Semua Bab TWINS BOND: Bab 41 - Bab 50
83 Bab
Against The School Rules
"You're the useless one Mari, not me. You keep forcing yourself on him, discriminating every single thing I do, spreading lies about me. For the love of God, what did I do to you?" She lifted her hands in the air in frustration. "We were friends, Mari, what went wrong?" Sakiko started feeling sentimental as she felt an unknown pain crush her heart.  "As you said, we were, not until you took Sasuke away from me," she retorted. "You have got to be kidding me! I never did. He was never yours, I took nothing from you. Where did that distorted thinking come from?"  Sasuke walked into the class and saw the scene in front of him. He walked towards them with long strides, anger etched deep in his eyes. "Mari stop it, Sakiko stop it as well. What is wrong with you two?"  "Good, Sasuke is here." "She wouldn't dare lay a hand on Sa
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Purnished 1
"No buts, I do not want to hear it." Mrs Hasegawa said, cutting Sakiko short. Sakiko had a dejected and shocked look on her face but she quickly hid it as soon as it came. Sasuke noticed her changed expression and held her hand, intertwining their fingers. He pressed her hand to give her an assurance that he was with her. "Are you done, Mari?" "Yes, ma." "Good!" As soon as she said that, even Ayumi felt bad. "Why would she agree to what Kimura said without listening to Sakiko's side of the story? Ayumi thought. "I never knew Mrs Hasegawa to be biased. Why would she side with Mari?" Sakiko muttered. "This wasn't going well, at this rate Sakiko would be punished." Sasuke furrowed his brows as he weighed the situation.  As if understanding what went through their min
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Punished 2
"You called!" They spoke at once.  "If any of the students help you, they should be ready for two weeks suspension." "What?!" Mari exclaimed. "Did I stutter?" "No, Mrs Hasegawa," the others chorused. "Good. Off you go now." With that, they exited the staffroom. About thirty minutes into the cleaning, Sakiko was almost done with her portion of the pool, whereas Mari hasn't even gone halfway through.  Sakiko stopped what she was doing and made her way to Mari. "Hey!" Mari ignored her and didn't say anything. Seeing her behave this way, Sakiko could only sigh. Why was she behaving like a spoiled brat now?  "Hey! Mari! Kura Mari–chan!" She increased her voice, making it louder than normal. She turned to face Sakiko and arch
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An Act Of Friendship
Sakiko and Mari looked up and saw their classmates standing at the poolside. They were all dressed in their sportswear. One after the other, they spoke their minds, not bothering to hide the disdainful look on their faces.  "Look at her, ain't she ashamed." "I heard she still had the guts to lie when the teacher called them." "Really, how can she be so pretentious?" "She drugged Sasuke at her birthday party." "What? Really?!" "Yes, that was why she was earlier punished by the disciplinary committee." Mari could hear their whispers, well it wasn't a whisper if she could hear them, but it hurt her still, she had her head down, not having the guts to look them in the eye.  Her good days in high school was over before it has begun. Everyone was going to see her that way, espe
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Sai blinked several times. He was at a lost for words. What was Reina talking about? Of course, they needed the boys' help. Then again, did they really needed the boys' help? They could pretty well handle any matter and they could be quite scary when angry and being controlling. The girls chuckled at the side, after hearing what Reina asked. Of course, they didn't need their help, they could manage alone. "Of course you need our help, isn't that right guys?" He turned to face his classmate as he finished his statement but got no response from them. "Really now, guys!" Sai backed the girls, so he couldn't see the frightening glare the guys were getting, rendering them speechless. "Don't look at us Class rep, we don't want to get in... " "What are you saying Ryo?" Bashira quickly cut him short, preventing him from saying anything.&n
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New Student
Sakiko and Sasuke rushed forward and bowed to them, "Please ma, they are not at fault. I am to blame," Sasuke said apologetically. "If you want to punish anybody, punish us. We caused it," Sakiko quickly intervened. "That's it. You four are suspended. You would face the disciplinary committee," Mr Rokuro, the disciplinary committee chairman said. "No, it is not their fault sirs, ma. We all joined of our own accord. If you would punish anyone, punish is all," Reina chipped in. "Yes, sir suspend us," Ryo suddenly spoke up. Mr Seiji turned to Mr Rokuro and said, "We can't suspend all the students in a class, who would we teach?" "I think you should start soon sir, before we become more," one of the students, Raiden said. True to what he said, their other classmates marched close and joined them. "Yes sir, suspend us all." 
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Can We Not Talk About Her?
As Akamine turned, she saw several boys drool at her dashing smile. Her face lightened up with when her eyes caught sight of each of them. Yes, this was what she wanted, all the love and attention. What more could she ask for? Nothing right? Well no, Akamine Yuki wasn't satisfied at all. Not one bit. She wanted more, she wanted Sasuke. "Hello!" "I like your hair." "You are cute. I love your personality." "You can have my notes to update yours, so you could follow up the next class." "I can show you around the school if you like?" "What say you? Let me and my buddy Nato take you for a school tour, huh?" Another one of the guys said putting his arm around the last boy that spoke. All of them were at her beck and call, asking her if she wanted or needed anything. Some of the girls got jealous at the
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A Woman's Mood
Sasuke sighed, his shoulders slouched as his hands fell loosely by his side. This wasn't happening. How could one girl affect him and make him lose his cool? Look at what he had done to Sakiko. His day wasn't going as good as he hoped it to. All of a sudden he heard a soft sigh not too far from where he stood. "Who's there?" A figure walked out from the shadows and into the bright sunlight where he could see his face clearly. "Hey, sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop or anything. I just happened to be relaxing not far from here and I kinda heard you guys." As the boy spoke, he walked closer to Sasuke, then rested his back against the wall. "It's you," Sasuke said, his eyes darkening a bit when he saw the boy. He didn't like anyone intruding in his personal life, but he couldn't call this intruding.
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My Cunning Wife
"Well, thank you for coming Father Tanaka, love," Mrs Ishida's gaze shifted to her husband as she called him lovingly. He turned to look at his gorgeous wife at his side and answered, "Yes,  my darling?!" "I need to get back to work," She said with a sigh. "Same here, thank you for having me." Father Tanaka chipped in. Almost immediately, both of them stood up, ready to leave. Mr Ishida's got up after them and saw them off to the door. He opened the door and Father Tanaka walked out,  just as Mrs Ishida was about doing same, he pulled her close to himself, catching her off guard. He smiled cockily as he gently placed a peck on his wife's lips. "Daisuke, we are in your doorway," she protested but gently placed a chaste kiss on his lips. "Wow, what a wife I have. I am being scolded for doi
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Need A Hand
"This is your fault Itachi.""My fault?""You were tickling me none stop that day," she complained. "Don't I have the right to do so?" His eyes darkened with mischief as he said his next words, "Are you complaining?" He knelt on the sofa and stalked closer to where she sat. Her legs were crossed on the sofa, she used her hands to aid her movement back, away from the impending trouble. "Itachi don't.""Don't what?""Don't you dare tickle me. Stay back.""Or what?" He asked her daringly. By now he was on all fours above his sister, with both hands at her sides. She was pinned down by him. "Or I'll kick you in the... "Before she could complete her sentence, he lounged for her and began tickling her by the ribs. "Ha haha haha a haha ahhaa... " she wa
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