Semua Bab Spicing up the Ranch: Bab 41 - Bab 50
77 Bab
  “The IT people are not going to be happy when they see this list.” Micha chuckled to himself. As he was looking at the files he began to see a pattern on not only the work files but the work email system. He was not happy as he started to glance over them as he pulled them up. It seemed that the men of the company did more than just harass the women of it as well.He needed to find the movie files there were referring too in the messages. He knew this could be the last thing that could break him as well. Though he had kind of lost his temper earlier he also he had held back. If the videos were there on one of the computers he would completely destroy them when he returned to the company in a few weeks.“What did you find?” Sophia asked as she looked at him.“They keep referring to a few things that I believe they might have some videos stashed on one of the computers.” Micha said knowing that he had
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   Micha left her on his shoulder the entire way up the stairs and even when they arrived at the small bathroom there. He turned on the water so it would be hot by the time they were ready to get in. He set her down gently and then ran his hand down her sides as she looked up to him. He grabbed the bottom of her shirt and then lifted it over her head slowly. He noticed that like most women on a ranch she was wearing a binder on her large breasts. They were flattened against her. He liked the look of her with out it though he understood the reasoning behind it.He unclasped the back of it and watched as her face should the signs of relief when her tits were free from their confines. He then repeated the process of doing the same with her bra. She now stood there in front of him with nothing covering her top half. She looked up to him as his hands ran down the sides of her mounds and then they dipped lower to the top button of her pants. S
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  Sophia was dead to the world when Micha woke up with a start. He listened to make sure no one was in the house like a few nights before. There was nothing there. He didn’t know why he was awake but he just settled himself into the bed with her tiny frame next to his. Her head on his chest and the slight weight of it was making him feel better just knowing she was there.Micha knew this was what he was missing in his life. Everything was right here. He had to make this work any way he could. The company had become somewhat boring and predictable. He knew he could run it without ever really lifting a finger but he had enjoyed moving through the ranks to get to where he was now. He had money for the first time he didn’t care about that. There were other things he wanted to do that were more important.He ran his fingers through her hair and relished in the thought of trying something new. It was because of her. He should have known
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  Micha finished the drink and was left in shock of his mother yet again. He knew there was the old school way they handled everything but he was sure she was jumping the gun a few months or years. Though as he thought about the idea it wasn’t all that bad either. He just needed to know how she would handle it. That wasn’t something he was ready to broach with her though he didn’t mind the idea. He would handle it as it happened or she spoke about it. Either way it looked like maybe their house would be pretty full at some point.He walked over to the stables and saw one of his brothers talking to Sophia and her smiling. His brother turned his way, “So nice of you to join us city boy.”“Had a rough night.” Micha said as he looked at her, “You didn’t wake me.”“You didn’t ask me too.” Sophia shot back at him. He smiled at her.“Well I have been tol
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  They worked together for the rest of the day and the next following days very well. Micha would often be called away from his chores to do something from the company. He was getting a huge headache because of the people. Though he was rather smart on the night they did the remote access and saved everything. That was the first thing they all tried to do was access the computers at there desks.The IT department had followed his instructions to the letter and the information even the private stuff was handled and saved. That was Micha’s saving grace. When the people all found out their computers had been accessed all the fight they had was lost. They knew then he had the information that could damage all of them. All talks of lawsuits and everything else were done.Micha knew it was finally over as well. Now he had one last thing to do before they could really start their lives together. The talks of doing the cattle run this week were
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 The morning came faster than he wished it too. When he got up he looked at her lying in the bed still asleep. He didn’t want to wake her but knew they had to get to the ridge in time to set up the camp for the night. She sighed in her sleep and he knew right then and there he had to do this today. His heart wouldn’t let him stall.“Sophia.” He said softly as he leaned over the bed. “Honey wake up. We need to set off.”“Five more minutes.” She said in a drained voice.“Sweetheart no. we need to get up now.” He said as she chuckled slightly as she stretched and scrunched her face like she was sucking on a lemon. When she blinked her eyes open. “Come on, cowgirl. We got to get to the place before dark.”“Where are we going?” she asked as she stood up and saw he was dressed already. She knew they would be riding today and sleeping somewhere in a small camp. He ha
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  Micha looked over their work. The site looked good. She did know how to build a site rather well despite the fact she had never done a cattle run like them. She was a natural on the trail and he knew any animal would easily follow her. There was something about her that would just completely soothe the savage beasts even when they were riled. He felt it around her as well. That was one of the reason he knew he had to seize her.The fire pit was going. He looked at the food pack and smiled knowing his Ma the way he did he was glad he had left when they did. She had sent a whole chicken instead of one that was already butchered. He chuckled to himself as he motioned for her to come over. He though she might like to know how to do this.He had the small folding table that was with the camping gear and he laid everything out on it. She looked down at the poor chicken. She then looked up to him. “What?” she asked as she did.&l
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 Sophia stood in front of him with so many racing thoughts. She wasn’t expecting anything like this. At least not now. Maybe in a few years. She was trying to clear her mind and she knew there was no chance of that happening. She started to think of the couples she knew. The ones she saw. Some of them had been together for years before they got married and some were together for a few short months. They all seemed happy. There was no real time frame for this.She had a few questions for herself though. She looked at him as he waited now with a panicked look on his face. She knew he was waiting. Could this work between them. She knew that it could. They worked well together. There might be issues but they talked things out. That was key. She had never met someone who was able to say what he wanted so clearly and then worked out the steps to get it done. He did that when she didn’t understand something he was doing. He explained it to her. That was a ke
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 Three months later…. Sophia was having trouble getting moving in the morning. It seemed every time she tried she got dizzy and just wanted to lie down. By noon she was feeling better and she dragged herself down stairs. The farm house was much bigger than what the two had though it would be when they first saw it.They had moved in together right away after they returned from the trip that brought them together in first place. The company was surprised when he decided to move his office from the building to his new house and did ninety percent of the work from home. He hired two people to help him oversee everything that was going on in the rebuilding of the company.The lawsuit that was brought to the company from a group of the workers that were fired on the trip ended with a counter lawsuit for knowingly putting the company at risk for sexual harassment charges and other things including the attack on Sophia
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  Sophia knew her life had changed so much in a short amount of time. Micha’s had as well. The business was now growing even better without the other people in the company. He had made it, so it was much easier to come forward if there was a problem in the company, and he also made the departments better to work in.He had started rebuilding the structure from the ground up.  Everyone knew that he was now happily married to Sophia though he did get the offer every once in a while for an affair. He thought the idea was absurd and would often outright tell the person. He made it perfectly clear that his wife was the only person he would be involved with.When it happened as well, he made sure to tell Sophia what took place and how he acted. Though he never held back as she grew with their first child, she started to have doubts about herself.Micha knew this was in her head, but he wasn't about to let it be the thing that broke
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