Semua Bab THIS TIME: Bab 31 - Bab 40
67 Bab
Chapter 31.
I had to do it. I had to finally tell the truth, well atleast most of it without the mention of his identity. I definetly wasn't protecting Mr Cullen but by not mentioning his name, it was my way of steering away from trouble.That man has troubled me enough and I don't need him on my case again, because I mentioned his name and caused any form of tension with his family. No, that night I walked out of that door, it was my own silent goodbye, my own way of putting an end to whatever game, he wanted me to be part of.When I'd returned home after seeing Colton, two days ago, I noticed that where Mr Cullen had grabbed on my arms, left some bruises and this pushed me more, into believing that not seeing that man again, is the right thing for me.Colton on the other hand was so expressive in his emotions, as he was listening to my story. He'd been upset about that day, when I'd told Mr Cullen about the pregnancy, and ofcourse, he
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Chapter 32.
Am I dreaming?Jackson is kissing me right now.Woah, oh my gosh, Jackson is kissing me right now.When it really sinks in, I pull away, breaking the kiss first. Wide eyed, I nervously touch my now warm lips, trying to calm my racing heart." Jackson." I breathe out behind my fingers, not knowing exactly what to say or think." Skylar I -----" he tries to touch me, but I take a step back instead.His face falls and I look away." If things were different, I would have been the father of your baby." My head snaps to him when he says this.What in the world did he just say?" I would have said don't give her away and let me be her father."I open and close my mouth, trying to say someth
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Chapter 33
" I hope you and your dad talked things out, he was really hurt by how you acted towards him."" We talked mom." I sigh.It's in the late morning and I decided to visit a few places, dropping off my CV. Now I am currently walking around town, having bought myself a nice milkshake." Am I boring you?"" No mom, you're not. So how are you doing?"" I'm okay sweetheart."" Is everything okay at work?"" Yes, I'm looking towards a promotion."" Wow mom, that's great news!" I say, feeling both excited and happy for her." Well, let's hope ----"" Mom, you deserve that promotion, don't doubt that. In fact, I'm positive that you will get it."" Thank you for your confidence in me."" I believe in you mom, you know I do."" You, believing in me gives me strength sweethear
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Chapter 34
The swelling had finally gone down yet a bit of soreness, still lingers. I'm just glad that I can use it much more than I did last night.I didn't sleep well last night because I had a lot in my mind, my body is still recovering from how uncomfortable, it was in that jail cell. I can't believe that Lucia and I actually spent a few hours in jail, but I don't regret defending my friend.Mr Sanders deserved it.What she had expressed though, while we were in that bar has come into mind, and I can't help but want to give the couple, a bit of space. I won't lie and say it didn't bother me, that Lucia would have such thoughts about me, being alone with Charlie.Oh what the heck, it kinda stung and my heart experienced a shot of pain. I would never think of letting myself be in such a position, or think of doing something so hurtful, being disrespectful to their love.I've been feeling guilty as I rep
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Chapter 35
I close my eyes for a few seconds, releasing a heavy sigh, when I hear my phone ring. It's not dad anymore, because he got the message loud and clear, when I ignored each and every one of his calls.It's mom now and I wish to do the same, that I did to him.But I can't.It's not her fault." Again Skylar? When will this end huh?"I think I spoke too soon." Mom -----"" I thought we were moving on, from all this. Skylar, your dad didn't do right years back, but he's here now. He's back and -------"" And it's only right that I accept him back in my life, as if nothing happened, right mom?"She sighs. " Skylar, we all talked about this. He gave you a chance to express everything, he listened, remember?"" Don't I have feelings mom?" I ask in a low tone, my throat tightening a bit." You do Skylar, don
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Chapter 35 part 2.
He called me Peaches.Only he and I know, what he called me that night.Why do I still remember? Why did I put it into memory?" My name is Skylar."" Peaches. You are Peaches to me."" I am no one to you."" Wrong." He says this so fast, that I have to take a minute, to find my next words." I am your past."" Wrong again."An unintentional tear slips out." She told you, didn't she?" I finally ask, out of resignation." I remember."" No, she told you." I say again, not believing him." I remember, I remember you Peaches." He breathes out.My body tenses when I feel his lips graze my skin." G-get away from me!!" I wiggle out of his arms frantically, until he let's me go and I stagger back. " What do you think you're doing? Do you thin
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Chapter 36.
I throw myself on the couch after arriving at my apartment. I am anything but okay but simply emotionally tired. I feel like I worked out, after releasing so much, of what I held inside.I am however, glad and relieved, to be back at my place, in my own space, where I can sum up my thoughts. I felt somehow suffocated at Jane's place, being around Mr Cullen.After all this time, he's always known about who I am, yet still, he always manipulated a situation , so he will see me. I don't understand why he would do all of this, why he won't let me go?It's not like we mean anything to each other but he treats it as such. We are both each other's past, and we should be doing everything possible, to put the past behind us, but no, he refuses.He is such a confusing man, seriously, and I know that being around him, will confuse me even more. One thing however, that has stuck with me, is what he said.H
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Chapter 37.
It came again and it caused my smile to drop. This is the 5th time, I have received this message, a warning in fact, from the same anonymous contact. It's as clear as day now, that he actually did it, Mr Cullen talked to his mom. No, more like confront, and that's what I believe. He shouldn't have, and maybe let go of this. Now, I am the one at the receiving end, I seriously don't want that woman at my doorstep again.I seriously don't want to waste my energy, listening to her threats, when I've got better things to do with my time, like looking for a decent, long term job. I don't have to guess, who has been sending the anonymous messages. It's Mrs Cullen or whoever she hired, to do the deed for her.I don't understand why that woman doesn't like me so much, it's not like I have any interest of becoming part of their family, I worked there, that's all. I don't want any trouble, I thought I made that clear to Mr Cullen,  yet once again, h
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Chapter 38.
" You have to let go of me." I say." Why?"" Because it's cold and I wanted to strangle you before you called me."" Why?"" You confronted your mother."A few seconds of silence between us passes, before I hear him sigh and he pulls back to look down at me. Rain is dripping down his face and still, he looks un bothered." Skylar -------"I turn away from him to pick up the umbrella, closing it and glancing at him. " Come on." I say, grabbing his arm and dragging him towards my the building.I don't know why I am actually doing this, but it's pretty clear that I'm literally inviting Mr Cullen into my apartment tonight, by my actions.The whole time we head to my apartment, we don't speak but walk in silence. Halfway though, I let go of his arm and walk ahead, now leading the way." Just so you know, you are not sta
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Chapter 38 part 2.
Our baby..I never thought I'd here these words, come from him, let alone, him saying them to my face. It hits differently now, then how it may have sounded years ago.Anyway, I can't overthink on anything, because we are simply talking about the past and nothing else." She belongs to someone else now."He opens his mouth to say something but I beat him to it." I gave them the right to become parents. The right belongs to them and so you can't -------"" Can't what? Call her ours?" I look away from him, not wanting to respond to that." I thought I was meant to talk about everything."I hear him sigh. " I want to know everything."" There's not much to tell, just in case you were expecting anything more, than what I'll say."" I'm open to hear anything."" Fine." I steal a glance his w
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