Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 41 - Chapitre 50
Ibukun and Lashe held hands as they waited by the side of the road. Lashe was holding her hands tightly with his second hand in his pocket as he looked around for taxis.“Since when have you liked me?” Ibukun asked and Lashe turned to her as he threw his head backwards as if thinking.“I’m not sure” Lashe replied as he slowly squeezed her hand.“What about you?” Lashe asked and Ibukun wore a big smile as she stared at him.“It’s been a while. I don’t know exactly but I’m sure I caught feelings first” Ibukun replied and Lashe laughed as he pursed his lips.“I also think I caught a long time as well, it just took me a longer time to notice” Lashe added as a taxi pulled up beside them.“Okay, get in and call me when you get home” Lashe said as he opened the door of the taxi.“Okay, I’ll call you” Ibukun replied as she got into the taxi. Lashe closed the door and quickly paid for the ride. Ibukun wounded down the glass and brought her head out.
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Ibukun curled up her bed as Tosinmile slowly patted her. Ibukun stared into space as her mom sighed and rubbed her head.“Do you have an idea about what must have happened?” Mr Ola-Amuda asked and his wife shook his head.“How many times have you seen your daughter really cry? Except she’s watching those movies. I think something happened to her but I have no idea” his wife replied and he sighed.“Let’s leave her for now. She should be fine by morning” Mr Ola-Amuda said as they walked out of the room.Tosinmile slowly patted Ibukun having a rough idea about why Ibukun was crying.“You confessed to him and he rejected you right?” Tosinmile asked as Ibukun turned to her and shook her head.“No. besides I already got my first kiss though” Ibukun replied with a smug smile and Tosinmile’s eyes widened a little.“You had your first kiss? With who?” Tosinmile asked as Ibukun sat up on the bed.“Yup” Ibukun replied as she winked at Tosinmile w
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“Ibukun, I’m suspecting you” Fikayo said and Ibukun turned to her with a smile.“Suspecting me? Why?” Ibukun asked and Fikayo folded her arms.“This one of the reasons. I just said that I’m suspecting you and you are still smiling. What’s funny? Why are you smiling?” Fikayo asked and Ibukun and Blessing burst into laughter.“So because I’m smiling that’s why you are suspecting me?” Ibukun asked and Fikayo scoffed.“Of course not. I’m suspecting you because you have been smiling too much for a while, you smile when you writing, you smile when you are eating, you smile when you talk. I don’t understand what must have happened to you for you to start smiling like that” Fikayo replied as she yawned.“It’s time to confess, what’s going on?” Fikayo asked and Ibukun burst into laughter.“There’s nothing going on darling. Just get infected by my happiness and stop suspecting me” Ibukun replied and Fikayo sneered at her.“I’ll find out what you are h
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“I think there’s something wrong with Lashe” Ibukun replied and Tosinmile folded her arms.“Why do you think so?” Tosinmile asked as Ibukun bit on her lower lip.“I’ve been calling him more than ten times; he’s not picking” Ibukun replied as Tosinmile raised her eyebrow as she rubbed her forehead.“Isn’t this the first time this is happening?” Tosinmile asked and Ibukun nodded.“Yes. He always picks up at the first ring” Ibukun replied and Tosinmile chuckled.“Then chill out. He might be busy. He has no reason to ignore your calls. Just be patient okay, come and help out in the kitchen since you are doing nothing” Tosinmile said with a smile as Ibukun laughed and followed her sister to the kitchen.Ibukun sneered as soon as she saw Juwon seated on the biggest chair in the seating room, his eyes fixed on the TV.“Why did he come home anyways? He always stayed at school” Ibukun said as she joined Tosinmile in the kitchen.“He said he did
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“I’ll really try and listen to you okay?” Lashe said and Ibukun smiled.“I’ll take your word for it okay” Ibukun replied and Lashe chuckled.“I have to go now, I’ll call you back when I’m done, I need to retouch a few things” Lashe said and Ibukun nodded.“Okay” Ibukun replied as she hung up the phone. Lashe glanced at his phone and slipped it inside his pocket as he picked up his music script. He glanced through it as he changed a few things in the music script.“Don’t you think he’s kinda different?” one of the recorders asked and another nodded.“I think he is. He has never stopped recording to pick a call before” one said.“That’s not the point. He looks happy” someone said and they nodded.“That’s true, he had suddenly smiled twice today and besides when did he start having a friend who would call him that constantly? And even at such a time?” another asked.“I heard he came out because he noticed his phone
