Semua Bab The Warrior Princess: Bab 21 - Bab 30
76 Bab
21. Caught...?
Dimitri spoke to the guard for some time while Zaina waited for him calmly. Although she did not want to know what they were discussing about, her eyes still fell on the man. From his frown and irked face, she could deduce whatever he was listening to was unpleasant and that was all she needed right now. 'If the issue is of high importance, Dimitri will surely leave me alone for the day and I hope that happens.'Zaina focused her eyes on the man trying to grasp the changes in his emotions. However, right at that moment, Dimitri turned to her and raised his eyebrow, teasing her without speaking. Zaina had to avert her gaze away after getting caught by the king. 'Why did he turn? I hope he does not misunderstand and take me to be gawking at him shamelessly.'After the first failed attempt, Zaina did not have the courage to stare at him again. So, she gave up and looked around the garden. This was the place she loved the most in the entire mansion as it held a lot of good
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22. Wish to spar
The coachman got down and spoke to the two royal guards who had stopped the caravan. Miranda could not hear them at all now and she tried to peek outside. However, she got distracted when one of the men inside the caravan got down to see what was happening. And one by one, all the men, except the man who seemed familiar to Miranda, followed along, leaving the ladies and him inside.Although Miranda wanted to get off too, she could not as she was a lady and it was the men who handled issues like these. Moreover, she was dressed as an old lady. And she could not risk getting seen, especially by the royal guards. So, she controlled her curiosity and sat still. Miranda was sure that her disguise was top notch and the royal guards would not be suspicious of her. So, instead of worrying about it, she put up a brave front. A few moments passed and the men did not return. Now, not only Miranda, even the other ladies were starting to get anxious. The only per
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23. Intimate fight
“The one who loses will grant the winner a wish.” Laurier declared with a smirk.Raelynn was not a fool to not understand his intentions this time. She saw his calculative eyes and the confident smile on his face. Yet, she did not bow down. Instead, raised an eyebrow at him making him blink at her. “Do you think I don’t understand your intentions? Laurier, I have known you for a time now and I know how your mind works.”“In that case, Raelynn, you must be knowing what the outcome would be if you lose the bet.”“Huh.” She scoffed again and pressed on her wrists, preparing for their spar. “You will only wi
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24. Discovered?
“You dropped your sword, sweetheart. I won the fight.” Laurier declared with a victorious smile on his face. His hand was still around her waist and he looked down at her, watching her stare back at him in shock.“Wha-What? How?” Raelynn muttered; her mind unable to process what had transpired just now.“You lost concentration while fighting and you know what happens when you lose concentration.”“But it was you. You were the one who distracted me.” Raelynn protested, still confused by the turn of events.“Don’t you know
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25. Wish debt
“There goes my desire to have a secret, thrilling love life in the river.” Raelynn complained, annoyance evident on her face and she shot cold daggers at Laurier. “It is all your fault.”“How is it my fault, Lady? I am as much of a victim as you are. They caught us being together, if you remember.” Laurier defended himself, putting up a mask of innocence. He knew what Raelynn was talking about. But he was not ready to accept the claims, not when he had good intentions at heart.“If you had not kissed me, we would not have ended up in this predicament.” Raelynn continued, unable to accept the sudden turn of events. Although she was not unhappy with how things had turned out, she had wished to have he
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26. Courtroom voting
The next day, Cathal Bringe was ready to leave for the kingdom of Hollis. Accompanying him were four knight guards, one from each battalion. He had come to the palace first as the Lord had called him to have a small private chat. Eldrick and Cathal were now seated in the dining hall as they ate breakfast together. “Are all the preparations done, Minister Bringe?”“Yes, Milord. Everything is set and I’ll be leaving in a few hours.”“Good. I hope you will succeed in convincing Lord Dimitri. But it’s fine if you cannot, after all, he is a man who listens to none. If he is hellbent on waging a war against us, we will fight h
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27. Brother's objection
The courtroom session ended after the voting session and Cathal was all set to leave. Seeing his unwilling gaze, Raelynn knew that it was unfair for him. But he was the one who volunteered to be the messenger and although he could have withdrawn even today, he did not. So, she could not help him in any way. The man had decided on his own and everybody had agreed to it. However, she could still give him some words of advice for his own safety.Raelynn approached him with Laurier right behind her. He was not ready to leave her in the presence of the man alone when he was still not able to clear his suspicions of him. Moreover, everybody had already heard about him and Raelynn. So, there was nothing to hide from Cathal. “Minister Bringe, may
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28. Acceptance and blessings
Laurier and Eldrick stood face to face, both not averting their gazes away from each other. This was the first time Laurier was meeting the Lord this close and it would be an understatement to say that he was nervous. He was more than nervous and his legs were shaking in anxiety. He had to use a lot of strength to stay in his place. The man before him had an aura so powerful that he did not know how to deal with him without annoying him. But Laurier knew that it was now or never. He had face Eldrick someday or the other and if today was the day, so be it. He used all the strength he had in him to appear bold and confident and he was being successful, or that was what he thought.“Knight Commander Laurier, how long have you known Raelynn?&r
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29. Unexpected death
“What were you two talking about?” Raelynn enquired as soon as they left the palace. She was eager to find out what the two men had spoken about in her absence and how things had turned out in their favor at the end. But with her brother present in the same room as them, she could not bring up the matter lest she should give an option for Eldrick to change his decision. So, Raelynn had waited until they left the palace before she questioned Laurier.“We had a man to man talk, Raelynn,” Laurier replied, his eyes for once not meeting her. It was not because he was unwilling to look at her. No. He was more concentrated on the commotion that was taking place in the market place.After leaving the palace, the couple had proceeded towards the market place. Although they knew it would not be easy to move past the crowd the place
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30. Seeking help
Meanwhile, on the outskirts of kingdom Volar.Miranda sat alone as she took small bites of her lunch. She had ordered a cup of rice and some millet porridge as that was what she had seen her grandmother eat. She did not want to attract other people’s attention by ordering a hearty meal even though she was starving. It would make her look suspicious and that was the last thing she had in mind especially when she was close to her d
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