Semua Bab The Elf King & I [Book #1]: Bab 61 - Bab 70
78 Bab
59~ |Love And Duty: Part 01|
"Hold on! There is no such deal!" exclaimed a voice from behind Rosalina.Before the youngest princess could turn around, she found herself being swirled on her feet to the point that she almost lost her balance."Princess Rosalina, are you out of your mind?!" Garry stepped out of his place and headed to where Rosalinda was. He grasped her shoulder and turned the small frame to face him. "Did you realize what you just said?"His penetrating voice and stare sent goosebumps all over Rosalina's body. Not only that, he was shaking her so hard that she had to close her eyes to stop the dizziness from consuming her."Garry, please, calm down. You're hurting the princess," said Alessa, appearing right by the two lovers' side instantly with no footsteps heard. She placed a hand
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60~ |Love And Duty: Part 02|
Inside a room where almost everything was white一a white canopy, curtain, and sheet, Rosalina stood behind a four-folded white screen with cherry blossoms drawing a river when a knock came from the door. Stepping out, she hovered her hand and opened the door with her magical white light to reveal a smiling Alessa and a frowning Garry on the other side."Princess Rosalina, I have brought Garry upon your request. However, he was so stubborn in coming here, so I have to use my magic to bind him." She shoved Garry inside, making the latter stagger on his feet. "Forgive me for being rough, general Garry. But you were too stubborn."Alessa gave Garry her signature smile, despite the fact that the latter glared at her with eyes that could make spitfire. If a look could kill, then Alessa would have been wounded in thousands of places already.
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61~ |Made Love To Me: Part 01|
*WARNING*: This chapter contains explicit content. ******* "Make love to me, Garry." Staring into her beloved general's eyes unwaveringly, Rosalina smiled and tightened her arms, refusing to let go. Garry didn't need his lover to repeat twice, for both his heart and body were ready to obey the request. Attaching their moist and swollen lips on each other once more, he leaned down as he bent his elbows. He lowered his build body yet still ensured that his weight wasn't crushing down on his beloved princess. This new position made their kissing more intense and earned another sensual feeling for both of them as their lower parts intimately greet each other. Rosalina's lips stopped kissing for a split second when she felt a hard erection brushing against her inner thigh. "Huh..." She s
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62~ |Made Love To Me: Part 02|
*WARNING* This chapter contains explicit content. *******   Once the crevice was opened wide according to the request, the intruder began to penetrate mercilessly into the interior, starting from delving its wet thing down to the back of her throat, then swiveling around to lick the pink wall and behind her teeth. Garry's tongue didn't seem to mind its attitude to his guest at all because he kept increasing the pace of his actions until Rosalina's mouth went numb that she couldn't feel the surrounding area anymore.  A trail of saliva spilled through the right corner and down on her chin. She tilted her head to that side, hoping to search for the air her lungs were missing. Sadly, her hope wasn't fulfilled, for Garry also moved his head along, capturing her lips without letting them detach. Rosalina's lungs screamed out at the lack of oxyg
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63~ |The Mole|
Inside a mortuary, two young men were rolling a gurney with a big black plastic on top into the room where rows of stainless steel drawers were installed. As they reached the wall, the one who stood on the head of the gurney let go and walked to pull out one drawer in the middle, revealing a flat board in white inside. "Jack, come on. On the count of three." He walked back to his place and wheeled the gurney closer to the drawer before signaling to his partner. "Jim, wait," said the guy standing at the end as he stepped out of his position and headed to where Jack was. "What is it this time? Please don't tell me you are at it again." "I want to see his face one last time. Just how could a man be so beautiful?" "Seriously
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64~ |The Unsaid Feeling|
The veil of the dark blue sky unveiled itself to reveal a mingle of tint orange, pale pink, and grey color of the Madrugada. Alessa woke up and got herself ready for her mission. She planned to depart for the quest right after Rosalina left with the people of Baltras. The matter could not be delayed any longer. It was better to get it done as fast as possible. Holding onto the golden hair ornament given by Elfreda, she harked back to their conversation last night.   "You'll have to undergo three tests before reaching the mountain. First, it is the evil fairies. I don't need to explain further since you know how cunning they are. If you pass this stage, you will meet with the black river. It is the darkest you've ever seen. It is bottomless and will suck everything in like a black hole. You have to hold your breath until you arrive at the other end, which I don't know how deep it is or how
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65~ |Got Your Filthy Hands Off|
The last cubicle of the men's restroom on the ground floor of one of the pediatric children hospitals in downtown Oakland was strangely occupied by a middle-aged man who didn't even come to do what the purpose of the toilet was built for. Instead of coming to relieve himself, he stood with his back to the wall and face towards the door, speaking to himself. Nevertheless, if looked closer, one would notice that the man was actually conversing with a disembodied voice that came from the back of his lower nape. That was where the obsidian light was glowing. "Earth, you say?" asked the voice in slight disbelief. "Yes, King Father. And coincidentally, he died in my area." "Are you sure that he is dead?" "Positive, King Father. I checked his corpse by myself."
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66~ |The Broken Trust|
It was harder than she had thought. Traveling, horseback riding and homesickness were not easy. It had not been two hours yet since Rosalina departed from Aldous, yet she felt so dehydrated and emptied. For someone who had never really traveled far, she got exhausted quickly. Still, she didn't want the people of Baltras to think that she was a weakling. She refused to ask for a break and continued to endure even if it almost killed her. Rosalina couldn't be more delighted when Karras raised his hand and shouted, "We'll take a quick break here." She hurriedly got off the horse to stretch her arms and legs before taking the half-filled wooden tumbler and gulped the liquid down her throat. After a few deep breaths, she felt much better. She then looked around and realized that something was a little off.
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67~ |A Dream That Seemed So Real|
The hottest flaming ball from the high up sky emitted heat down to the ground, making everyone drench with sweat. Everything was nearly roasted into dryness. Nevertheless, this hot weather was pale compared to the mood of one particular person dressed in an exquisite pale yellow silk attire. With his hands folded behind his lower back, the elegant-looking man stared out the tall window from a wide-spaced chamber. His oval face-shaped, naturally red lips, thick soft-arched eyebrows, and especially the big dimples that came from his smile looked nothing but calm; however, his temper was the opposite. "Andy is truly a waste of my seminal fluid. At least his mortal mother was useful in her last-minute, unlike this so-called half-breed," he murmured. His face maintained serenity. "Just how much longer does he intend on making me wait? Is it that difficult to chop a head off a dead body?" He frowned, causing a
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68~ |Filled Me Up Inside|
*WARNING*: This chapter contains 18+ scene.  *******     "Oswin, don't! NO!!!" Sean screamed at the top of his lungs. His body jolted, making him sit bolt upright on the bed. His eyes were wide open. Beats of sweat condensed on his forehead and occasionally rolled down his cheek, running along his jawline before dropping to the blanket that fell to the lower half of his body. "Sean." Oswin walked out of the living room. He made his way to the bed and sat down next to his lover. His brows furrowed with worry." Wake up. You're having a nightmare." "Oswin?" asked Sean when he opened his eyes. "Are you really Oswin?" With a smile and a gentle gaze, Oswin lifted his hand and used his long-sleeved shirt to dab the sweat away from Sean's fa
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