Semua Bab MAY: Bab 51 - Bab 60
69 Bab
Chapter fifty.
Mother and daughter hugged each other passionately."I love you too my daughter. I am so happy to see you again. In fact, my joy knows no bound. I just want you to forgive me.""For what?" asked, May, pulling away from the hug."For not finding you and letting you live this way." Mrs. Felix looked around the house again, disliking the fact that her daughters house had cobwebs up at the far end of the ceiling.May only smiled and then offered her mother to seat. They both sat side by side on the couch."Mother, I am used to it now. There is nothing here.. It just feels normal." May assured her."Hm.""So mother what would you like to be offered? Juice or water?" May asked already standing up so she would go out and get her mother something to drink."No. No. I don't want to be offered anything, I am full." Mama May declined, "Come seat. I w
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Chapter fifty one.
The rickshaw driver stopped at the address she had given to him after which, she gladly paid him off. Just in front of her, was a big banquet hall with people dressed so elegantly in their various attires walking in and out.  She drew in a long breath and with shoulder raised high she walked towards the door.  "Ma'am, where is your invitation card?" asked one of the security men.  May searched her purse for it but couldn't find it, "Uhm, I cannot find it. I must've forgotten it at home due to hurry." The security man who had stopped her, shook his head in negative, "I'm sorry but you cannot go in without showing me your invitation card ma." 
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Chapter fifty two.
"Yes. I'm sorry about that. Just it was so heartbreaking at the time..""Tega...""Oh, I'm sorry."It suddenly felt awkward, making them realise that they'd been standing all along and distracting others. It became quite embarrassing especially since Tega was still holding her hand."Uhm, Tega?" She shook her hands, asking to be freed and so he let go of her hand."Thank you," she said and they both took their seats."So how has life been?" Tega asked trying to stir up a conversation."Well, life has been life." She answered, "What about you?""Well, it hasn't been easy but I'm coping. I now work in a law firm. You know, I got my degree as a lawyer." he said with a tint of pride in his voice."Wow! That's so good to hear. Congratulations man." She shook hands with him, "I hope you don't pull stunts at the office?"
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Chapter fifty three.
She didn't have an exact answer to her troubling mind but she was afraid that he was gradually stealing her heart away.At cedar court high, he had gathered some courage just so he would open up his true feelings to the girl he was badly crushing on. His hopes tattered when she declined his request to be his date and went after their class prefect, Frank.May was sure she didn't like him then, she didn't see any thing special in or about him, she didn't feel anything more than being friends with him but now, she couldn't say the same. They were getting more acquainted as time passed by and she got to see some special attributes he possessed.Mama Edric entered her kitchen and May followed suit, dropping her bag on the kitchen counter."I am cooking egusi soup," Mama Edric announced, taking off the pot's cover and stirring inside the pot with a cooking spoon.May looked around in discomfort
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Chapter fifty four.
"May, I don't know how you'll take this but I have to make this request from you and it is important that you grant it. Since you divorced with my son two days ago, Maryam hasn't been eating properly. She has become suddenly stubborn and would refuse to come out of her room. The other night, I went close to her room door. I heard her sobbing which means she doesn't also get enough sleep. My heart is worried, May. I'm scared that if she continues this way, she might fall very sick. Would you want that to happen? I don't know for you but she is my first grandchild and I'll never want that for her. Please come live with us in the family house. I beg you. I know you just relocated to your new building so this would be hard for you but still remember you are not doing this for me. You are doing this for your only child. Consider this request so my Maryam would be happy again. Also, please don't prove stubborn or say you wouldn't come because if anything bad happens to Marya
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Chapter fifty five.
Maryam eyes filled with tears, "But I want you two to remarry, daddy. I am not happy, daddy. Family lives together not separately.""Enough, Maryam!" He yelled, shocking her. "We are not having this conversation again."After May had listened to their conversation, she went back to her room and shed tears. She knew that she felt like a free bird and was happy but her daughter wasn't. Their divorce was hurting Maryam and it was hard for her to accept her parents separation."May?" Edric called from behind her, pulling her out from the flashbacks she was having.May turned around from the window to look at him, "What?" She asked, tightly grasping the tea cup."Please listen to me." He begged, "I want to tell you something."She glanced at the old wall clock quickly and then faced him, "I have somewhere to be tonight but you have a minute,""Thank you. Ugh..
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Chapter fifty six.
May stepped outside, shutting the door behind her silently. The cool night breeze welcomed her and she hugged herself. The stars far above them in the sky twinkled and the street lights shone brightly. "What took you so long?" Tega inquired as he rushed to her side to open the car door for her. He was such a gentleman.  She sent him a warm smile as she entered. He turned around back to the driver seat. "I didn't hear you honking the car and I was inside my room, having some tea." She lied, not wanting to bring up her ex husband's name into the picture.  "It's alright," He said as the car's engine roared to life, "You look splendid by the way." he complimented. 
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Chapter fifty seven.
May finally received the dialer but unfortunately, it disconnected before she could even say, "Hello". Worried and confused, she called Iby back but his line was switched off.She didn't understand why such a thing would happen and it saddened her heart, yet, she was happy and relieved to have received his call after few weeks of trying to reach him but to no avail. He was back to Nigeria safely and that was something to be thankful for. She only wished within herself that she would see him before the week ends and maybe spend some time with him like she's used to.On the other hand, Tega drove in silence, unsure of what to say to her. He knew she was still mad at him for the scene he created at the restaurant, but he had done what he did because of the love he had for her. He had thought reprimanding the waiter would show her that. He really wished she would reason everything with him. He really wished she would change her mind and be his
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Chapter fifty eight
Even if May tried hard not to smile, she did for reasons unknown to her. Was she actually having feelings towards her distraction? She wasn't sure. She pushed the thought away and bent down to wash the clothes.Half way through her washing, a pair of strong hands closed her eyes from behind. Her vision became dark and fear seized her breath for a while.But then, she relaxed a bit with the thought that Tega might be at it again, playing tricks like he was used to.She traced the hands up with her fingers like a blind woman, "Tega?" She asked, but no response only a giggling sound. She wasn't finding it funny. "Tega, would you stop already?"The unknown person lips and breath came closer to her ear after awhile and whispered softly, "Do you mind to tell me whom Tega is? Cause I am not him, Flower."Flower! It dawn on her that only one person calls her that. Also, his voice. Sh
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Chapter fifty nine.
She knew Tega was waiting for her outside the family house because he kept blaring his car's honk but she was too offended to go out and meet him. He didn't think after the lie he told Iby earlier she was still going to fall at his feet like nothing happened. If he thought so, then he was dreaming because May had changed her mind. No more club Bara tonight. She needed to talk to Iby and that was more important. Only if he would receive her several calls or reply her texts.  May rolled on her bed restlessly, in the verge of shedding tears. Iby had never really ignored her like this so it was just too much to take in. A soft tap came to her room door and she hesitantly asked who it was at the door.  "Tega is outside waiting for you." Mama Edric informed, "Seems like he wouldn't leave until you see him. Plea
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