Semua Bab If Only He Knew | cσмρℓεтε∂ : Bab 31 - Bab 40
76 Bab
35| Was Loving You A Better Idea?
|Unedited| English is not my first language.  Kindly ignore any typos, grammatical mistakes and verbal uncertainties.  Emily's Pov: What?  Did I hear him right? Was he really happy that he was my first kiss!!?  Really!  Like really!  I opened my mouth to ask him this question when he licked my lips quickly and plunged his tongue in my already open mouth with so much strength, it collided with mine with intense passion that burned my insides making me wet. I rubbed my thighs to reduce tension when he ran his hands up and down my arms, his lips tasting my mouth like he was deprived of food and water for months. Not soon after, his hands caressed my throat and rubbed his fingers over his deep bite, making me wince with both pain and pleasure.  His tongue reached dee
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32| Reasons We Are Far Apart
Emily's Pov: I woke up abruptly to the harsh tango dancing of my ridiculous alarm clock that is a shame to human habit of sleeping soundly when tired as hell. Stretching my abnormal female arms and legs, I toppled down the bed like a kangaroo to rush into wahsroom for my urgent blast of bladder which actually had no shame and manners for being a bladder of a female all this time!!  I was brushing my teeth, more like scrubbing them with dog soap when I looked at the prominent red and blue bruise normal people naturally preferred to call "hickey" at the crook of my neck in my reflection in mirror. Immediately, I turned around, my cheeks flaming red to remember events of that night, those unforgetful moments in the life of a female, who spends her first that night with her husband.  That husband whom she loved with all her heart!  And that husband who crawled in his hiding too ashamed to
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33| Your Name
Emily's Pov: The room was dark and quiet as usual, as if long series of serial murders took there and I was its next victim, entering the dangerous area where my murderer was already waiting for me, with a shimmering sharp knife in his hands.  Stumbling sllghtly, I put my hands over switch and taking a deep breath, I pressed it firmly. Immediately, everything glowed, brightness reaching every corner of the room, it's light falling on each and every object of the room.  Modern devices and polished furnitures lay sprawled on the floor just like the last time I visited, window glasses covered with gray white curtains and black carpet showed all signs of luxurious odour one can get by visiting the office of youngest surviving billionare.  But I didn't come to drool over his wealth as there was nothing he owned which I didn't know of. Pleasant masucline cologne bursted my senses and I was s
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34| Hurt And Comfort
*Unedited* Emily's Pov: "Edward-you horrible son of a rotten smelling fungal black slippery sticky onion crushed in a juicer machine, you-" I started to blabber frantically only to stop and stare at the man standing in front of me, still and erect, tired and sad, seeing him going through everything hard I was going through myself these past four days when I looked up to stare into his blue orbs I missed so much that instantly my own eyes welled up with tears, and I wiped my nose again with the back of my shirt to stop myself from breaking out in front of him.  "Edward-you real beetle of-" I started yet again but my body betrayed my tongue and before I knew I shouldn't, I ran towards him and launched myself on him, opening my arms hugging him firmly, my fingers digging into his shirt and my eyes betraying my mind, flowing tears of sadness and reunion.  "Lily I-" With the
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35| Most Natural Thing To Do
*unedited* Emily's Pov: It was really hard for me to explain my well-being being to Edward who thought he almost raped me and he would never be able to show his face to me again and I had to smack him hard across his face for thinking such ridiculous thing.  We were strolling along his arena for guests which consisted of well built polished wooden rooms and floors. A large wide swimming pool filled with clean water lay in the centre, with chairs, tables and waiters and waitress waiting to attend the guests. This area was frequently used by him to attend his VIP clients and if they needed to stay, they could as well stay there where they are most welcomed.  "Wow! It's so beautiful since the last time I visited it! See here, roses and lilies? Really? Last time they weren't here! Did Lara ask you to plant them? I should thank her someday!" I roamed the whole garden, plucki
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36| Unexpected Encounters
Emily's Pov : Edward took huge steps away from me, first staring at me, then at the door and back again to stare at me.  I laughed nervosuly.  "Well well! I think I may need to squeeze up my bladder again! I must tell you I kinda felt asleep in bathtub today so water seeped into my hard fat skin, and it's tickling my kidney now! Anyway off to washroom!" I retreated hurriedly, not meeting his eyes which were boring into mine in a cold fashion.  Closing the washroom's door, I rested my head against it to calm my racing heart.  What would Lara say? Would she know I am here?  What would Edward say for not contacting her all this time? Would she be mad?  Would he really go as far as telling her what we did accidently that night, to save his relationship with her!?  I
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37| Don't Move
*Unedited* Emily's Pov: I coudn't belive the person standing in front of me was the one whom I had know almost half of my life. I rubbed my eyes and blinked twice to confirm my suspicions.  She chuckled at my reaction, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it, her beautiful innocent smile reminding me of her real quiet side.  "How are you, Mrs Emily Jones! Well. Well! Who would've thought you two would get together so early. I always thought I would have to beat Edwrad to knock some real sense into his puddle mind that how much you love muhhh-" I covered her mouth instantly, my eyes wandering around the room to make sure nobody heard it.  "Oh my god! I can't belive you are Rose! Is it really you, Rose!" I yelled, my hands touching her black jacket and a hoodie to confirm.  "Yeah yeah!! it's me. Totally me. Infact, how about I show you my id
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38| Some Stubborn Decisions
*Unedited* Emily's Pov: I stared meekly at Rose while she continued to point two guns at two men present on the room, one crawling on the corner and other still in confusion, standing at the door.  "Rose, what are-" "Does he or does he not?!" She tilted her head to look at me, raising her eyebrows to press her question.  "Well..he does. He cares for me a lot-" "Oh man. This is tiring!" She cracked her neck to the side, yawning a little while adjusting her guns before opening her mouth to blow the chewing gum balloon.  Edward still stayed as confused as ever, looking at me and then Rose and then again at me to ask what was happening.  I myself didn't know what the hell was happening!  "Rose, this isn't a joke-" Edward started, only to stop when Rose started to press the tri
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39| You Think I'm A Man?
Covering with lid, I placed the last food container on dining table before placing spoons and folks around the plates. Miranda helped me carry all those as she still thought I was weak with all those late night sleeps. I requested her to go sleep early as she did work all day and she could be sick anytime the way she was pushing herself considering her tender age. So I was glad for once that she complied and went to her room to rest.  Rose was still taking shower, while Michael stood beside Edward, giving him report of whole day and the recent heartrending incident. His views about Rose made me think he was visualising her as some convicted criminal or serial killer affiliated with some dangerous Mafia.  "Sir, I still think it wouldn't be very good keeping that woman in this house!" I smiled. "But Micheal, she's my friend. A friend of your Sir as well! So I assure you she's more of a kind-hearted person in real
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40| Old Friends Reunion
 Emily's Pov: Mia! What was she doing here! Did something bad happen!? "Emily!",she yelled, her eyes filled with tears and her cheeks all puffed up from crying.  "Mia! Why are you crying!? Did something bad happen!? Mia-" Mia shook her head, throwing her arms around me and started to cry hysterically, her tears not willing to stop. "I don't know ...what to do..anymore... Emily! Help me! I don't want to live anymore! I can't do all of this anymore!" "Shh.. Mia. Never say never. Let's talk it all out! I'm here! We'll sort out everything! Don't cry!" I brought her inside and offered her a coffee. "Here. Drink it! It'll help you recover from your emotions!" Mia hesitated a bit, before extending her arm to take the coffee and drank it all up in one shot before wiping her lips with the back of her hand.  "Good!" I patted
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