Все главы The Death of Me: Глава 31 - Глава 40
Chapter 30 - Forbidden kiss
Alex's POV"Do you have any idea what you're doing?"I turned to the door when I heard Ashton's voice to see him standing there, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyebrow raised showing complete and deep discontent.I nodded and went back to the files scattered in front of me on the bed, all of which are papers that belonged to my old limp dick of a father before, but now by being a leader, I am the one who is supposed to take care of them."So you know how dangerous this is?" That bimbo acting all wise and mature now.I sighed heavily, I nodded my head again without even glancing at his side. I flipped the page and he continued his investigation.
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Chapter 31 - The man behind the beast
 Cara's POVI want to throw up. Again.The touch of his lips on mine still drove in me the same amount of disgust it always did.My stomach tightened more. Can I just throw up in his mouth?It's okay Cara, hold on more, it is all going as planned, come on.I shakily brought my hand up before I let my fingers lightly rest over his cheek feeling the rasp of his light stubble against my fingertips. Shame gripped me by the throat. I knew I shouldn't be doing this, no matter what my motivations behind it are, I shouldn't be doing it.
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Chapter 32 - I Play fair
 Cara's POVSilence swallowed the room after he uttered those few words, a deafening stillness the screamed of all my confusion.Uncle?That's not the answer I was expecting. Not at all.My eyebrows pulled together, "Your uncle?" I asked, still trying to get a grip on it, "Why would your uncle hurt you?"Something flashed in his eyes darkening them again, the weak expression fell off and the unconquerable mask came back on. A muscle twitched in his jaw as he said, "I was a threat to him."I understand nothing.
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Chapter 33 - A Trip Down Memory Lane
 Alex's POVAgitation ratcheted higher as I stared back at Ashton and waited for his reaction. Anxiety crawled beneath my skin, hate and fear and this sense of fading hope overwhelmed my body as I stood there waiting for his punch, waiting for his fist to collide with my jaw or maybe my stomach, because well, you never know. Let's just hope he won't go for Alex junior, that damage can't be easily fixed, I tell you.He scrunched his eyebrows and took one step forward, I immediately took one backward, "What do you mean Nikolas have them?"Roman cursed something under his breath, "He's doing this to get back on us, isn't he?" He hissed.I turned and shot him a gla
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Chapter 34 - Brothers slash Cousins
Alex POVLittle brother..Brother..The word ripped through my ears, pushed itself into my head and stayed inside. It bounced off the four walls, leaving an echo behind, an echo that kept on repeating, over and over and.. over again.Brother?He is my.. my brother?The oxygen I tried to draw back into my lungs seemed to disappear, to vanish from the room as if his words sucked every last drop of it from the cold chilling air surrounding us. My chest tightened with agitation, my jaw clenched and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block all of it.But my brain, my brain was teetering right on the edge of that fucking cliff.Brother.The word yet again repeated itself.And like that, just like that, I fell off that cliff, and I knew, no, I was sure, that this time,there is no coming back.**FLASHBACKS**I looked at the gun in my hand, at how my fingers are tightly wrapped around its grip. I gulped as the cold reached out from the metal and spread throughout my palm before it engulfed ev
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Chapter 35 - I want this storm to finally reach an end
Alex's POVIt all happened too fast.Too fast for me to get a grip on.I didn't understand how I pulled my gun and ran out of the room or how even Nikolas followed my steps. But Maxwell seemed to understand my father's motives before us as he was the first to leave the room.I heard the gunshot before I saw who fired it.Then another one; The sound bounced off the walls and felt like it shook the whole house.Fear grabbed me by the throat and every cell in my body tightened at the dark thoughts that coursed through my head.Then, I saw him, one of my father's guys.I didn't think, I didn't hesitate, I immediately aimed and fired making a bullet go right through his chest. Another bullet came from my side and hit him right in the head, jerking his body backward before he fell dead on the ground.A harsh breath pushed its way out of my chest yet it didn't ease any of the tightness that wrapped around my lungs. My gaze shifted to Nikolas just right by my side; I didn't allow myself to dw
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Chapter 36 - But he's your son too
Alex's POVLife has a way of testing someone's will.It's either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen at once.With me, it's the latter.All at once.One after the other with no breaks in between.From the moment she came back into my life, from the moment Nikolas showed up until now, not once have I been able to take a normal breath, not once have I been able to close my eyes and just sleep.A stuttered breath sneaked past my lips and frustration blistered below my skin as I pressed the back of my head against the headrest. I shut my eyes and scrubbed a hand over my face, preparing myself to embrace what's about to come.I pried my eyes open and looked at Lily in the backseat. She had her eyes closed, peacefully sleeping, her head resting against the door and her small hands wrapped around the seatbelt.Like a little angel, she looked so pure and innocent.If life hated me so much for the things I've done before then why would it give me something so beautif
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Chapter 37 - Denial
Nikolas's POVComfort.I'd gone without it for a lot of years. It was this deep empty hole in my chest searching for anything to fill it; aching as it kept on eating at my inside, day after day searching for satiety but never was able to find it. It kept on getting deeper and deeper till it sucked all the light from inside, leaving me with nothing but darkness.And that darkness surrounded me, wrapped me inside out. It took parts of me and embedded itself into my core, always there taunting me, mocking me, reminding me I'd lost the right to be loved.But when this woman looks at me, when those green eyes that's so similar to mine caress my face with so much softness; all of a sudden that darkness starts to fade away and light swoop right in.When she smiles; Comfort - that foreign feeling - surrounds me.And it leaves me questioning everything, including myself. Do I deserve it? Hell to the no I don't.But once again, when she finds out what I did; when she discovers that I turned out
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Chapter 38 - Because you're my little brother
Cara's POVIt was dark.It was cold..really cold.A shiver went down my spine and my feet started to ache as I moved forward. Air heaved in and out of my lungs, jagged and coarse. I wrapped my arms around my frail body trying somehow to protect myself as the lights around me dimmed; it became darker, colder but that didn't stop me. I didn't know where I was heading to, but my body seemed to know the destination better than me, my mind wasn't the one in control and I just felt myself stop at the threshold of a house.It looked old, torn up, just like I always imagined it to be; Crumbling and decayed.My pulse thundered and pain grabbed my throat in a tight fist; Beneath me, the house blurred. It started to fade and it was replaced by something so different, by something so bright; It was all in my head, the images that flashed, the smiles, the voices my ears heard; It was all in my head. The sound of my light footsteps as I ran around, the squealing of my laughter as he caught me and t
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Chapter 39 - We Dolan's, when we love, we love hard
Cara's POVMy steps took a hard stop when I heard a gunshot coming from the same place Alex went to minutes ago.Sickness coiled in my stomach and I immediately turned around; Roman stood in my way, his hand on the door holding it open for me, "Get in the car." He ordered.I shook my head and tried to walk past him but his hand wrapped around my arm and stopped me from moving any further."Cara-""No, leave me!" I snapped as I tore his hand away.Another gunshot sounded in the air, it also came from the same place.What's happening?My pulse sped, and I pulled in even breaths, trying to calm myself and the panic that had built up in my nerves. My heart dropped into my stomach as my eyes scanned through the trees trying to clear my vision and catch any glimpse of him.I can't just stay here. I have to go. I have to see if he is alright.He is all alone there.And - Oh my god- Nikolas.. he is here too.If it happened and these two were in the same place alone. I am pretty sure one of th
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