Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 21 - Chapitre 30
 JOHN'S POVI gritted my teeth as I wore the robes. I admired my myself for the last time in the three quartered mirror and inhaled sharply. I smiled to myself and scanned the office for the last time. I heard the clicking the door being opened and I adjusted myself."Hello sir." Kemi said,beaming with smiles."Good morning will be more professional. Anyways it's alright." I reassured, giving her a fake smile."Eniola is in the court lounge anyways. I forced her here against her will." Kemi said, dropping some files on my table."Thank you for that unnecessary information." I chuckled, sarcastically."You are welcome sir. Have you eaten this morning?" Kemi asked, placing a hand on her outlined hip evident in her skirt."Of course not. Today is a big day,so I think it's better
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 JOHN'S POV"I find it hard to believe that you actually listened to me." Eniola said, as we struttered down the hallway leading to the office."I find it hard to believe that I sentenced a politican's son to three years in prison." I said, putting my hands in my trouser pockets."You aren't listening to me." Eniola playfully nudged me as I opened the door of the office.Kemi jumped up in my face and I screamed in fear."Why did you do that Kemi." I asked, looking at her with a scrowl."I wanted to be the first to congratulate you sir. It's all over the news but apparently someone beat me to it." Kemi said, winking at Eniola."There's nothing to celebrate about so stop making a big deal out of it." I stated sternly, retaining the scowl on my face."Are you hungry? Should I get you peppersoup?" Kemi inquired, fol
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 JOHN'S POVI twirled continously in my seat as I watched Kemi and Eniola discuss about celebrities. I wondered why females had a gripping passion for gossip. A smile was plastered on my face as I watched them bicker in delight. A loud noise disturbed my peace as Kemi and Eniola stopped arguing.The telephone vibrated on my table demanding attention and I wondered why a telephone couldn't be silenced. I picked it up in a jiffy and let out a huge breath."Hello, How may I help you?" I asked, gripping the cords of the telephone tightly."My name is Aisha." The voice from the receiver replied in a thin voice."And what can I do for you?" I inquired, irritated by her slow voicing out of words."I was...raped by....." Aisha trailed off, breathing heavily."I am very sorry ma.But do you have a speech defect? If not, then please you have to
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 NARRATOR'S POV"This is very hilarious. In those seven years that you were imprisoned, my life was completely perfect but just your shadow is about to ruin my life. You didn't only steal my house or my profession. You stole my woman." James yelled, as he grabbed a fistful of John's collar."Which woman? You broke up with Eniola a few months ago, why are you claiming possession on someone that's not yours?" John asked, folding his arms."And you still have the guts to be replying my words, don't you have a shimmer of shame in your life? Eniola was never yours to begin with and she would never be yours." James replied, holding tightly to John's collar."You are only bitter because Eniola thought I was you and she fell in love unfortunately." John chuckled as he tried to wriggle free off James's grip."Bitter? The only thing that looks bitter is you. What do you think
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 JOHN'S POV"I warned you both to stop talking, can you see what you both have caused?" The doctor said, pointing to the monitor."What's wrong with her?" I asked, eyeing James."Her heart beat is rapid, that means she can hear everything you are saying." The doctor started, watching the monitor closely."Nurse Titi, please come here." The doctor added, flaring his hands.A petite nurse in a white gown ran into the room holding a couple of files."Please escort these two men outside." The doctor deadpanned, pointing his finger."And you also want to drag me out. You aren't even pitying your small frame." I said, shooting daggers at the nurse trying to grab me by the arm."What's your problem? Just get out of here." James yelled, pushing me out of the room and he followed suit."I really don't underst
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 JOHN'S POV"That was a great meal, don't you agree?" I asked, smiling at James."It was spoilt but you are a glutton, maybe that's why you didn't notice." James replied, chuckling with a toothpick in his mouth."Let's go and sue that restaurant." I yelled, kicking a stone in my path."The food is already in your belly, be grateful that you are still alive." James replied, laughing loudly.I was basking in the glory of getting my brother back when the phone in my pocket vibrated with immediate attention. I sighed heavily, casting a weak smile at James and picked the call."Hello, How can I help you?" I asked, licking my lips."Good evening, it's Aisha. I don't want to file for the case against Danjuma anymore. I probably got it mixed up." Aisha said, her voice breaking in a fearful way."What kind of excuse is that?
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 JAMES'S POVThe night was still very young and the strength in my limbs were failing gradually. I flagged a cab at the front of the hospital and entered calmly. I relished the warmth in the vehicle. The taxi driver was wearing a black cap but it didn't bother me. I thought about John and wondered what would have transpired between him and Danjuma. I closed my eyes and smiled at the shimmer of thought of Eniola. I felt a discomfort in my belly and noticed the taxi driver driving well over the speed limit."Please stop overspeeding, where are you rushing to?" I inquired, placing a trembling hand on the headrest.I got no response from the driver but he didn't slow down either. He continued with his uncontrollable driving which made me wonder if he was drunk. A harsh movement made my head hit the headrest harshly which made me spit out words of venom."Are you out of your mind? How do
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JOHN'S POV  I looked at the scenery before me, from the large glass windows. I saw cars filling the roads and the unpleasant noises that came with it. Children crossing the road in a frenzy and bus conductors calling out for passengers. The endless wails of food sellers calling out to customers on the street causing an enormous noise pollution wasn't left out.  "Where did James go? He said he was coming home yesterday. Something feels completely wrong." I muttered, placing my palm on my forehead.  "Maybe he slept at Eniola's house." I finalized, nodding my head.  The office doors opened to receive a beaming Kemi in a red fitting gown. I forced my cheeks to produce a smile but it ended in vain. 
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ENIOLA'S POVFlashback I walked into my favorite restaurant after my lectures and my stomach grumbled in excitement at the smell of the exotic dishes that filled the cold air. I rushed to the counter to order a meal but my heels didn't fit right with the ground and I fell on a person who was holding his tray of food. I gasped in embarrassment as the food particles was smeared on my white shirt and the contents in the tray were scattered on the ground . I stood up from the floor and raised up my head to apologize. "I am very sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your meal ." I stuttered, taking huge breaths. "It's alright. I think I have seen you before." He stated, pointing his thick long finger at me. "I don't remember you at all." I replied, casting a quizzing look at him."You are Eniola Gbadamosi ,the sharp tongued woma
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ENIOLA'S POVI screamed as loud as I could. My throat had began to itch , my saliva was running out due to dehydration and my hands felt stiff and weak. The air in the coffin was thin and unappealing to my nostrils. I began to cry in apprehension. I still felt an uncertainty on Ayo burying me alive.I reminisced on my dead sister, Arinola and I bit my lip in anguish. Her death was a permanent scar in my life that could never be erased."Why is this happening to me?" I muttered, as my body shook in tears."Why me?" I yelled, as my voice shook tremendously.I remembered my dead parents and I yelled out in pain once more.Thinking about those I lost to the clutches of death made it harder for the tears to stop flowing. It was getting too much for me to handle, the agony and discomfort adjoined to my present predicament. My clothes were muddy and bits of blood were splattered on it giving
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