Semua Bab My lovely fairy: Bab 21 - Bab 30
40 Bab
Girls gossip
Eleanor was trying to figure out what Alphonse told her before leaving while her maid Anne was making a fuss about the kiss between them."Miss, I have observed Prince Alphonse for many years and I can tell you for sure, he isn't the kind of person to kiss any girl randomly. And actually I never saw him kiss a girl." Said Anne, in a high tone."I don't always agree with Anne but she is right about this miss....By the way Anne, why were you observing the duke for years?! Also I think that you did enough by spreading rumors so can you please keep it down." said Miel, while looking suspiciously at Anne."Hahaha! don't mind me I like this kind of romantic situation and about the duke well, I had a crush on him long ago.""Yeah, I will never believe that since you fall in love with every handsome guy. Last time it was his highness the emperor, right?!" At the mention of the emperor, Eleanor who was
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Medecine and witchcraft
Three week passed, Eleanor had a long discussion with Cain on their last meeting and since then she often visited his office and garden. As much as he learned a lot from Eleanor's knowledge, it was the same for her. In the human territory there was a lot of medical herbes that she only saw on book at Elheim. So everything was new to her and she was excited to see more, that made Cain who love medicine happy to share his knowledge. And they spent a lot of time together those three week. "Why is this herbe withering like that?" asked Eleanor with a worried look on her face."Ahhh...this one. sigh! it is sad to lose her but she doesn't seem to adapt to her surrounding. That's why she is dying right now." He said while writing on a book and then continued,"I always change her surrounding and see how she adapt but the result is each time worst. So I write a review about it. Maybe someday we might find a way to grow more of them."
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Never underestimate woman
The day after her discovery on the fluitis mias herbe, Eleanor quickly ate her breakfast and went to where her foot lead her automatically for the past three week, doctor Cain's office.She opened the door and looked right and left, she couldn't find him in the office. Even though it is a spacious office, she could usually easily find him because he always made a lot of noise while looking for books and all.After one last look at the empty office, she went straight to the medical imperial garden. You could get lost in this garden, it's so big but fortunately she knew where he often went to work and as she expected he was squatting near the fluitis herbe, looking intensely at it as if he was trying to figure out something."Morning Cain, how are you today?" she said happily.He turned around and after seeing her, he smiled warmely and replied,"Ah, you are here Lea I am fine but we can't say the same for this medical herbe.""What?! No
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Back to the palace
"Cain, why does Francis hates the witches and wizards?!" Eleanor asked after his disciples left in a hurry, afraid that their master would change his mind."About that, I can not really tell you the reason. You have to get that information from him. The only thing that I can disclose is that it concern a curse." "A curse? that's terrible and what kind of curse is it?""Unfortunately that is as far as I can say." He said with an apologetic smile on his face."Ah, I understand you are right, it is impolite to question you about another person's privacy. I am really sorry for my unawareness Cain." she apologized while looking down ashamed of her request."No, you don't have to apologize, it is just a subject that is like a deep wound for him that's why, I suggest you to directly ask him. Who know, maybe you of all people will be able to heal him." He winked at her as if he knew everything that ha
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Away from her
Eleanor spent most of her time with Cain to do some research and learn more about medicine, like that she was hoping to forget about her complicated feeling for Francis. And during these past three week, another person suffered greater grief than Eleanor, the poor Sebastian. He escorted Francis around the empire and had to take care of all kind of tasks.His biggest trouble was of course none other than his majesty Francis Kein Klaus. Since they left the palace and to Sebastian's surprise earlier than expected, he found Francis to be calm for the first three days after they left the palace. But one day, on a calm and sunny morning he got up and was in a dangerously angry state, the reason for his mood was of course a mistery. Sebastian and Val tried all they could to improve his mood but it was in vain. Every times they asked why he was in this state, he either ignored them or made them leave. And it was like that for the whole trip around the
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Celebration in town
