Все главы Rachel's Wolf: Глава 21 - Глава 30
Chapter 21
Hours passed and Rachel called Buck to tell him she wouldn't make it in at all. He sounded sympathetic as she told him what was going on and she asked him not to say anything to Becca or their mother, until she knew exactly what she was dealing with. A comfortable truce had been reached, between her and Anita, and in spite of herself, Rachel was warming up towards the other woman. Especially when she learned Anita was gay and happily in love with her girlfriend. It irked her that Galen had such drop-dead gorgeous lady friends, but it was par for the course, probably. It would be ludicrous, to think a man like him could have lived like a monk his entire life. She wondered what she would say to him, when he walked through the door, and more importantly, how would he react when he saw her. She rehearsed their coming conversation in her mind, and was still going over it, when the door to the cabin opened, wh
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Chapter 22
Rachel gently pulled away from him, the excitement of the moment, overshadowed, by the lurking threat of Allison. Part of her was jumping for joy, while another was almost cringing in fear. She couldn't forget how terrified she was, that night in the asylum. The spirit was intent on killing her that night, and Galen too. The memory of him, lying bruised and battered in her arms, was almost too much to contemplate and she struggled to focus on the problem at hand. "You okay?"he asked. "There's no more secrets between us, Rachel. It’s us against the world, and my money's on us."She smiled at the assurance in his voice. This man had no need for deception, or hidden agendas. He was honest to a fault. "It’s still a frightening prospect, Galen. Going up against this spirit won't be easy."He led her to the couch. "I know, but I hope that what I learned from Mrs Morris, can help us defeat her."Rachel looked at him
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Chapter 23
"No, please don't do this!""You have to be stopped Allison, once and for all!"Allison struggled in vain as the two men violently grabbed her, pushing her to the ground. Next to her, she saw the young boy, his neck broken and her face bleeding from where he'd scratched her as she strangled him, before ending his life. "Hold her steady, "one of the men commanded. The other one sat down on top of her, pinning her with his weight. The one who'd spoken, gagged her, then tied her hands and feet with rope. They dragged her outside, in the dead of night, with her struggling in vain against them. Her white dress tore and ripped with the force of their anger. "You will suffer, as you made others suffer, at your hand. "Allison's eyes widened in terror, as they rolled her into the open grave, and the last thing she felt, was dirt being heap
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Chapter 24
Days Later. . . . "Rachel, are you sure you don't want me to come up there and help?"Rachel switched her cellphone to the other ear. "Yes, Becca. I'm sure. I don't want you to be here. We don't know what will happen when we confront Allison."Becca sounded agitated. "All the more reason for me to be there Rachel!""No,"Rachel said firmly. "This is my fight, Becca. I want you to stay out of it. I need you to be safe."When the call ended, Rachel stuck her cell in her jeans' front pocket, watching Galen and Anita walk up the pathway. Mrs Morris was with them, her face set in a mask of grim concern. After introducing her to Rachel, the four of them went to the cabin, where Rachel had made a fresh pot of coffee. "I always knew, it would someday come to this,"the grey-haired woman said, in her crisp English accent. "My entire life has been defined by this woman, a
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Chapter 25
"I imagined buying this place, would give her a sense of peace, make her believe a part of me was with her,"Mrs Morris said. "I had no idea the darkness she dealt with, was so powerful."She was still visibly shaken from seeing her mother's remains and Galen pulled Rachel outside, to the porch, while Anita did her best to offer some comfort. "I can't even begin to think what her life was like, being haunted for so long,"Galen said. "I think it was meant to be that you showed up here Rachel. You were meant to help her, to free her and give Allison peace."Rachel stared lovingly into his eyes. "A werewolf, believing in destiny. Now that's something new."He kissed her on the lips. "I'm not kidding Rachel. This is what you do, and I'm glad I'm here to see you do it."Her eyes twinkled with mischief. "I'm glad you're here to love me,"she said softly. He pulled her
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Chapter 26
They converged on the steps, leading up to the asylum. Rachel, Anita, Mrs Morris and the golden wolf. Galen had already shifted. They'd agreed he would be in his wolf form, in case of an attack. Anita stood with a canister of kerosene and a box of matches. If push came to shove, she would be the one to light the fire. "It feels strange,"Rachel said, "knowing this will soon be over. Not that I'm complaining!"Anita chuckled nervously. "I've never attended one of these before. And hopefully, I never will again."Rachel gave her a warm smile. "Thanks for being here Anita. I was a bitch to you that day we met, and I'm sorry.Jealousy is definitely not a good look on me.""No worries,"Anita replied. "Just make Galen happy.He’s been through so much and I really feel you’re the one who can heal his heart and he will do the same for you."He walked up to Rachel, nudging her with his head. Sh
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Chapter 27
A gentle rain was falling, a few days later, where the four of them stood huddled under umbrellas, around Allison's grave. After all these years, she was finally getting a decent funeral. Galen held Rachel in his arms as Reverend Matthews said a final prayer, her sobs wracking at her body. It was over and Allison was finally free. They went to her house for tea, afterward. Mrs Morris wanted to leave as soon as she could. She wanted to get back to her business in New York. There was a spring in her step, now that it was over. She seemed relieved and happy, moreso after the funeral. A car was waiting for her and Anita and they stood on the porch, saying their farewells. "I can never thank you enough, for bringing me closure,"she said. She took Galen and Rachel's hands. "The two of you, and my trusted assistant, have given me something worth more than all the riches in the world. Peace."An
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“Why does the lone wolf interest you so much? You’ve cemented your place as Alpha of this town.You don’t need to strengthen your army.”Sophia Bruce turned in the high-backed leather chair behind her desk,in the direction of where the voice was coming from. Of course it would be Stefano,no one else in her pack would have the nerve to stride into her office and demand an explanation.“Forgive me,my Queen.How am I to serve you,if I don’t know the full extent of your involvement with him and his brothers?Why is it so urgent for you to have all of them in Colby’s Cove?”The raven-haired beauty smiled.Perhaps it was time for her most trusted confidante to know the truth.He alone would keep her secret safe.Till this moment,only he knew of the witch’s curse of immortality,which had kept her in this world, for 200 years.“I don’t need them to strengthen my army,Stefano.I need them to strengthen my family.”
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Part 2
Six months after the events of Part 1,Rachel and Galen have settled into comfortable domestic bliss,but a new threat emerges and an old enemy resurfaces.... The Angel of Death delivers an ominous warning to Rachel and she must find a way to stop the storm headed their way.If not,Galen's very life could be at stake... Meanwhile,Galen begins to feel the loss of his pack due to his exile,and when the Alpha of Colby's Cove,Sophia Bruce,offers him a place in her pack,he jumps at the opportunity.But what will he do when he discovers Sophia's long kept secret? Their story continues now.
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“Galen was a good man,Rachel,”Becca said.She handed her handkerchief to Rachel,who dabbed at her eyes as if she were in a trance.When did Galen die?How was she at his funeral?    She looked at the assembled mourners around the grave.Her mother,Buck,Anita…all of them there to mourn her wolf.    “Becca?”Rachel asked softly.”Why are we here?”    Rachel cast her eyes towards the gleaming dark casket,now slowly descending into the open grave.Was Galen in there?A cold fear gripped at her heart,no,it couldn’t be…!    “Remember Rachel,”Becca implored,”Galen died,because you didn’t save him.He died because of you.”    Rachel stifled a scream which rose deep inside her as agony ripped at her like razor-sharp claws.Galen died…because of her?    Rachel stared into the open grave as the casket hit the bottom of the gaping hole with a sickening thud,and flames began to curl around it,engulfing it
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