Semua Bab Chasing Storm: Bab 31 - Bab 40
102 Bab
~ Chapter 31 ~
I asked so I just kept my cool. But one of these days, I'll press everything I want and need to know out of him. Including his dreadful nightmares he said he has from time to time. It was also nice to know he doesn't have them when I'm around and he sleeps like a baby.I squirted toothpaste all over my brush before pastering it to my teeth. I'm still at Scott's. I didn't leave last night cause he promised to drop me very early at school but now he's still in bed.I thought about splashing him some cold water to get up but as quickly as that thought came, it varnished.When I got back to the room, my phone buzzed on the nightstand so I picked it up to see a message from my mom and David. I decided to read my mom's own later and read David's own now.I need to call my mom cause I haven't spoken to her in like forever and I know she misses me. Gosh I'm terrible at being a good daughter.C
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~ Chapter 32 ~
*Songs for this chapter*Say something by a great big worldBroken hearts club by GnashGoing numb by Aash MehtaMoral of the story by AsheBruises by Lewis Capildi*******I took steps away from Kale when I noticed the murderous glare Scott was shooting at him, daring him to touch me again.  This is not happening again. They're friends and they need to get along. I hate to believe this is all my fault."Scott" I whimpered."Get inside" he said coldly and harshly. He opened the door for me to get in and I got in silently.He shared one more look with Kale who looked unphased by his glare. Scott got in next to me and I expected nothing less than an ear
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~ Chapter 33 ~
"you can stay here as long as you want dear" Elle said. We were both in the kitchen and I was teaching her one of my infamous way of baking.I smiled at her."You can also help me work on my greenhouse" she said and then leaned in close to me. "David is doing a shitty job at helping" she grinned and I chuckled."That's not true. I'm sure he's very helpful""Yeah. For carrying buckets around but not planting" she said and we both laughed.I haven't seen Carter around and David said he was still at work. I didn't ask what work he does cause I don't want to pry. I've pried enough already."At least David is helpful. I'm sure Scott can't lift a bug" She said with a smile and my mood was instantly soured. She realised her lack of sensitivity and closed her mouth. I told Elle everything that happened. Excluding the part where he said I should fuck Kale. I cringed.
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~ Chapter 34 ~
Scott POVShe left! I told her I love her and she left. She just got into that car and walked away. I squeezed my hands tight so I don't run after the car and lessen the tires. I'm mad that she left just right after I confessed I love her and I'm also slightly mad at myself for saying that in front of my friends.Now, they're all looking at me like I have two heads. Fuck! So much for being a fuck boy.I noticed Kale walking toward me. "Don't even say a word" I tell him and he shrinks back. I've got to find her. I need to hear what she has to say.I know she already told me I'm late but I don't believe that. I could see the longing in her eyes when I told her I love her. She doesn't have me fooled. She loves me too. I know."What was that about, Scott" Kim ruptured! I don't even have time for her nonsense right now either."Aren't
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~ Chapter 35 ~
I stood in the doorway to Scott's room which as Elle said, was opposite mine. Scott was sitting on the bed with his face pressed against his palms. He was shirtless but in loose pants. I knocked twice on the door and his head snapped up.They looked hopeful when they saw me standing there but I wasn't still ready to promise him anything until I know what this his new habit is about. I walked into the room and shut the door behind me."Let me see your hand" I said and sat next to him. I had noticed the cloth he wrapped around it when he walked in and he'd tried to hide it from me throughout dinner."It's nothing" he mumbled."It's either I see or I leave" I said and hoped he didn't say Leave. Cause I'm sure he's capable of doing anything at anytime. But instead, he looked defeated as he raised his hand to me. I uncovered the clothe to find his knuckles busted."How did this happen?"
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~ Chapter 36 ~
I thought I was completely at sleep until I heard a strangled scream from across the hall. I jerked out of bed and got to my feet while listening for that scream to come again."Please! Help!"Scott! The voice was coming from his room. He was having a nightmare again. I remember the last time was when we were at his loft. Seriously, I thought it stopped. I was thankful he didn't lock the door as I rushed into the room and I gasped at the sight in front of me.Scott was sweating and his legs tangled up in the sheets. A crease formed on his brows while his lips parted. I found myself hovering over him and brushing his sticky hair away from his face."Wake up, Scott. It's just a dream" I said to him and his eyes snapped opened. I thought he was going to scream or do something silly but to my surprise, he pulled me by my waist and dragged me to his side. He tucked his hands beneath my head and the other went r
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~ Chapter 37 ~
Seating in one of Prof. Astor class made me realise that I haven't given him an answer to his offer. He must've been waiting for long but I still haven't contacted my mom. She told me to text her some few days back but I ignored that. The reason, unknown to me. Oh yeah!...Knowing my mom, once I call her or pick up any of her calls, her first question would've been to ask about how I'm faring and I wasn't so sure I was doing fine under the last few weeks. Except when Scott told me he loved me. I felt great and now, we're together I hope. I just wish he doesn't do something stupid. He always does. Mostly, it's just his temper.David clasped his hands on mine and I stared at him. The class was over and I'd drawled my way through. I only hope I can meet up soon. This semester is coming to an end in two weeks anyway and we'll be In the holiday seasons. The Christmas seasons. No wonder it's been so cold lately.
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~ Chapter 38 ~
I set the bowl of flour on the kitchen counter and stood behind it. Scott insisted he wanted pancakes and we're making it together. I watched as he cracked four eggs into a bowl. Now it's ready for whisking."You know the semester is ending soon right" I said, hoping to catch a conversation. Scott has been too quiet and I'm beginning to think he's still mad about the Jacob incident."Of course I'm aware. Aren't I in the school? " he poured the whisked egg into the bowl of floor and then I started mixing it."That leads to the second question. Do you know it's less than there weeks to Christmas?" I asked and he chuckled."Are you trying to annoy me?""Nope!"i set the bowl of mixed flour down and then put the pan on the cooker while Scott added milk to the mixture. I don't know why he insist on using milk all the time. I love mine without milk. But either way, it's still good pancake.
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~ Chapter 39 ~
I squeeze my hands tight drawing blood. Scott was strolling to where David and I stood. He had his hand filled with coffee. Coffee from Rose's cafe. He went to see her. He looked sleek in dark jeans and for once, it wasn't ripped at the knee. He was on a plain black shirt and on it, he wore a long jacket that reached to his knees. And I'm well aware that I'm not the only  girl staring at him right now.He's mine. I'll be goddamned!When he got to me, he grinned popping his dimples. "I got these for you" He literally pushed the coffee into my hand. All around were some people staring at us. Somehow, he managed to make an entrance. I stared at him and shook my head with a grin. Classic Scott."You went to see Rose? Why?""To ask for blessings" Scott said timidly making Joseph laugh. I hit his arms and he stopped."Really? Blessings? Just yesterday you asked me to move
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~ Chapter 40~
Kim stared at both of us like she's just seen her greatest nightmare, coupled up with an evil smirk like she was going to unleash all hell on both of us. Walk away Storm. Just walk away. But no. I stood there, challenging her to say one shit to me. I've had enough of her attitude and she always trying to come in between Scott and I. My fist clenched tightly."What are you doing here?" Scott asks her and her eyes flickered from me to Scott as if sending him a signal."Oh so what? She lives here now?" Her wicked mouth spurned. I stayed by Scott, still, waiting."Just leave Kim""Don't you think this is too much? You've gone too far Scott" She scoffed and Scott turned to me looking a bit uneased."Stormy, go up. I'll be there with you soon" He said and my anger flared up. How dare he trie to shut me out on this. And he called me Stormy.  Not Strom. That's an un
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