Semua Bab Grey Young: I'm rich?: Bab 21 - Bab 30
112 Bab
Chapter 21 – Girlfriend?
[notice: I accidentally published chapter 20 twice. I'm so sorry for that, please don't mind that hehe. It'll be remove soon, I hope. - h_pi]While August was drinking alone at the bar, he saw a Grey and his friends coming down from the second floor."They must be the people from the vvip area, eh lucky them.... hmmm, have I seen those people before?" He wondered.After a moment he suddenly realized something."Wait aren't those guys the people escorted outside by the guards earlier? That guy, what was his name again? Ow yeah, that Grey guy, that's what I heard from the other guests earlier.""Good thing that they were given entry here. I need to go to them." He said after he drank his last drink.It's nice that they got inside here but how are they able to use the vvip lounge upstairs? Who could these guys really are? I'm very curious now. Ah forget about that now I should first come up to them to apologize. Yeah, yeah, I'll do that first.
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Chapter 22
[I'm still bothered by the duplicated chapter 20. I apologize for the readers who had wasted their coins on it, I'm very sorry. But after that incident it came to me that I really need to fix my schedule so I can update more often.]---"Wait. Wait.. Waaaait! Are you telling me that these guys are the ones were supposed to meet later?""Uhuh." "Eeeeh." Mia bellowed.She couldn't accept that this unprofound moment would end up like this."Actually this is my first time seeing them in person too. Haha." Annie brightfully said."Meet later? Huh? What do you mean?" Philip confusedly asked."Oh, didn't I say earlier that we would meet later again when we saw each other downstairs? I told you earlier that I have my friends with me and that we all should hang out here at our lounge later." Annie replied."Wait, you said that? I didn't heard you say it." Philip answered."Ow well since we are already here, why don't you g
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Chapter 22.5
How about that, after a long hiatus we’re finally back. We were just in an awkward situation earlier, so how did we ended up getting into this situation? We attended Kath’s dinner celebration and ended up getting kicked out of the restaurant, we then went to another restaurant and ate with the vice president of the Lilac grounds and also my butler… I think? We got some cool looking ids from him; they were really high-quality design, after that we got here at this bar, managed by Sebastian’s nephew and we got to know him better. We enjoyed our time, we partied, and soon after we met some people and somehow ended up in this situation. “Hey… How did we ended up being in this situation?” “Ah, just what I was thinking… we all have the same thing in mind, so how did we?” Grey murmured. “Phil is just quietly sitting with his girlfriend and the other guys are not really in a great situation either.” “I don’t know if I’m supposed to laugh or pity him, urgh.” N
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Chapter 23 - hide
Chapter 23 – hideWe were just in an awkward situation earlier, so how did we ended up getting into this situation? We attended Kath’s dinner celebration and ended up getting kicked out of the restaurant, we then went to another restaurant and ate with the vice president of the Lilac grounds and also my butler… I think? We got some cool looking ids from him; they were really high-quality design, after that we got here at this bar, managed by Sebastian’s nephew and we got to know him better. We enjoyed our time, we partied, and soon after we met some people and somehow ended up in this situation.“Hey… How did we ended up being in this situation?”“Ah, just what I was thinking… we all have the same thing in mind, so how did we?” Grey murmured.“Phil is just quietly sitting with his girlfriend and the other guys are not really in a great situation either.”“I don’t
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Chapter 24
After seeing Yuan and Alice having a conversation,both Grey and Nick went closer and asked Yuan to hid them both from James and his friends.  “Hey Yuan, can you come here for a little bit.” “Mr. Young… I mean… Grey, Grey and Nick, What can I do for the both of you?” “We kinda need some little help.” “Um, you see…” The conversation took on and both Grey and Nick both felt relieved. “Is that all you need from me Young master?” “Yes. We just need to av
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Chapter 25
“Are Grey and Nick still haven’t returned yet?” Kath asked. The guys didn’t know what to answer since they too haven’t seen for quite a while now. “Umm…”  “When are they going to come back?” She added.  “Hey, maybe we should call them?” Kyle suggested. When they were about to call them, Alice had just returned. She was somehow in a hurry since some guys were trying to talk to her on the way to their room. “Oh, Alice where have you been? You were gone for a while.” 
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Chapter 26
The next day, it was almost noon already when most of them had woken up. Kath and her friends were still not feeling well when they got up. “Ugh, my head feels like it’ll fall off,” Kath said. “How did we ended up sleeping in this room? Did someone move us yesterday night when we all passed out from drinking and partying?” Melissa wondered. Kath, Melissa, and their other three friends were transferred to the same room and the rest were in a separate room.  “It’s already late, we should get some breakfast,” Nana suggested. All of them went outside their room and took a look outside. They were very curious
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Chapter 27
“So umm, we were just walking outside you know.” Nick anxiously said. No one in the table believed a single word and the look on their says how terrible that lie Nick just said.  “Are you saying the truth? Is that the excuse you’re going with?” Alex asked. Grey seeing that Nick was caught up with his lie then added, “The truth is, we were actually just walking around outside. I asked Nick to come with me since I wasn’t feeling any good with my hangover and he suggested we go outside and take a walk.” “Both of you were gone for quite a long time last night and today, how do we even believe if what you are saying is true?” Kath said. 
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Chapter 28
Grey and his friends, who were exploring the new part of Lilac grounds that has yet to be shown to the public, came down to the first building in the site where they first entered while waiting for Sebastian.  “Sebastian came late, did something urgent happen, or was he just late?” Grey said. While walking down, Yuan came close to him and when he was beside Grey started talking. He said, “Uncle Sebastian has never been late for a meeting or any occasion unless something sudden happened. He always comes in time whenever it involves work for the family.” As they were walking down, Kyle who was in front of the group saw two cars parked alongside Grey’s new car, the Chevrolet Camaro that was from the year 1968. The two cars were Rolls Royce Pha
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Chapter 29
“Why...Why...Why?! Why are the two of them here?!” Nick shockingly asked. “What are they doing here? Yuan, why are those two in there?”  “Who? Them? Both of them are quite close with me, didn’t tell you that?” Yuan replied. Yuan was quite amused by how they are all reacting to the situation. “No you didn’t, you didn’t mention anything like that,” Kyle said. “Ah, I actually thought that I might have mentioned it last night when you guys saw us talking when you approached us,” Yuan added. “So that’s why you
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