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Fikayo shook her head as she stared at Ibukun and Blessing and shook her head.“They are both sick in the head” Fikayo murmured.“Are you sure you aren’t the one sick in the head?” someone whispered in her ears and Fikayo suddenly felt ticklish as the person walked to her front and sat on her locker.“I told you to stop doing that” Fikayo said as she rubbed her ear while Aaron grinned at her.“But you like it” Aaron said and Fikayo turned to Aaron embarrassed.“I told you to stop doing it, that clearly means I don’t like it huh?” Fikayo replied and Aaron grinned as he hitched closer to Fikayo.“You did so but your body told me otherwise” Aaron said as Fikayo swallowed her saliva.“Stop embarrassing me” Fikayo said as Aaron grabbed her hands as he stood up.“You should have said so earlier” Aaron said as he pulled her out of the class.“What’s the time?” Ibukun asked as Fikayo scoffed.“You have a date? It’s the f
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Ibukun squeezed Lashe’s hands and he smiled as they walked and crossed the streets.“Where are we going?” Ibukun asked.“To watch a movie” Lashe replied and Ibukun turned to him in surprise.“A movie?” Ibukun asked and Lashe nodded as he brought out his phone. I ordered the tickets online.“Which movie is that?” Ibukun asked.“An American teen movie” Lashe replied as Ibukun nodded.“What’s the title?” Ibukun asked.“Sleep over” Lashe replied and Ibukun turned to Lashe in surprise.“I saw the trailer and even wanted to download it” Ibukun exclaimed in surprise and Lashe looked at her in surprise.“Really?” he asked and Ibukun nodded.“Yes. I’ve been wanting to download it” Ibukun replied and Lashe smiled.“That’s nice then” Lashe said as they started walking towards the cinema while talking.The cinema hose was pretty crowded and it gave both Ibukun and Lashe the chance to blend into the crowd without getting cau
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Lashe’s phone rang twice and he didn’t pick it. Ibukun decided to call once more and if he didn’t pick the call, she was going to send him a message to tell him that she was home. She dialled the number again and just as the call was about to end, he picked it.“Hello Lashe” Ibukun said sweetly.“Hello”Ibukun froze upon hearing the older voice and instantly recognised it before smiling.“Uncle Sam, good evening” Ibukun greeted.“Is it evening now? It’s past 8pm young lady” Uncle Sam replied in a cold tone and Ibukun froze before swallowing her saliva.“Please, can you give the phone to Lashe, I have a few things to tell him” Ibukun said slowly, her voice low. She could tell that Uncle Sam wasn’t in a good mood.“Didn’t you just see him a few minutes ago? What is it that you want to tell him again?” Uncle Sam asked harshly and Ibukun swallowed her saliva not able to say anything.“Do you want to ruin his career? Do you hate him that mu
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“Lashe, are you done?” Uncle Sam and for some reason he felt weird and uncomfortable with the way Lashe was looking at him.“Uncle Sam, who were you speaking with just now?” Lashe asked and Uncle Sam swallowed his saliva and sighed.“I said who did you just speak to just now?!” Lashe yelled that startled Uncle Sam who also took a firm stance.“I cut off every distraction” Uncle Sam replied and Lashe narrowed his eyes.“You did what?” Lashe asked.“I said I cut off every distraction” Uncle Sam replied and Lashe raised an eyebrow.“Okay. Don’t tell me it was just Ibukunoluwa you were talking to just now right?” Lashe asked as Uncle Sam sighed.“It was her. Lashe; she’s distracting you and you need to focus on your career right now” Uncle Sam replied and Lashe turned to him anger seeping into his veins.“Did you just say she’s a distraction? Since when did you start to judge and know what’s a distraction or not?” Lashe asked as Uncle Sam
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Ibukun ran downstairs and snapped the door open, her heart slamming in her chest. She would recognise that figure anywhere, any day, anytime. She refused to believe that he had actually came to her house.She ran into the rain and found him standing in the rain drenched, his puffy eyes showed that he had cried and Ibukun tried to wipe her tears as he walked closer to her.He smiled a little as he rubbed her head ignoring the sibling audience standing by the door. He swallowed his saliva as he stared at Ibukun.“Did I come late?” Lashe asked slowly and Ibukun shook her head as she managed a smile.She had no idea what Lashe was there for. She had no idea which he would choose between her and his career.“I was in the shower when you called” Lashe started slowly and Ibukun swallowed her saliva, her anxiety building up every second as Lashe continued to keep his silence.“Ignore everything Uncle Sam said to you. I want you to pretend like you didn’t
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