Semua Bab The Sugar Baby Decided To Quit: Bab 21 - Bab 30
49 Bab
A Hot Demon vs An Ugly Demon
The monster was huge and tall. It almost touched the ceiling. Red smoke came out of the floor underneath it and from his mouth. He stood like a giant man with two huge arms and a tail. His whole body was covered in red scales, he had two horns at the top of his head and his mouth was more like a muzzle. “Hello, Lady,” he hissed. Like literally, hissed. With snake tongue coming out of his mouth. Yes. A long tongue that branched into two in the end. “Um… Is hallucination part of cancer?” Mateo asked wi
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His Sugar Baby That Got Away
His eyes were fierce and serious. He stared down at all the creatures kneeling in front of him. Werewolves, vampires, warlocks, faes, and mixed creatures. All members of the Underworld. A world that was under, where each member had to live in the shadows and in hiding from the mundane world.He had put on a huge glamor to cover their convention meeting in the heart of the city. They were meeting in Morningside Park in Manhattan, next to the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine. A mass was being held in the church. The sound of organs and people seeing in a choir accompanied their eerie convention.Though the choir was singing Joy to the World, the Underworlders were
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The Lady
Moments ago, I just experienced teleportation. Something that only Doctor Strange could do. But I experienced it! I was not really trained in physics but I was pretty sure it had something to do with quantum… what was it again that Iron Man said? Anyway, after I got back to the mansion, Tony sat me on the sofa that I once sat before. He teleported again to call his “brothers” –yes, I used two of my fingers to quote the word –to the living room. Then Tony teleported again to in front of me while ringing a bell which summoned a maid whose skin was entirely blue. I gawked at the maid, but considering what has been happening these past few days… I eventually shrugged and averted my gaze. Plus, I did not want to be rude and staring intently at her.
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I Want to Experiment
“I knew you are the Lady and so I marked you.” Alexander had gotten the last stair and was just walking to the empty chair, next to the sofa I was sitting on. He sat gracefully as if he had not just thrown a bomb at me. His face, which was cut to perfection, looked at me in a cold stare. He looked ageless, even his facial hair looked immortal. I was reminded by the time he took my virginity. He told me that his age was 3333 and I giggled it off thinking he was just trying to make me feel better. Had it been true all along?
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Family Dinner (1)
The dining room looked like those you see on Victorian tv shows. It was long, covered in huge white table cloth with chairs carved to perfection on each side. There were paintings decorating each wall and there was the butler that I knew along with the blue maid earlier, standing near the doorway.The food displayed on the table was beyond my expectation too. It almost looked not real. A whole chicken roasted with vegetable sides, mashed potatoes, a plate of lasagna, pizza, and a cream soup. There was also steamed fish, spaghetti and meatballs, lamb chops, and many more.“Are there more people coming to have dinner?” she asked.
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Family Dinner (2)
I snorted to laughter. “Are you kidding me? Am I like a prostitute you can toss around?”Apparently, Alexander was serious. I tried looking at the other three men for support. But Renald was busy eating, while Tony and Michael avoided my gaze.“You are the Lady, Arianna,” Alexander explained again, “You have to pick one of us as the Dark Lord.”“So… What? You’ll just take turn dating me until I point one of you as the Dark Lord?” My voice rose again, higher than I expected.
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Three Minutes to Heaven
Someone tucked me in closer, I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck. He gave me a gentle kiss on my shoulder. Electricity sparked throughout my body. My back was against him so I could not tell who it was.My mind was fuzzy, I was in a delirious state.“You’re safe now,” he said to me. “Everything will be just fine.”My body relaxed at his words. I believed him, whoever he was.“Renee, my love,” he whispered.
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An Hour of Cloud Nine (1)
His lips covered my mouth perfectly. He pushed me down with his wings covering the whole bed. His hands trailed down to my neck and then down to my shirt. It just hit me on the head that I was still wearing yesterday’s clothes, that I had not showered since.“Michael, wa–““You can’t take back your words, Arianna,” he breathed out the words to my mouth. Then he pulled my shirt from my head in one movement. He did not waste any time before he shifted my bra, revealing my bare chest.Michael straightened his back a little so that he could
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An Hour of Cloud Nine (2)
He lunged inside of me in one stroke.One stroke.I was not a virgin. I was quite experienced.But I need to repeat this so you guys would understand.He put his shaft inside of me, the whole length, in one stroke. And I moaned loudly, half because of the shock, half because of the pain. My focus went blur but my survival instinct kicked in and I knew I had to grab on the chandelier for my dear life.He stopped for a while, burying himself inside me so deep as if waiting for me to get accustomed to the feel of him. Waiting for my insides to stretch according to his shape. He whispered to my ear, “You like that?” Then he bit my earlobe. I couldn’t help but moan more.“It’s a heavenly music,” he said, “Let me take you to cloud nine, my Lady.”He moved his hip, taking out his shaft until only the tip was inside of me. “Look down,” he said.I did as I was told. I looked do
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The Paintings, The Library, and The Lab
In the end, Alexander made me shower before he would show me around the lab. But when I came out of my first shower, he clicked his tongue on me and ordered me to take another shower. “Wash your hair too,” he said.That morning, I showered twice for him before he was finally satisfied. My face was already sour as my fingers became wrinkly due to the excessive exposure to water.He gave me a set of clothes that just fit my style. A black tank top and jeans with a pair of leather boots. Simple but chic.But then he sprayed my whole body with a bottle of perfume. A whole lot of it.“Xander… stop,” I called him with his nickname that I usually use. “You’re going to make me smell hideous.”“Better than smelling like that ice of an angel,” he murmured.“Huh?”He sprayed a couple more puffs of the perfume bottle before turning the whole bottle into cinders with his own
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