Semua Bab Wish Upon A Star: Bab 11 - Bab 20
61 Bab
Chapter 11: In Trouble.
Alyia's POV. "Ma'am, you must change for your next shoot.""Ma'am?""Ma'am, Ma'am Iya said that you must hurry up. We will be late for your next shoot.""Ma'am, is something bothering you?"It is Mira's voice who brought me back to reality. "Hmm? Nothing.", I said while shaking my head. "You've been spacing out since we left your condo, ma'am.", Mira said while holding clothes that I suppose, I'll be using for this shoot. "Nah. It's really nothing, Mira.", I stated while looking at the clothes she's holding. "Also, Cole keeps on calling me. Should I call him back, ma'am? I think he's worried because we left him at your condo while he's still sleeping.", Mira added. I quickly shook my head. "No. Let him be.", I said while still shaking my head. "By the way, what are those clothes for? Is that for my shoot?", I asked her as I point the clothes that she's holding. "Oh! Yes! These are for your shoot later, ma'am. Ma'am Iya said that you must hurry up and change.", Mira said as she
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Chapter 12: Kidnapped.
Cosmos' POV."Will you please stop walking around, ag Cosmos? It's making me more worried.", I heard Iya's voice said to me.It's been hours since we can't contact Alyia and it's driving me nuts. She's in danger, that's what I am thinking the whole time. "How can you be that calm? Alyia is missing for hours.", I said and turned my sight on my wrist watch. It's already 11;36 PM. It's really late and dangerous. "I'm sure she's safe. Let's just wait for an update.", Iya said with the same calm voice. "How can you be so sure that she's safe? You hired me to protect her but here we are, we can't find Ma'am Alyia.", I said as I walk around again. "I got news!", a voice said from the door. I immediately went near Mira who said those words. "What? Did you find out where Ma'am Alyia is?", I asked her with worry. "I didn't but the police is ready to help us in any way that they could. We'll just report Miss Alyia as a missing person then, they will do what they can to help us.", she ans
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Chapter 13: His Pair of Yellow Eyes.
Alyia's POV. "Here, eat these."It was Clay who gave me a tray. I stared at it and was hesitant if I should take it or just let it be. I'm getting hungry. It's been minutes since they contacted Cosmos. Is he really going to save me? In this situation I am in right now, how can I save myself if no one will? I'm feeling useless. Useless because I've been spending my life in a waste. I can't even defend myself."Hey? Miss Alyia?"When I turned my gaze to Clay, he was already snapping his fingers. "How can you act this way if you're going to harm me, after all? Why feed me if I'll just die here?", I asked him trying not to show any reaction. "Just eat, Miss.", he said and disappeared from my sight. I let out a deep sigh while staring at the food. So, how will I eat if I'm covered with rope here? They're really a pack of idiots. While staring at the food, I feel like hearing tik toks of clocks in my head. Tik tok tik tok tik tok. Another minute have passed. Cosmos... It's bee
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Chapter 14: Press Conference.
Cosmos' POV. I sighed in relief when we got in Alyia's condo unit safely. I just laid her down on the sofa and put pillows on her head to make her comfortable and covered her with blanket so that she won't feel cold. I stood up and walked my way to the window. I just did something that the deity told me not to. I feel like betraying her now. I don't know but I feel like I don't regret saving Alyia using my powers. At least, she's safe. That's all that matters to me now. All that matters to me now is her and her safety. I don't like the feeling of worrying about her. She's like this tiny girl that I feel like she's in need of help all the time. Her eyes screams sadness. Her actions are so limited. I feel like she's prohibiting herself not to feel this or that which is actually wrong. A person has his/her free will. He/she has the freedom to feel or speak out his/her opinion. This person, Alyia is one of those people that needs to be saved. That needs to be taught how to let your
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Chapter 15: Hill top.
Alyia's POV. "Everything is ready, Ma'am. Shall we start?", Mira asked while staring at me waiting for my approval. I turned my back to Cosmos and saw that he just gave me a wink and mouthed 'I got your back' that made me smile. "I'm ready.", I said that caused Mira to open the door. The moment she opened it, flashes of camera welcomed me as I walk to the long table and a seat reserved for me and Mira. Once I reached the table, I adjusted the mic to let my height be equal to it. "Good morning. I hope you're all doing fine. As you know, I am here to answer your questions but before that, I want all of my fans to know that I'm safe and not so well but I am trying my best to beat my trauma because of what happened. I know that most of you are waiting for my official statement regarding all of my activities lately so here I am.", I said as an opening. I saw so many media which isn't new for my sight at all, I know that they will be here. I know that this day, I must be careful of wh
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Chapter 16: The Visitors.
