Semua Bab FIERCE LOVE OF WOLF GODDESS: Bab 41 - Bab 50
97 Bab
In Search of Strong Mate
All gathered around Lucy who was holding her head with dizziness. She tries to look at the people around but her vision was a blur. She tries to find Elle who offered her a drink to gain her confidence but she was nowhere to be seen.“What's happening??” She shouts“Ella, what you have given me. My head... My I can't see anything and this headache is making me insane” she shout with pain.People around him growl and howl at her defeat. She felt embarrassed and weak at the situation. They all mocked and laughed at her weak and stupidity.“We don’t want this weak and stupid Luna. How could you trust anyone” one commented.“You crying like a baby. Such a dumb ass”. Other commented.“I doubt she is the wolverine. We wolves are stronger and much powerful. Look at her she thought her beauty is enough to become the mate of our Alpha”. The people keep taunting and abusing h
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Angelic Signs of Mother Nature
 Just as she was about to exit from the war zone, she found an injured and weak wolf who was lying on the ground and slowly pleading for help. His fur was spread across the forest and he was badly injured. He got bows on his back. The slow voice of his howl gets Lucy's attention. She growled and move close to the injured fellow wolf. Lucy's body was badly bruised with the rocks, and attacks of the animals too. She felt exhausted but competition against the time for the mating test is important for her. She is determined to be accepted as the mate of Raven Alpha but the test has made her body worse. Her skin was scratched and blood oozed from her body but she tried hard to get the injured and fainted wolf on her back. By stretching her legs and using her bleeding paws, she finally successfully lift the injured and faint wolf who is much heavier and stronger than Lucy on her back. Luna's duties are tough, and she needs to be supportive as well as the savior for her pack.
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Alpha and She-Wolf Fierce Fight
Finally the most awaiting day for the "Silver Moon Pack" is here. All gathered around the Raven Palace to witness the most challenging and auspicious moment of their pack. Their Alpha will get his mate finally. But the last test is fierce and most harsh. As Lucy came out of her cottage, every gaze looked at her intensely. There was a whisper around. Everyone was in a dilemma whether she becomes their Luna or not. After getting the Luna, their pack will be more stronger and robust than ever before. The power of Alpha will be double after getting the mate. Lucy Bolt is loud, rude, proud, and a rogue girl who has boldly challenged their Alpha. She always augments about her wolverine powers and claims their Alpha Raven Demis the ultimate mate. The second round of mate test has changed their views about Lucy. She seems smart and strong enough to lead a pack. But the final fight with Alpha remains. It will decide the future of their pack. All were curious about the final result. Nobody ev
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Injured Alpha and Miserable Wolverine
"God Bless the Divinity. God Bless our Queen". All praised for Becky's decision. They looked around and found their Goddess disappear. Before any further delay, people gathered around Lucy Bolt and Raven Alpha and immediately took them to their medical cottages. While Alpha was to towards his palace, where his specially trained doctors were ready to treat him. His injuries are minor but the loss of vision and his eye injury was severe enough. They immediately took out his clothes and inject the anesthesia medicine into him. Raven was screaming with pain. It was impossible to control the injured Alpha who was rebellious and violent with each passing minute. While the other people have taken Lucy to their medical camp. They carefully changed her clothes because her bones were cracked. Her body was left with sole flesh. After the warning of the Goddess, the pack has to save their Alpha and Lucy to less their punishments from the divinity. If Lucy lost her life, the consequ
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The Signs of Angels Appear
" Oh God. This chapter sucks. I don't want to study now". Bella closed her books with frustration. She looked at her friend Alina who was still lost in her books. "Hey, Aly. I am starving. Let us go to the canteen" Ruby poke her shoulder. " Yeah yeah.. Just give me 10 minutes. Let me complete this sum". Alina reply without looking at her. "Noo.... Let's go. Enough of your boring sums. Calculus is beyond us. It already sucks my brain and now I am starving". Bella's frustrated reply. “No Bel, I love calculus. You just need to focus on the statements, and then it would be piece of cake to solve the sums”. Alina replied while continuing her work.“Whatever, not everyone is a bookworm like you. If it is in your hand, you never allow Prof. Leo to left the class”. Bella asked while rolling her eyes.Alina ignores her frustrated words and continues her work. Bella looked at her for some ti
