Semua Bab Darkest Shade Of Love: Bab 51 - Bab 60
68 Bab
C H A P T E R - 49
"Our jet..will fly for India tomorrow after breakfast.."Randhir informed Tanya and Sanyukta over the meal.Both ladies nodded their head positively and again got busy in their talks."Girls and their useless banters.."he sighed and concentrated onhis food."Did you say something.."both girls crocked their brows at him." carry on.."he passed a defeated smile to them."Good.."they again resumed in their plans for the trip.Randhir....After having our dinner,we retired to our rooms.Mine and hers room are in the same corridor.In the middle of the way I see her stopping .I looked at her confusingly. Then she leaned slowly towards me.I put  my one hand on the wall behind me for support. She came incredibly close to me and upped my chin with her fingers making me to look st
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C H A P T E R - 50
Sanyukta...The camel ride was indeed tiring but I enjoyed it a lot.When we reached in the premises of a magnificent building ,the night was already fallen.A marvelous old heritage haveli was in front of my eyes,standing proudly since ages.The milky light of moon was falling on the stone structure added more to its royalty."Adore it later as much as you want but now please come in to our birth home.My early childhood summers were spent here.."Randhir said .With mh peripheral view I caught him drowned in his memory lane while a faint smile lingering on his face.We were greeted by a half dozen of gatekeepers in traditional outfit and they led us inside.The distance between the entrance gate and main building was about 400 metre."This is the entrance b
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C H A P T E R - 51
Next day Sanyukta woke up much earlier than her usual time.She went to the window.fresh morning breeze slapped her cheeks lightly."Its so refreshing.. I am in love with this earthen smell of send....this beauty of sunrise... God.."Sanyukta uttered inhaling the air ."Oho..someone wake up so early..after mid night romance.. what a stamina..."Tanya spoke entering in her room.Sanyukta turned around with the swiftness of light. Tanya smirked at her."Wh..what.. are u saying.. its ridiculous.. Tani.. I was in my room..the whole night...."Sanyukta try to hide their mid night secret."Ohh San..stop excusing.. U r forgetting that its a open secret now..when u both were kissing like the lovers who met after ages.. I saw u guys through my window...may be someone else also..this haveli has more than thousand huge next time be careful..if u people go in the same speed .
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C H A P T E R - 52
"Sanyukta..You were looking likethe nymph of heaven at that time, who came straight into that barren sand...your angelic face..I can't describe my are created by god himself.. your eyes..your hairs..your lios and most importantly your heart.."Randhir said to Sanyukta gazing intently over her facial features.They were lying under the dark grey sky.She smiled and turned her face to him.Her fingers played with his small hair locks"Your happiness..matter the most to me.. I saw your face when you were observing Only me.. "instead of enjoying their fabulous dancing saw how those girls spins on their knees.."she said with wonder."They are born talented..they don't get trained in some dancing academy... this is the beauty of our native land..."he said proudly."So..which place is our next destination..."she asked him curiously.
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C H A P T E R - 53
It was frosting heavily on the following day.The whole valley covered with a thick silvery sheet as the day slowly turned into evening.Sanyukta was enjoying the natural scenario from the balcony though the blood freezing coldness made her skin numb.The bone fire was not helping in the chilly weather.She clutched the shawl tightly."Try a hot mug of'll feel better.."he offered her a mug of kahva.He sat beside her and pulled her more into him to give her some more warmth.She took the cup with shivering hands."Ohh Thanks I badly needed something warm...(she took a sip)umm nice..."she moaned feeling the strong taste of that traditional beverage."It is more tastier now..coz it has the flavour of your lips.."he said sipping from the same mug."Cheesy..or u r really complimenting me.."she
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C H A P T E R - 54
"Heaven is ur arms.."he said.His head was on her lap."Randhir... let me enjoy is far better than gondola boating of least this shikara boat.."she said taking a sip of kahva."You know this is the largest lake in India..."he told her."Ya I GK is not that bad.."she rolled her eyes."I just thought to tell u.."he laughed enjoying the scenery."I want to come the falling years of our relive our best memories.."she said dreamily."Sanyukta.. but that time our bones can't tolerate freezing coldness of Kashmir..."he said."And my arms won't provide you warmness either."he laughed."If there is passion in the heart then age does not matter..",she replied with confidence.He looked at her.She gave him a quick peck and went to the edge
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C H A P T E R - 55
Randhir...I have been away from her only for some hours but already started missing her badly.She becomes air for my body.I could not wait any longer to go back to her and clasp her in my arms.So I took out my cell phone and messaged her."Missing you...pinge me as soonas you get time... please."Within few seconds I got her reply."Missing you too..more terribly.."My lips welcomed its genuinesmile.I unlocked the gallery and saw her pictures we clicked in Rajasthan and Kashmir.Her face can erase my every grief.My fingers stopped on one particular picture which I clicked secretly when she was posing for a photoshoot ."I hope you
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C H A P T E R - 56
"Excuse me..."his wife said and went away to give us some privacy.My dad was in front of me,many questions ,complains..cravings for a fatherly warmth...everything.I tried my best to show a plain face but he was my father and I could not remove the love I had for him.I sensed him coming closer to me,asI was looking down.Tears were flowing uncontrollably frommy eyes."My baby... how",he asked me in a cracked voice.I feared of loosing my ego."I am absolutely fine..what will happen to me,"I tried to pretend normal and cold but failed miserably.The pain of separation was much more stronger than the hatred ."Sanyu..Are you still angry withyour papa..I know I have given you a pain which in unforgettable..inexcusable,I snatched your childhood but trust me baby I always love you.."he said . Through my peripheral
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C H A P T E R - 57
"Beta..I have a surprise for you.."my dad said to me, entering in the hall where we all were talking.All eyes turned into his direction.There was a smile on his wrinkled cheeks.I wondered what surprise he had for me at this time of day.The grey sky had turned black.Dehradun is not much populated place so streets becomes deserted after sunset most of the time."Surprise"I asked him to confirm."Yes Sanyukta just for you.."this time my step mom replied to me."Wow are getting one surprise after another.."Tani whispered beckoning me."But for that.. you have to go in your room.. alone.. your surprise is waiting there.."my dad said taking his place beside his wife.I groaned as I hate to wait for something."Your this habit doesn't change.. Sanyu.. go to your room..if you want your surprise.."dad said."Da
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C H A P T E R - 58
Sanyukta..."Urghh... Tani...what's ur problem.. plz through this machinery devil out of my house..."I cringed as the irritating sound of alarm was disturbing my sleep."San..wake up..its not our home okay..everyone is waiting for u in dining hall.."I heard Tani."Freak..."I yelled my lungs out. How can I forget that I am with my family .I supposed to spend my whole time with them and here I am busy romancing with my pillow.Well I sprang from the bed and directly went to loo.I did my morning chores as soonest as possible."Time is very precious"I am realising it now.When I entered in the dining hall,everyone's eyes moved in my direction."What..."I asked them suspiciously coz their eyes were darted on me."San my supermodel.. You must see urswlf before coming out from u
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