Все главы The Russian: Глава 11 - Глава 20
He thought he’d been too late.He didn’t know how long Dani had been unconscious when he found her, and it took him and Maksim at least another half-hour before they finally found shelter in the middle of the woods.
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Alexei awoke to a vacant bedside the following morning.It shook all grogginess from his body as he looked around the empty cabin. The white shirt
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Summer was particularly warmer this year.Even under her parasol, Dani could feel the thick, heavy heat seeping through to her skin. Lethargy kept her glued to her chair, even as the sound of flowing water beckoned her to the pool before her.
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It was impossible to concentrate.Even with headphones on, sitting on her study desk with a bright lamp in her dim bedroom, Dani could not bring herself to focus on her reading.
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Dani awoke to a pounding headache.She kept her eyes shut, knowing as soon as sunlight hit her irises, her head would explode. She tossed and turned restlessly, finding at least some degree of comfort in the thick sheets and soft bed she was currently
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Dani paced restlessly in her bedroom.She had half a mind to pack up her things and leave. To where she had no idea, even though there was probably no escaping Alexei and his stupid men.
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There was nothing quite like a city skyline at night.Alexei stood by the window of his hotel room, admiring New York City from thirty two floors above. It was not his first time here—hell, he’d been through all five boroughs several times
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“The Battle of Tannenberg in 1914 took a massive blow on the Russian Empire. Over 30,000 Russian troops were killed or wounded while 90,000 had been captured. Germany’s forces, on the other hand…”Dani took down notes as her E
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Alexei walked into the hospital cafeteria and found Dani seated on one of the tables with her best friend Georgia.Dani did not seem to notice his arrival immediately. She was nursing a cup of coffee with both hands, looking tired and distraught as sh
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“We’ve been driving for more than twenty minutes. I’m officially calling this a kidnapping.”Alexei chuckled as he turned the car right on the next stoplight. “You don’t go out of Manhattan much, do you?”
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