Semua Bab The Demon Queen's Destiny: Bab 11 - Bab 20
67 Bab
Feeding on Ford
[Reggie] I focused on the room. Ford was looking at me strangely. I realized I’d just been sitting there, making faces.“Sorry, she got chatty.” I laughed.“You can talk to her?” Ford asked.“Sure. You can talk to Conric. I can talk to Reika.” I smiled.“Most shifters can’t talk to their animal. Maybe it’s because of how you got her.” He wondered.“What do you mean?” I asked.“Most wolves are an animalisti
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[Reggie]The fever broke after four days. I was relieved when Marnie told me I could switch to daily feedings. I would need to change to a male and female partner for each feeding, but it meant I could participate in training as long as I stayed in human form.That limited my options to one of the shifter training groups or the human training group. I picked the humans. It was a good starting point after not fighting in my human form for so long. I dressed in yoga pants and a tight exercise top. Excited about being able to get out my physical aggression.At breakfast, I was allowed to serve myself instead of having Ford serve me portions the same size as his. I preferred eating after, but training sessions were several hours long. I knew I’d need something.
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Fighting Demons
[Reggie]When the second fight started, Gavin turned to me. He had some mischief in his eye and a little smirk. I wondered what was going on in his head.“Want to make this interesting?” Gavin asked.“What do you have in mind?”“If I win the match, you give me a kiss.”“And if I win?” I inquired.“I’ll feed you.” He grinned.“Wait, so if you win you get a kiss and if you lose you get sex? Where exactly is my prize?” I scoffed.
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The Spell
[Reggie] An hour later, I woke up. Dennis had been watching over me as I healed. He was a good man and I thought he would fit the parameters of one of my ingredients perfectly.I groaned and reached for the cup of water on the stand next to the cot I was laying on. Taking a big drink, I felt my throat soothe. I pulled the blanket off and swung my legs over the edge of the cot.“Ready for lunch?” I asked.“I didn’t realize I was invited.” Dennis chuckled.“You saved me twice, I think the least I can do is lunch.” I smiled.
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Healing Rafe
[Rafe]I was a little excited about possibly seeing someone I’d lost. Both of my parents and one of my brothers had died in the camps. I wanted to talk to one of them about what had happened since they passed and my plan to take Landry as my chosen mate.Will and Winston were great to talk to, but I wanted to talk to someone who knew me well. My sisters and other brother loved Landry, but I didn’t want to say something to one of them and get their hopes up. If she said no, it would devastate all of us.“The only things that could cause an issue now, are the wolves who are dedicated to Ford and Rafe’s injury.” Reggie smiled and nodded. “So we just have to have Ford let the wolves go and get Rafe healed.”
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The Hearts of Wolves
[Will]One day, I would get over being jealous of Rafe. First, he was selected to feed the succubae when we were living at the Vasili’s house, now he’d found his mate and it was the girl he was in love with. I’d met every single female who came on to our land and still hadn’t found my mate.Either way, I was happy for him. I couldn’t imagine what he must have been going through all this time with his other half being locked away from him. I knew he was powerful, but I’d never thought he was a ruler.“Let’s go check in with the wolves. Darrin just linked me. Apparently there is something going on with your sister, Douglass.” Rao said.“Why didn’t some
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The Announcement
Ford led me into the living room. Rao and Serena were looking on with grins as Will and Rafe were sitting in the armchairs with their mates in their laps. Aria and Moran were getting ready for the announcement.They would use Aria’s ability to make sure no one interrupted the message they were putting out. All scouting and search parties had been recalled for the announcement as well. This was important for everyone.Rao wanted to make sure the wolves in the state knew they had a second option for a pack once everything was over. He said would dissolve the Helvegr Pack and create a new pack altogether, with himself as Alpha and another of Ford’s cousins, Douglass, as his Beta. Rao thought Bryant would be an excellent workmate for Serena. The Beta’s spouse was often the right hand to the Luna.
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Full Moon
[Ford]When Thursday came, I had trouble keeping Conric under control. I could feel the wolf dancing inside of me. It almost made me laugh. We’d never been able to entice a female wolf. We were large and scared most of them away.Werewolves tended to stay away in wolf form, too. Not wanting to get Conric attached and have to hurt him by leaving when they found their mates. We understood. It still meant that he was lonely and I wasn’t the type of comfort he needed.Conric knew it was just for the three nights of the full moon, but he was excited for it all the same. I was happy for him. I’d been able to have women other than my mate before, sometimes we’d do it in half wolf form, but Conric hadn’t gotten to have the full experience.
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Healthy Again
[Reggie]--Three days later -- It was finally time! I was excited. I woke up feeling my full strength for the first time in weeks! Anders told me to wait until training to bring out my demon form. He wanted to have all of the demons there to help, in case it was actually too early.I practically floated through breakfast and assertively pulled Ford into his apartment to feed me. He commented that he’d never seen me as aggressive as I was that morning. It led to a vigorous and potent feeding.-In the barn for training, Anders reiterated what would need to be done if I felt the bloodlus
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The Last Helvegr Ingredients
[3rd person] Ford was thinking about Reggie being a Vasilia. She had to be on their side, or he would have felt the killing urge. The other rulers agreed.The fact that she was definitely on their side, was great news. Even though she’d assured them she wasn’t being used, they knew the gods and goddesses that watched over them wouldn’t allow someone being used by an enemy to live long.It occurred to Ford that, maybe her being a Vasilia was why she felt like Madison. Why it was so easy to imagine Madison when he was with her. Then, he remembered. He’d been holding back, thinking she was a normal concubus. He could use his full strength.
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