Semua Bab The Boyfriend: Bab 31 - Bab 40
40 Bab
Thirty One: Let's Make That Video
He watched her from Ardor's balcony that afternoon. He had to do something about it because it was slowly driving him crazy. Wanting to be with her as much as he did and not being able to touch her, or even say anything about it to her. She felt it too, he was sure of it, but she was too good to do anything about it. He had to do it the right way, and there was no right way to do it. She was already avoiding him after that call from Kelsey. She went on a stroll by herself all afternoon and locked herself in her bedroom when he came home. No matter what he'll do, the chance of losing her was there. He couldn't sleep that night. He went back and forth to the front of her door. He wanted to knock but changed his mind, twice. He laid awake on his bed, stared at the ceiling, figuring out ways to make it work. He thought about it until his head hurt, there was no way around it. **********
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Thirty Two: Welcome To Uomo
Nathan asked her to pack light but prepared a few outfits just in case they get wet. So she packed a few changes of clothes and a beach towel. It seemed like Nathan wanted to do the video by the water. It's a remote area where not many people know, it's barely touched by tourists. They packed up all the equipment needed in one giant backpack. Nathan stuffed his seasonings in a duffle bag. They made it as light as possible, but it was quite some baggage. They rode on a pick-up truck that came to take them to the beach. Julie chose to ride on the back, Nathan joined her and leaned on their stuff while enjoying the scenery along the way. She filmed their trip across the island when they pass the paddy fields, through narrow roads in villages, sometimes rocky roads by local farms where there were cows and goats fed on the green grass. She turned her camera to Nathan who at some point fell asleep. The trip to the beach took almost four hours only
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Thirty Three: Surprise?
Neither of them could sleep that night. They laid on their own matrasses in silence, in the dark, pretended to be asleep. She got out of bed just in time to see the sunrise. She thought Nathan was sleeping, just when she inhaled the first-morning breeze, he was already standing behind her. "It's the best sunrise I've ever experience anywhere," he said startling her. She smiled. "That's another reason why I brought you here ... an island getaway," he added. "It wasn't supposed to be for me, I wish the circumstances was different." Silence. He walked over to her, stood right behind her, he put his hands on the railing. She felt his breath on her hair, on her neck. He didn't touch her, but it felt like he was undressing her. He was having a moment. In his mind, she was the lover that he always wanted to bring to that island. But she was still afraid of him, how she felt about him.
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Thirty Four: Saved By Preston
She hugged Kelsey as she pass, and then lingered her tight embrace on Preston. "How's my favorite girl in the world?" he put both arms around her and swayed her. "I'm so glad you're here," Julie said. Nathan had his arms around Kelsey but his eyes were on Preston. "Trouble in paradise?" he sensed the hostility from the host. "Please get me out of here," she whispered. "My plan exactly," he said with a naughty grin and kissed her forehead. Preston helped them put their stuff inside before excusing himself. "You have a very lovely home here, Mrs. Sommers, but I need to check-in at my hotel and get some drinks with Julie ... we have a lot of catching up to do." "Oh ... but I hope you'll be joining us for dinner at Ardor? I've arranged a nice private dinner for all of us there at 7," she said. 
