Semua Bab His Witch, Her Alpha: Bab 11 - Bab 20
62 Bab
Chapter 11
                                               ********                                               Elina                                             ********  “You could have just asked to kiss...” He stops and looks around, finally realizing our surroundings. He slowly rises to his feet. “Where are we?” “I don’t know,” I reply, but it does look similar to the woods surrounding the house.  "It’s your mind; can’t you control your thoughts."   
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Chapter 12
Elina My heart pounds in my chest as I run through the dark woods illuminated only by the red moonlight. Dread fills my heart as we get closer and closer to Xavier’s home. Are they under attack? Who would attack them? I wonder, but I already have a sinking feeling in my stomach what today will be. I arrive through the clearing out of breath as Xavier and his younger self runs into an invisible barrier. Young Xavier growls loud as he tries to run into it, but he bounces back. A witches barrier, I note, these are used generally for witch meetings and counsels. Only witches can get in and out with ease. “Xavier, stop!” Young Elina screams, running to his side after his second attempt sends him flying into the woods. “Don’t touch me,” he shouts, brushing her off. “I’m trying to help. You can’t get through because it’s a witch's barrier; you need a witch to enter, so please take my hand.”She reaches out to him; he looks at her hand for a mo
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Chapter 13
  Elina I watch, mesmerized as they continue to fight. “You were always too weak and a coward,” Xerxes growls. Titus jumps to his feet and lunges at him again. Xerxes dodges him and swings a right hook in his jaw, causing him to stagger and fall to the ground. “I am a coward; you are right. But there is no honor when you are dead.” He shouts, pulling a red necklace from his pocket. He throws it over his neck and immediately shifts into a wolf. Then he runs full speed lunging at Xerxes before he can react, biting him on his leg. Xerxes cries out as he rips his flesh out. He doubles over on the ground. Titus wolf continues his attack on Xerxes, biting and scratching. Xerxes starts rising to his feet. He swings his arm, knocking the wolf down. Then he goes to one of the dead wolves and pluck the necklace off their neck and shift into his wolf. “I pump my fist into the air. Yes, now they are on a level playing field. Xerxes’s wolf growls and
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Chapter 14
Elina Fifteen minutes ago   “Hi, Elina” I look up at my younger self, her eyes pure white. I stare at her, confused. Why am I here? Can she see me? “You can see me?” “I did just say hi to you, so that would mean...” I frown; who is this little girl giving attitude? I mean, she’s me, but... “ you don’t have to be smart, “ I mumble. “You’re acting like it’s normal talking to yourself.” “I’m sure you’ve seen stranger things.” “Well yeah…wait, could you see me back there? Did you bring me here?” “I was the one who showed you the memory, and yes, I brought you here. The young version of yourself, however, was not me.” “Then who are you? Why are you people playing in my head?” I reply, frustrated and annoyed with everyone who thinks my mind is their own personal playground. “I am you; we are one.” I furrow my brows. “You said you weren’t the young me from the vision.” “I am
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Chapter 15
Alavic I sit in my office scanning the files detailing the search for Katerina. It’s been seven years, and we’re no closer to finding her. “Any movements by Titus?” I ask crus my second in command. “His people have been quiet for some time now, too quiet. Now that the Alpha is about to come of age, I’m afraid he’s planning something” I frown. That’s probably true; even though Titus has sworn he had nothing to do with them getting attacked that day, I had my suspicions. But I have no proof since Katerina is missing and my brother... BOOM. The sound echoes through the house as the walls begin to shake. “Are we under attack?” I ask as the sound echoes a second time. “Who would have the guts to attack head-on, not even Titus.”He replies. I jump to my feet immediately as the house shakes again. I open the door and walk out with Crus following. Whoever it is will pay dearly. I stop at the ton of the stairs and look over the banister. What I see shoc
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Chapter 16- Find Me