Alyia's POV. "Ma'am, please get ready for another shoot. We're about to start in just a few minutes." I heard Mira's voice said from outside. "On it!" I shouted back as an answer. Before grabbing my things, I heard her footsteps taking its steps away from the door. It's been days since the press conference happened. I took a rest from all of the cameras for a while. Disconnecting from everyone except for Cosmos and Mira isn't easy since I used to tell everyone what I'm up to.The past few days, I let myself rest from everyone outside my condo. I know that my name is still burning because of what happened the last day that I showed myself to the public. Now, it's my second shoot this day in a private place. This magazine will come out in a week and the people here are just a few. I requested it to be this private because I was planning to make a come back in a week from now. I'm just getting ready for what the public reacts towards me. I know that they have different opinions towa
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Chapter 17: Who Is He?
Alyia's POV."We're here to claim what's ours." She said that made me so confused. "Cherry!" The woman exclaimed that didn't make me stop staring at the girl. "I'm so sorry about that, Alyia." The woman added and paid her attention to me. I tried to smile but I can't do it without the awkwardness filling inside this room that we're currently at. "Uh? Miss Alyia really feels this uncomfortable when she has a visitor. Most especially when you're at her house. Can I know what brought you here, Ma'am?" Mira cut in whom saved me from that awkward moment that I was in. "Maybe it's really unusual but we're here to visit you, dear." The middle-aged woman said and smiled at me. "What for?" I asked briefly and straight to their faces. I know that I mustn't be this way but that girl got into my nerves quickly. I can still feel his glares to me that is really annoying me now. She's currently in my place, for goodness sake! Can't she realize that? At least pay respect since you're just visi
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Chapter 18: Issue.
Alyia's POV. "You know? You're just hungry." I said to lessen the uncertain aura filling us now. I looked inside the bags and found the box where the chicken wings are in. I opened it after snatching it from Cosmos and took a piece of it. "Here. Have some." I said and quickly put the bit size chicken wings in Cosmos' mouth. He frowned which made me chuckle. He's joking a while ago, right? Of course, there's no way that what he said to you were all true, a voice answered me through my mind. "I'll just go get the rice and you! you must have the table ready when I finished getting us rice, got it?" I said to his face. He's still trying to finish chewing the piece of chicken inside him so he just gave me a salute, indicating that he understood. I gestured him that I got my eyes on him that just made her smile widely. The kind of smile that hides your eyes. He's really cute when he does that. Wait, what?! Cute who? No, he's not! He's still that annoying bodyguard that I met months
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Chapter 19: Family.
Cosmos' Point of View."Wait, I'll call someone to help us here," I mumbled to Debbie who is now scratching her head while staring at the car in front of us. "Yes, please. Call someone and also, check Madame Alyia inside. Thank you, Cole." She replied without removing her gaze to the car. We've been here for minutes already. The car suddenly stopped here at the parking lot of the building and we don't know why. I did check this car that we used now so I really don't know why this happened. "Ma'am, we'll call someone to help us. Hang in there." I said to the window assuming that Alyia would hear it. I walked away from there and tried to look for someone to pass by but when a minute passed and I still can't see anyone, I went back to the place where our car stopped. "Can't see anyone?" Debbie asked when she saw me walking towards her. "Yeah," I said and smiled awkwardly. "I'll just get my phone inside the car. Wait a minute." She said and walked into the car. While waiting, I le
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Chapter 20: Blood.
Alyia's Point of View. "Here. You sure you're okay?" Cosmos said when he suddenly appeared in front of me holding a bottle of water. "I didn't ask for this and yes, I guess," I said and stared at him with a smile. "We're going to be with you. You understand that, right?" Cosmos said that made me stay my gaze to him for minutes. You can really see that he's telling the truth. That apologetic eyes, that weak smile. What have I done to have this guy with me? His eyes really show that he has been staying up late. I just noticed now that his eyebags thickened. Did they really do their best to find a way to bury this issue going around about me? "I'm sorry for causing you this trouble. I'm really sorry if I dragged you, Mira, and Debbie into this mess of mine." I said and bowed. As I bow my head out of shame because of what I did, I felt him caress my chin and held it for me to raise my gaze at him. We stared at each other for a while. His eyes, it's so deep. "Your eyes. It was yell
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