"Miss Lea, the emperor's in his palace don't you want to go and greet him?!"Eleanor was on her bed absent mindedly reading a book, she ate her lunch in her room to avoid eating with him. She didn't want to see him for the time being. The book was about history of the human empire, about how they hunted down the witches for decades. She wondered if it was still the case in present day."No, I am a little busy reading and I don't want to disturb him, he must be busy too, working on all kind of state affairs." She smiled in consideration and returned to her book, even though she seemed to care about his matter, deep down all she wanted was to avoid meeting him as much as possible. So that she could forget about her confused feeling for him.Miel looked at her worried because Eleanor didn't seem so enchanted by his highness's return, then she changed the subject and said,"Anne and Elise are really excited to go to tow
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A dire situation in a merry town
The town lit up before Eleanor's eyes, it was like thousand of stars decorated the many trees, shops and houses surrounding them. Eleanor accompanied by Anne, Elise and Miel was having a lot of fun. There was a lot of merchants that provided luxury like jewels or rare items, foods were displayed everywhere and there was all kind of delicious culinary.Eleanor stayed with Miel while the others two went to try dresses and buy for themselves accessories. Miel and Eleanor went to look at some show that was played at the center of the market, to draw a lot of attention."Why are all these peoples gathered here?!" Eleanor said and tilted her head in wonder."It is because of the show over there. Talented persons play in this show and lot of family and kids love it since it is entertaining." Miel replied as she smiling while looking at the excited children jumping in happiness for the show."I see, it look fun let's go and watch the play Miel.""Ye
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Fate and choice
Meanwhile before all this happened, after leaving Eleanor's room Francis went inside his office. And as he looked at his desk filled with mountain of papers, he suddenly had the urge to return to where he came from. A place that made him feel confortable and happy. Though, the fact that it made him feel this way, was still something he couldn't comprehend, so he racked his mind and cursed at himself for succombing to the feeling of yearning for her.'I don't even know what went through my mind for going to her room and doing whatever pleased me. I just feel anger for her indifferent attitude toward me. She didn't see me for a while, and didn't even bother to come and see me even once....But well, I can understand that she could be angry or hurt about my decision in leaving....sigh! Actually who am I kidding, she has every right to get angry. I acted like a horrible bastard, still I couldn't resist the urge that's lurking in my heart and that keep asking to see her.'
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To protect one another
'I knew it, they are exactly were a foresaw it. I just turned the corner and spotted them right away, trying to harm Anne and Elise. My hands trembled slighty, and it is normal since I have always hated to fight. I learned to fight because Elias told me that it would be a necessity in case I needed to protect myself. And right now that's what I need to do, not only to protect myself but also for Anne and Elise, I must stay strong.' She thought while closing her eyes, breathe deeply and looked toward the man trying to attack the girls. After calming her mind, she acted quickly and pulled arrows at the assaillants, her every move were fast and precise. Her arrows shot two man but the assaillants were numerous, and after they saw her, their attention quickly turned toward her. She took advantage of that situation to instruct Anne and Elise to flee."Anne, Elise hurry! get away from here now!""Ah! Lea....what about you?!" Anne sa
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Indepted to her twice
By the time Francis regained consciousness, they were already at the palace. He was lying on his bed and slept peacefully since they brought him there. He feel that his body was heavy and had a headache, looking to his side he saw Cain, sitting on a chair and taking his pulse, beside him Val, Sebastian and Alphonse looked worried and did all they could to remain silent. He chuckled and said,"I am still alive so why the long face?" "Your majesty you shouldn't be joking about this matter, if something worse happened...." Sebastian protested at Francis who looked amused by all the situation. "It is true brother, you shouldn't take lightly your safety, you are the emperor of this empire and also it protector....." Alphonse continued with a stern expression, showing that even through they often fought, their bound was still strong. "Well, since he is joking like that it show that he is completely fine
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