stepped out of line, but with everyone around us on surrounding tables has all their attention on us. I doubt there is a single person in this room that doesn’t know what happened to my parents. “Look Kezziah, we don’t have to talk about it,” Melena says firmly, glancing around at everyone else. At least she respects my privacy, but it looks like it’s too late. If I wasn’t so worked up from this revelation, I would be surprised Melena is caring about me to any degree. 
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~Kezziah Nerves bubble up inside me as we approach the house. It feels forbidden to be stepping inside Alden’s safe house. He keeps this from the eyes of the public for a reason. I may be his mate, yet it seems so strange to be stepping into his personal life like this. I only know him as the Alpha. The professional man whose only objectives have been in the name of science.Alden unlocks the door, holding it open for me to go inside first. Immediately I’m hit with some kind of warmth, that doesn’t seem physical. Maybe it’s the aura of this place, or the intimacy that surrounds it. Either way, I like it. 
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