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Thirty Five: One Fine Day
It was a good night's sleep she needed. Her sweet smile was back on her face the next morning. Her mood was lighter, and she couldn't wait to spend the day with Preston. He wanted to explore the island with her and end the day at The Rockabillies. She took him to her favorite beach, favorite hangouts, a cool vintage clothing shop that Preston would love. Nathan Sommers was not in her mind that day. He didn't want to ruin her mood, so he held it for a while longer. The thing he was going to tell her will be hard to hear, as much as it was going to be hard for him to say. She was laughing at his jokes, mocked him as he was trying on funky clothes. Preston loved to shop. He had a wide collection of strange outfits that he can pull off easily. Julie was probably the only girl he knew who had the patience to wait on him while he shopped. She always chose the items for him, he always listened to her. She's the one he goes to for any advice, school
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Thirty Six: Hostage
Their silence speaks more volume that night. They poured drinks back in the room, browsed through the movie selections they wanted to see. They put on the one they agreed on, not really caring what it was because their minds were wandering to places that don't exist. A place where they would go through life without each other by their sides. She laid her head on his shoulder, stared blankly into the TV. He held her hand and played with her fingers, something he will miss terribly. He took a deep breath. She remembered when she first saw him, his smile, his cheeky comments. His playfulness, his laughs, his annoying ways to get her attention. Those dark blue eyes, and his beautiful face. She glanced over to the tattoo on his chest, and she touched that "J". He looked down and shivered from her gentle touch. He turned to look at her. That was when she pulled him gently and pressed her lips against his. She closed her e
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Thirty Seven: Going After Kelsey
She managed not to cry when she left his hotel room. She told him to take a shower as she left because she didn't want a sappy farewell that will make her weep the entire day. So they left it at that. The memory of their last day together was to be remembered as something extraordinary and beautiful. When she arrived in front of Nathan's villa, she took a long deep breath to ready her for what's waiting. She took long, slow and dragging steps toward the house, expecting to see both Nathan and Kelsey for another awkward social situation. The house was quiet, she opened the sliding door from the balcony and stepped into the kitchen. There was only Nathan. "Where's everybody?" Nathan sat on the island stool, not looking his best. "Kelsey ... umm ... she left." She raised her eyebrows, put down her bags on the floor. "Left where?" He looked down on the kitchen counter, played with hi
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Thirty Eight: Your Biggest Mistake
Despite of making up at the end of their argument, Kelsey was distant. She kept to herself. Julie woke up the next morning feeling like a zombie, lost all sense of directions. She had to come up with a new plan for her future. There was no way she could go back to Ardor. She made the report and told the faculty that she had to finish early because of a family emergency. The only time her family was useful for her. She didn't have the courage to contact Nathan, but to her relief, the faculty informed her that he had turned in the assessment sheet for her internship. She passed with flying colors. She texted to thank him, he didn't reply. Two weeks in after she got back to Gastonburry, she started to prepare her final presentation. Finalized her internship report, created slide shows, crunching numbers, drew diagrams, and all the bits and details needed for the final show. She also submitted a new application through the University to find emp
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Thirty Nine: Graduation
Her mom and dad came on her graduation day. They took pictures together, a pat on the back, a clumsy hug, a kiss on the cheeks, a congratulations. The three of them again after eight years. She was smiling the whole day. She told them about her plans, they told her how proud they were, shared one last hug and asked her to call them more often. That was pretty much the depth of their relationship. After her parents left, Kelsey was there. They shared a long hug, enough to replace a thousand words they wanted to say to each other. Kelsey tilted her toga hat with a smile, "I hope I'll look good in these next year." They laughed. "I guess this cause for a celebration ... let's go get some coffee, my treat," she added. They went to The Morning Brew, still in her toga and her diploma in her grip. "I can't believe you're leaving in a few days ... do you realize we've never been apart si
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She wouldn't let me take her out on a date. She wouldn't let me kiss her, or touch her. Three months after she came back to Ardor, she went island hopping with Kelsey on her 21st birthday. I wasn't invited, obviously. I couldn't sleep that night, wondering if she was going to get wasted and ended up with some strange guy, willingly or unwillingly. There's no other girl that has kept me up all night as often as she did. For all different kinds of reasons. But to end up with a strange guy was not the problem with her, it was only that one guy. I hate him. He calls her much too often for my liking. They would talk for hours, it burned me, and I couldn't do anything about it. The almost-kisses we had was driving me insane, but I've promised her I'd wait however long it takes. I think she was torturing me on purpose. Six months after she was back, she finally let me in. We kissed. Every kiss was better than the last. I love k
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