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50 Bab
chapter 11
There was a driver for us in the parking lot, as soon as he saw us he opened the car door for me and I stepped into it, soon Tyler was beside me and he started driving“You look beautiful,” Tyler said trying to make small talk, I heard him before, I looked out the window and ignored him yet again“Would you at least look at me, I am not that monstrous at least say thank you so I have
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chapter 12
“Hey wake up” someone tapped me gently“Leave me alone Tyler” I whispered and smacked his hand away."Siobhan?""What the hell do you want?" I asked sleepily when I opened my eyes.
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chapter 13
I stood in the shower and let cold water run over me, I enjoyed cold water, I enjoyed the water in general, it didn't really matter what temperature it was. I took the body wash that was standing there waiting for me to use then scanned the bottle for anything I might be allergic to since there was none I poured a little quantity in my hand and sniffed it. Smelled okay to me, I lathered the soap over my body and spent a whole thirty minutes in the bathroom hoping by the time I was done he would be asleep and I didn't have to listen to his horrible choice of words. I pulled on the tight white tank top and the shorts.
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chapter 14
Today was the day we were to do what most if not all married couples do, we were going to consummate our marriage, I felt insecure and I was anxious, half of me hoped that he would be disgusted by my scars and run away, the other half hoped he wouldn't, I couldn't undergo the embarrassment.I dressed up in one of the sexy silk nightwears my mother bought for me, it was black and had lace in some places, I felt more exposed than I would let my mind think of, he should just come (literally) and let this be over as soon as it began. I turned off my light, the first time in a long time, I didn't want
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chapter 15
"I made toast, do you like toast?" Tyler asked I was just wondering who supplied food to this place, "Siobhan, answer a damn question for once" he added and groaned, I was clearly pissing him off, it wasn't long before he stopped trying“Yeah” I whispered and he put three pieces of toast on my plate and handed me the butter "thanks"“My friends called and they would be on the island
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chapter 16
I saw the sun peeking through the curtains, I got out of bed and opened the window, the sun immediately took over the room making Tyler groan "Oh God just come back to bed, we would wake up later" I hated the way Tyler always wanted to cuddle me, I wonder how he survived sleeping in his bed all these years without someone to hold at night, maybe he had a huge teddy that fulfilled his needs, I am not a huge teddy, I am a human being.I put my legs into my black fuzette slippers and went down the stairs. I took a moment to admire the waves from the safety of the room, I loved the decor of the house,
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chapter 17
I laid on the bed trying to ignore the moans and groans of Alisson and one of Tyler's friends, the walls were thin, very thin and I was not enjoying it. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP "YES RIGHT THERE" I turned over and put the pillow on my ear. Someone entered the room, probably Tyler here to beg and be clingy AGAIN, I turned and saw it wasn't Tyler, it was Gwen."yyyy" she grimaced "how do you sleep at night?" she asked referring to the couple 
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chapter 18
SIOBHAN'S POVAfter a refreshing hot shower, I walked out of the bathroom feeling happy with myself, the cold water certainly shook me up some. I saw Tyler sitting on the bed, not now. I turned to him and made sure my towel was secure around my body
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chapter 19
TYLER'S POV"Tyler" Sidney called, Sidney was Siobhan's older sister"Hello, Sidney how are you today?" I asked cheerfully, but she was not having it at all the look she had for me on her face could bury me in seconds if it was given the opportunity.
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chapter 20
My alarm went off at six o'clock, I rubbed my eyes tiredly and looked over my shoulders remembering I was back in New York, I went to the bathroom and after brushing my teeth I went to have a bath.“Mrs. Douglas; are you up” Someone knocked on my door,“Yes,” I answered while brushing my hair "come in" the person opened the door and I turned to see the Catalina, the caretaker.
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