Semua Bab Against all odds: Bab 11 - Bab 20
38 Bab
Episode Eleven
Clara was excited about her engagement with Kabir and flaunted her ring for all to see. It didn't matter to her that she had masterminded the whole thing or whether Kabir was happy or not. 
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Chapter Twelve
Kabir was not happy with his father, he had always interfered with his life and now he has dabbled into the most important stage in his life. Marriage was a big deal and his father had gone ahead to announce his engagement with Clara. Of all the ladies it had to be Clara and he did this without consulting him or at least given him time to adjust to the idea.  He al
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Episode thirteen
Salman watched his wife walk past him as he ate his breakfast of sausages and brown toast with sunny-side-up eggs. He noticed something strange about her, she had an air of confidence in her. The way she walked with her head held high, he also noticed other things, she looked slimmer and her skin shone under the sun. As he thought about her he also noticed other things,
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Episode 14
"I'm so excited that in two weeks' time we will officially become man and wife," Clara said to Kabir when she called him. The caterer had wanted to know his favorite cake flavor and color, Kabir had simply asked her to do whatever she wanted with the whole wedding plan. "Try and show more interest in our wedding, remember it's for both of us, not just me," Clara said to
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Episode 15
********************Veronica left her son and walked down the stairs towards the garden, she wanted to think about what's happening in her home. Had she allowed her husband to have the ultimate hand in decision making both in her marriage and her kids live. Have things gone too bad and awry over time? The last straw was her son, she was done tolerating the mental abuse. 
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Episode 16
***********************After the brawl with his father, things around their home had changed. Salman his father had become less domineering and now thrived for peace with his family, Kabir had also decided to be more involved in his wedding arrangement, he listened to Clara whenever she called him, trying hard to be excited as she was after all It was his wedding too. His relationsh
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Episode 17
The gentle tap on her shoulder made her jump up startled, she didn't hear anyone coming as she was engrossed in her own thought.  "You." She said angrily when she saw who it was that startled her, "what do you want from me.." Her voice shook from pain and anger. The nerve of her to walk up to her after what she had done to her and her family. 
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Episode 18
She couldn't believe what she just heard, she had somehow hoped her husband and daughter would at least see each other once in the near future but somehow death has disrupted it from happening.  Her brother went over to where she sat and placed his hands on her shoulder drawing her closer to him as she placed her head on his chest. She tried hard not to cry but it
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Episode 19
**********************The door swung open as Mia was about to insert her keys into the keyhole. The sudden action made her jump, Deborah who had witnessed this laughed hard at her. 
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Episode 20
********************** The girls gave each other a bare hug. Crying, laughing, and making promises to keep their friendship going by ensuring to keep in touch with each other even after graduating.
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