“We three were always the best of friends because we were all only a year apart, your father the eldest at sixteen at the time, I was fifteen, and Titus was fourteen. We use to do everything together, fishing, hunting running, and although we were all boys, we all accepted that your father would be the next Alpha of our pack. Our family, therefore, was a peaceful one until Titus brought Katerina home one day. The moment she met, your father fell in love, and as you know, in our pack, the Alpha mate isn’t chosen by faith but by his heart. They chose each other, but Titus was already in love with her. He never forgave your parents for what he thought was a betrayal by both.” I listen intently as he recalls the past. So that is what he meant when he said he came from what was his back in Elina’s mind, “The first red moon, the year you were born. He attacked, but he was alone, and your father bested him quickly. We had forgotten about his hatred, so we weren’t on guard and I was
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Chapter 17
  Xavier   I walk through the hallways as I make my way to my first class; it’s English. Elina also takes this course, and although I don’t want to admit it, I’m looking forward to seeing her. I head into the class and scan the room, but she isn't there. I spot her friend Cassie sitting by the window, an empty chair beside her. Where is she? My mind begins to race with all the horrible possibilities. “Mr.Ivanov, if you’ve located what you’re looking for, will you please have a seat.” Mrs.Carter, the English, pushes up her glasses as she looks at me.  Mrs. Carter's voice pulls me from my overthinking. I grunt then make my way to my seat, passing Keira on the way. She smiles at me, but my mind is only on Elina. Why isn't she in class? Is she more hurt than I thought? “Mr. Ivanov….Xavier Ivanov.” “Huh?” “Xavier Ivanov, were you paying attention? Your essay on love, are you ready to read it?” Essay? Oh, we di
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Chapter 18
  Elina I flip the pages of the tenth spell book today and groan as I once again find nothing useful. All locator spells need some possession of the person to be able to link to them. However, I have nothing of Katerina’s, and since Xavier hasn’t bothered to call or visit in the last two days, I can’t ask him even though I’m trying to help him locate his mother. He just brushed me off as if I was nothing to him, but from my memories, we really cared about each other. Even though it’s been a long time, why are my feelings coming back, but he’s still a cold-hearted wolf. Uh, let’s not think about him. If he can act like I don’t exist, then so can I.I’ll forget him and his stupid smirk and his stupid face. Ughhhhh, I scream in frustration. “Boys are so annoying,” I scream as I throw the book across the room. It stops mid-air and floats around for a bit before landing Iris. “That’s true. They do suck.” She agrees as she flips through the pages of the
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Chapter 19
Cassie Present  Elina walks in holding a pile of boys' clothing and sighs as she takes a whiff of it. I furrow my brows, confused by the clothing and her actions. Ris and I exchange a quizzical look before we turn back to her. “What do you have there?” Ris asks before I can. “Xavier clothes.” She mumbles, her face still buried in it.  “Why do you have Xavier stuff?” And more importantly. Why are you smelling it? I think to myself but do not dare say it.  “He was just here...Ris; you said he checked in on me today. What did say?”  “He wanted to know how you were; I guess he missed you at school.” Iris looks at Elina concern as she plops down on the ground while clutching Xavier’s shirt as if it was some treasure. Wait, she went outside to meet Eric. What happened to him? Did he tell her about Keira and me?   “What about Eric?” I ask nervously, but I don’t think I have anything to worry about from
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Chapter 20
  Elina My heart thumps in my chest as Xavier's lips touch mine. I should pull away; he’s annoying and confusing. One minute he hates me, and next, he’s trying to kiss me. I should reject him, but I can’t because I want to feel his lips against mine every time I look at him. I close my eyes, anticipating the moment his lips will crush down and mine. “Babe?” Her screeching voice comes crashing down. I pull back instantly as she walks up to us. What am I doing? He has a girlfriend. Even if I dislike her, I should respect their relationship regardless of Xavier and my past. “Kei..” He looks at her and then back at me as if he’s conflicted. “What are you doing? The movie’s about to start.” She replies sweetly while her eyes look like they could kill. I guess I would be mad too if I saw my boyfriend about to kiss someone. “Babe…” she calls again because Xavier is still holding on to my hand and looking at me. This time, however, he rel
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