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A Burning Morning In Red Moon City
“Today, the world has recorded the hottest day of the year. As the sun rises, the sky has changed its color from vibrant blue to the red hot balloon. Many people claimed the strange series of clouds appeared in the sky, at the start of the day, which later changes the colors of the sky to the unusual red. It also brings the hot wind which blows until dawn. Also, strange smoke was seen in some parts of the world around the sun, which seems, that the sun has burned the surrounding planets with its deathly heat. The pleasant weather turns hotter as the sun completely rises. The red blood sky that has already cast the death spell over the city with its fierce hot air causes the number of deaths in the city. With the sharp and murderous arrows of fire that are thrown on the earth with the sunrise. It seems somebody has directed the volcano eruption towards the city. Almost 70% of death rates have been noted and more casualties of the fainted people have been recorded. The hospitals
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Colt is not My Boyfriend
Alina was confused about the incident that happens in her college. First, how she convinced Peter's apology and immediately forgive him without any complaints or revenge. She wonders, like Bella how she just convinced and talks normally with Peter. And then her communication with the cat. She failed to understand, how her heart turns soft for the evil Peter and the language of animals. How she knows what the cat was talking about. How she understands her and helps her. After her birthday, such unusual things are happening with her daily. She feels hypnotize in such a situation and acts differently. The mysterious stalker, who has a scary face, and always tries to attack her. The eagle, who stays around her like a lifeguard. Whenever Alina was alone or that weird scary stalker appears, the eagle came and attack him. Now Alina has started understanding his language as well. His screams have words. She was lost in her thoughts and trying to understand the incidents which confused her.
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Sinners & Saints
Becky looked at her watch which stuck at 3 o'clock. It was almost evening. She has very little time to find the Prophecy Book key and Snow Arrows. “I don’t have enough time left. I should leave before the darkness starts”. She self-talk.“But where can I find the Prophecy Key. I need to find the demon for this”. She planned. With lost in thoughts, she came out of the Silver Pack colony. While walking down the streets, she tries to remember the code words told by the lady to find the “Snowy Arrows”.“Sinners and Saints Love to Stay Together with Peaceful and Soulful". She murmured. She keeps chanting those words but couldn’t be got the idea. She tried to think and analyze words to understand the hidden meaning behind the lady words but failed to understand them. Just as she was walking through the little street when her ears caught the voice of the church bell. Her mind clicks and she immediately ran towards th
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The Danger of Fallen Angel
Father Chris looked at Becky in surprise. He was wondering at the code words which she repeating to get the “Snowy Arrows” from Father Chris. He was about to say again but his gaze went towards Granny and Alina, who was looking in their direction. Father stuck at the wondering sight and unintentionally moves towards Granny while looking at Alina intendedly.“Good Evening Father” Granny greeted Father ChrisBut Father Chris was observing Alina and become speechless. His eyes have to change emotions that nobody could understand. Might be he knows the aura of Fallen Angel. He was trying to find something on her face.Becky and Granny looked at Father Chris actions who was slowly recieting something. He was standing silently with his head down and murmuring some words. Becky tried to hear him, but it was so soft and low that she couldn’t understand them properly.Granny couldn’t tolerate the gaze and the silent moves of Fat
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Disaster of Red Moon Night
She turned and look at the fierce red animal behind her who was growling and looking at Becky with anger. His eyes have aggression and hatred. Becky looked at the animal.“Calm Down. Calm Down. The night just begins”. She tried to use her Goddess power over the angry wolf. The wolf didn’t listen and pace like an angry and injured wolf. He growls while desperate to attack Becky. Becky tried to control his aggression through his eyes. He immediately steals his gaze and looked on the other side, while growling and warning her with his loud voice.“Don’t be rogue. Be gentle. Calm down. Control your nerves” She again tried to control by moving closer to him. But he was stubborn to get himself under her Goddess spell.She tried to grab him but he skipped every time from her hold. It’s a Red Moon Night and every force will react more violent and ruthless towards the calm and submissive forces. Angels are bound to obey the evils
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