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72 Bab
Iris's P.O.V.-------  I was frozen.  A cold shiver ran down my spine that made me wonder if the blue flickers in my vision were actual works of imagination or a dramatic change in weather.  It seemed like time started to slow down. What should be seconds had become minutes.  I didn't know what to do. If you're shot, you should at least feel the pain. But I feel nothing except for the cold feet I've developed.  I can feel tiny trickles of liquid gliding down my back. Then again it could be my own sweat." Aarrrrgh!" A loud groan of pain reached my ears and only when I discovered it wasn't from my own lips did I accept that I wasn't shot.  That can only mean-I turned around so fast to see Hunter kneeling on the floor whilst gripping his ches
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Iris's P.O.V.——————Well getting through a night of trying to explain how Hunter had an accident that affected his right shoulder in a car that is still completely intact wasn't as easy as it sounded.And arriving home at past midnight wasn't a good picture to it all.Surprisingly, Louisa was also bothered about him. Accidents seem to gory for her age so I went with he's not feeling too good.  Now I have settled his household, his employees were a lot harder to convince. Especially Clarissa, I honestly don't know why she's so adamant that it wasn't an accident.  So in general, it was a frustrating day. But at least it's done with.  Now, Edward and I are on our way to pick up Hunter from the hospital. I've never been more nervous in my life.Not even for my driving lessons.
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Someone loves you!.. you may not know, but there is always someone in secret who wishes they could take away all your pain. There's always someone who wants to be your friend.There's always someone who's willing to listen to all your burdens so you don't bear them alone.I can be that person if you want me to ❤️🖤I will always love you.. hit me up if you feel the need to talk.. 😚😚Now that all (not really all) is said and done.. Another update for you...Please do enjoy 😊😊🙂Iris's p.o.v.  A week after Hunter got back from the hospital.Two months since I started working as his secretary. It feels like a lifetime.  I was on my way back from work and decided to stop by a past
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Hunter's p.o.v.   It's my first day back at work and a week after my 'accident' .  As soon as I had my seat to begin, I see a missed phone call from lovelyn.And that surprised me.Since when has my sister been one to call?  I called her back as soon as I could, silently wishing I had enough minutes to spare." Hey " I said once she answered." Honestly, I don't know why we're still related" Yup, a heartwarming greeting from a sister I haven't seen in almost a year." You should really learn to be more explanatory. For someone who's studying Mass communication, you suck at it" I jested and relaxed into my chair with a smirk on my face." And for someone who should be dead, I thought you'd learn to appreciate things more. Guess I
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Iris's p.o.v.Thursday night and Hunter isn't back from work yet.It's actually been three days since I confronted him about the letter and ever since the motivation to bring it up again had just vanished.I softly tucked Louisa into bed and gathered her drawing supplies from her side to keep it on the night stand.It was already late at night and what had kept me up was proof reading a contract BellStone had sent to us.If I'm to presume it should be eleven pm or there about and when I picked up my cellphone to be sure, I was nearly correct.10:47pmA yawn escaped me before I could realize and that only made me aware of how exhausted I've been of recent.It even feels like I don't get enough sleep.I checked on Louie and used my hand to sweep away stray bangs of her hair that
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What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!!Another update.. Enjoy ❤️------------Hunter's p.o.v"Wakey wakey" a tiny voice whispers into my ears and it echoed straight in my mind till I felt it was a part of my dreams." Upty Doo.. the sun is shining" she whispers again and then I agree it wasn't actually a dream but a full blown realistic voice." Rise and shiiiiiiiiiiiine" I groaned and turned around so I was laying on my back. Slowly and grudgingly opening my eyes till I met with bright blue ones that shined like a midnight star." You're up early" I chuckled and sat up straight and ran my hand through her hair to smoothen out it's roughness from her nights rest." Mommy would soon wake up and she'll not see me in bed" the small girl pouted but her eyes held
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The little girl came down from the white Mercedes.  Her smile wide as she tightened her grip on her backpack and inhaled the fresh air.  She had enjoyed nights of sleep in her mother's arms, where sometimes she was told bedtime stories or sang some of her favorite tunes and lullaby.But last night had been entirely different. There had been no need for lullabies or stories. She had slept so softly and she felt completely refreshed.  She couldn't miss the little affection she felt last night when he had returned from the bathroom after a quick shower and she pretended to be asleep.  He gently covered her small bodice and gave a light kiss to her temple.  She actually for once felt what her peers had described as the love of a father.  That was when her dream walls shattered and she had to face reality.
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 Hunter's p.o.v Starting up work today wasn't as simple as I prayed it would be.  I had already attended four unproductive meetings and figured out I haven't had anything for lunch.So much for staying healthy.  The time was four pm and I guess it was time to at least have something to eat.  After putting my laptop on sleep, I picked my cellphone, car keys and wallet to be sure I was good to go.  As soon as I walked out the door, I met face to face with Iris who held a single file in her hand." Are you going home?" She asked in a little confusion and I wasn't surprised.  I wasn't someone to leave the office so early." What do you have for me?" I changed the topic back to plain business and she took the hint that I was in no mood for a discuss
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General p.o.v.  She hadn't eaten at all as the unease filled her stomach, leaving her mother quite anxious but mostly sad.Honestly, Louisa couldn't ignore the jabs of hurt and pain from advertising on her face when she saw Mr Hunter prepare and leave for work early this morning.At some point of trying to eat breakfast, her eyes pricked with tears on the embarrassment she would face when she goes to school with Edward driving her once again.Immediately, her food was discarded because Cheryn noticed it wasn't going to be touched.  Her mother sat across her and slowly yet sadly ate her cereal while she watched Louisa with fear in her eyes.  To be truthful, she had never seen her active and brave daughter so downcast and broken to the point of seeing it clearly through her glistening eyeballs.  She couldn't help but
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Hunter's p.o.v.I took a deep breath and couldn't help but smile while I hopped out of the vehicle.I took in the environment with keen interest and I laughed at myself for what I have surprisingly become.  Who would have thought that when I would be asked to choose between business and a kid, I would've chosen the kid?  When I called Mr Reid a few minutes before changing my direction, he was okay with my change of plans but said we needed to discuss during his upcoming event.I've never been happier with procrastination in my life.  I tightened my grip on the little gift I got Louisa from a breakfast store and checked the time once more.Seven thirteen.I've still got forty seven minutes before her first class bell goes off.  Maybe I could drop by and s
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