Semua Bab The Nightmare: Bab 21 - Bab 30
82 Bab
POV Kitty"What's wrong?" Patrick asked as we all settled in around the office."I've had patrols checking on Kitty's old house, just to see if the Vamps show up." Colton explained and I nodded."They've come by a few times in the past week but today...." he trailed off.I looked to Craig and he sighed."Today they started searching in the woods. We don't know why but they found some of Kitty's old campsites. They found the salt ring and they couldn't cross it." Craig took over.It was silent as we pondered his words. Suddenly I understood and I could feel myself pale.
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The Rest of the Night
POV Craig After our meeting in Colton's office, we all decided to hang out in one of the lounge rooms together until dinner. I kept my arm firmly around Kitty as we walked to the nearest one. I couldn't help but glare at anyone who looked at her and I felt my wolf stir when I spotted a group of 20 year olds checking her out. Thankfully they looked away as soon as they felt my stare.I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. I knew that I had been acting like an ass most of the day. I just couldn't seem to stop. My protective instincts were running in overdrive and now with this new information about the vampires, I was even worse.I had asked Colton about my possessiveness during our Alpha lesson. He said th
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POV KittyThe next day, Craig and I awoke and he surprisingly didn't fight me to get up and get ready. We both took our turns in the bathroom to shower and get ready and were right on time for breakfast. It seemed like most of our friends stayed up too late and were dragging this morning but Tommy still made sure I ate a big breakfast. He was just so sweet that I couldn't say no to him. Abby and I did the same warm up in gym and then headed out to the training grounds."I want to see if you can do some more magic today." she decreed.I groaned in response."I don't think that's how it works." I said and she rose her eyebrows at me."What do you mean?"I sighed and tried to explain, "I just hear this voice but only when I need it, I can't like command it or anything. It just helps me when I in trouble or I panic or when I'm confused and need to decide something." "But it helps you when you talk to the animals.
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POV CraigThe rest of our time in the forest was relaxing and productive. Kitty was great at finding herbs, roots, berries and mushrooms. A few of the others joined us and helped us carry the bags of things that she found. As we were walking out, I saw Kitty near a squirrel. She looked confused and whispered something. Then she froze and seemed to pale. I watched her with concerned and I realized that the rest of our group had joined us and were watching her as well. Kitty and the squirrel seemed to converse for a few more minutes. Then Kitty thanked the squirrel and it ran off. Kitty glanced around and then looked up at us."We need to go. NOW!" she ordered and we all rushed back to the van."What the hell was that?" Neil demanded as we pulled away."Are we all here?" Kitty ignored him.I glanced around and did a count."Everyone is here." Tommy spoke up.Abby and I nodded in agreement."We nee
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A New Friendship?
POV Kitty I had been in the library with Neil for a little over an hour. Things had not been going well. At first I was worried that Neil would be flirty or angry but thankfully he wasn't. He was actually a really good research partner. No, the thing that wasn't going well was the information we were discovering. We were trying to find if there was a way to perform the ceremony to receive my powers without a coven. There wasn't.Neil was shocked and worried when I explained that I had to do the ceremony on or before my seventeenth birthday or I would lose all magic. He could see the stress in my face and assured me that he would help figure it out."Everything here says you have to have at least four people with witch blood. There's no getting around it." Neil shook his head."That's all I'm finding too." I sighed.He looked at me carefully."You do know where your mothers family is, don't you?" he aske
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POV Craig My wolf was making me on edge. After walking into the library and seeing Kitty in Neil's arms, I was in a rage. My head was telling me to calm down, not to overreact but my heart and my wolf were overwhelming. Watching Neil put my mate behind him, I  almost snapped. Why was he protecting her? That was my job! To add to the insult, he was 'protecting' her from me!Thankfully, hearing Neil say that he was worried about me lashing out at her and that's why he was protecting her helped me see the real situation. When Kitty called me on my shit, I was able to regain control. I hated having to apologize to Neil but Kitty was right. Wasn't she always?Just as I felt myself calming on the walk to Colton's office, I caught the scent of my mate's tears. I snapped my head towards her and frowned, confused when I didn't see her crying. I was trying to figure out when I opened the door. Then I realized that the scent came from Ne
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Wait and See
POV Kitty"I need to go there." I announced.Instantly the air was filled with growls. I looked up shocked to see a room full of pissed off werewolves. Abby, Neil, Craig and Colton all growled while Tommy and Patrick looked at me in alarm."Like hell you will!""No! That's not safe!""Don't even think about it!""You can't leave us!"Everyone was speaking at once and I just sighed and closed my eyes, waiting for the tantrums to end. Soon they noticed my lack of response and quieted down."Are you all done? Can I explain?" I asked with a glare around the room.Craig and Colton both sent me warning looks but everyone kept silent."I wasn't suggesting that I go by myself or now but it's obvious that I need to go there. I'm the only one who knows the way, I'm the only one that the Coven would trust, AND I'm the one that needs to perform the ritual. If anyone else goes they'll either end up lost or the
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Night Time
POV Craig  I chuckled as I walked to the bed in only my boxers. My little mate was in a small tank top and shorts. She looked so cute all sleepy and safe but I wasn't about to forget what we started earlier. I got into bed and laid on my side. Then I pulled her so her back was pressed up against my chest. I frowned when I noticed that our hickey was fading. Now that wouldn't do at all. First I would take care of that, then I would move on to even more exciting things, I decided hoping that Kitty would like the plan as well. I dipped my head down and began kissing her neck. Just as I latched onto her spot, she gave me a soft moan that went straight to my dick. I continued to nip and suck as I pressed my hardness against her cute ass. She moaned again and her eyes fluttered open. She glanced back at me and bit her lower lip."What are you doing?" she whispered and I chuckled darkly."What does it look like I'm doing. I'm fixing
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POV KittyThe last few months have been great... well as great as possible in a post apocalyptic world. Thanksgiving, my 16th birthday and the rest of the holidays all flew by. Don't get me wrong, I missed my Dad and friends but Craig and the pack made me feel like I was home. They made sure to let me know that I was loved and cared for at every chance and that helped me heal my broken heart.Neil and I quickly became close friends which seemed to confuse and astound everyone except for Patrick. Even Colton seemed befuddled by us. For some reason though, we got along perfectly. He and I were opposites and we seemed to help even each other out sometimes. We trusted each other completely and he was the one I would go to when I was upset or hurt. He was like my big brother and I loved it. So did he.I was extremely close with Tommy and Abby as well. They were the ones that would always have my back but they weren't afraid to call me out on my bulls
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POV CraigIt was finally time for us to leave. These past few weeks have been difficult since we had to keep our plans from the rest of the pack. It was especially hard to not tell my parents. I've always been close to my family and I hated lying to them. I just hoped that they would understand.  This time has also be difficult for another reason as well. I noticed that Clay was back to watching Kitty every time he could and it worried me. He had seemed to relax in the past few months and leave her alone but know it seemed that he was always watching. It made me feel like he was waiting for a time to catch her alone. He would glare at me whenever I caught him but never said anything. I wasn't the only one who noticed either. Colton call Neil, Patrick, Abby and I to his office a little over a week ago. FlashbackI walked into the Alpha's office and sat down next to Abby. Patrick was sitting on the other side of me and Neil
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