Semua Bab Wild and Untamed: Bab 21 - Bab 30
57 Bab
Chapter Twenty
Annie looked into the mirror above the sink in the small bathroom as she washed her hands. She had the oddest sensation flowing through her. Her sense were on overload and she didn’t know if it was because of what had happened in the car with Candy or if it was due to pregnancy.  She was hungry, but strangely she felt full. The feeling after a thanksgiving meal coursed through her, the need to go take a nap was strong. Rolling her shoulders, she stuck her tongue out at her reflection.  For a moment she considered splashing her face with the cool water. She didn’t as she thought about her face. The make up that Abby had carefully applied, making her look less sallow and sickly. She may be tired, but she still wanted to look nice for Candy.  Looking down at the water that swirled down the drain, she felt her face heat up as she thought about the soun
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Chapter Twenty-One
Dinner was placed in front of them, street tacos with extra jalapenos and lime for Annie. Candy smiled as she watched her mate close her eyes and inhale the aroma. She looked down at the burrito, her mouth watering at the sight of the green spicy sauce.  “I promise you’ll enjoy this.” Candy said as she unrolled the burrito and dumped in the spicy salsa.  “It smells so good.” Candy muttered as she tucked into her meal.  They ate in a silence, it wasn’t an awkward silence as Candy had worried they would have. She’d been on dates before and hung out with the guys.  This was different, it was nice. She still hoped to hang out with her friends and bandmates. It would be nice to be able to hang around Eli and get to know him as a friend now that she had no interest in
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Chapter Twenty-Two
Annie looked among the scuffed bookshelves of the used bookstore they had decided to check out. Fingers trailing over the pastel-colored spines as they browsed through the parenting books. She knew that she should feel excited about the triplets, but the more she thought about it.  The more nervous she felt. What if the pack showed up demanding that they return? Sure, Beau was dead. She hadn’t really sat down to process how that made her feel. There hadn’t been time yet to do that, if she were honest with herself. Annie knew that she had been putting it off.  She was thankful for Candy and the love that she gave her, but she couldn’t help but think about Beau. He had been her first love. Even if he had treated her badly and had been in love with Abby for as long as she could remember.  She was aware that it wasn’t a healthy relationship
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Chapter Twenty-Three
“What’s that?” Annie asked as she looked at Candy.  “Earlier,” she said softly, carefully considering her words. She didn’t want to hurt her mate, she had already been through so much. “Earlier, when I was at practice…”  “Candy, what’s wrong?”  “I kissed Stolas.” Candy blurted out. She hated herself as she watched Annie’s face fall. Her shoulders seemed to curl in. As if she were trying to shield herself from anything else that might hurt her.  Her whispered “Oh,” Was one that Candy felt stabbing into her gut. She could see the blank look returning as she closed in on herself.  “It was just a kiss and I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you, I just couldn’t not tell you.&r
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Chapter Twenty-Four
The butterflies in Annie’s stomach fluttered to life at Candy’s words. Her heart beat quicker in her chest.“So you, you want to us to be together?” Annie asked, she could feel her cheeks heating up.“Of course, I can’t wait until I can claim you.” Candy said as she grabbed Annie’s hand. Pressing her lips against her fingertips. The eyes of the wolf watching through Candy’s long lashes, studying her mate.Heat moved through Annie, fiery as it followed through her veins. Desire coiled low in the pit of her stomach. How could she feel like this? Things were not resolved, but she wanted them to be.At that moment, all Annie wanted to do was find somewhere quiet where no one would see them. To take care of the need she felt, to feed off of the desire she could see in Candy’s eyes.“I’d really like to get you alone, but there are still things you need.” Candy said as she stepped back, letting out a shaking breath. She didn’t want to let go of Annie’s hand.Weaving their fingers together, sh
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Chapter Twenty-Five
“Are you ready to head home?” Candy asked as they walked down the sidewalk. She had hoped to be able to talk Annie into a few more things. It seemed that after she’d passed the sheer babydoll nightgown that her mate was done trying on clothing.She’d slipped it into their purchases anyway.“I am, my feet are killing me.” Annie said, as she looked down at her sandals.Looking over at Annie, Candy worried her lower lip. “How about you sit down and I’ll pull the car around?”“You wouldn’t mind?” Annie asked as she looked back at the bench they had passed. It would be a quiet moment. Now that shoppers had started to head home, Annie could use one of those. Yes, she liked spending time with Candy, but sometimes being alone in the quiet was nice too.“No, I’ll be quick.” Candy pressed a quick kiss to Annie’s lips before she scurried off to the car. Her arms loaded down with bags that she had refused to let Annie carry.With a sigh, Annie sat down, her hands coming to her lower back as she tr
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Glancing over at Annie, Candy thought about what had just happened. Her mind was racing with the possibilities of what could happen tomorrow between the three of them.  Of what she wanted to happen tonight. Annie reached over, her hand slipping into Candy’s. Fingers moving across her palm, adding to the heat she already felt. She knew it wasn’t the heat of being a werewolf. There was something about Annie that she couldn’t quite put her finger on.  “Candy?” Annie whispered, pulling Candy out of her thoughts.  “Yeah?” Candy asked absent mindedly as she threaded their fingers together, resting their hands on her thigh. She was hoping it would take away the desire she felt to pull the car over.  “What does it mean to have two mates? Would that be like what Beau wanted with me and Ab
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Chapter Twenty-Seven
Candy sat the shopping bags on Annie’s bed. She looked around the small room. Worrying her lower lip. The pack had houses and apartments spread throughout the city. She wondered what Annie would like, or if she’d like to stay here in the pack house. Annie’s sister was here, she’d probably want to be close to her. Candy’s parents were here. She knew that her own mother would have no problems coming over to help out with the babies. It was clear from her response during the ultrasound. Candy couldn’t help but wonder how her father had taken the news. She felt a pang of guilt at not having gone to talk with them about it yet. Everything had just happened so fast. She took comfort in the fact that her parents knew how things worked with shifters. How quickly they moved. She was glad that she’d never settled. That meeting Annie had shown her what she felt for Eli was nothing compared
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
Annie gasped as her vaginal walls fluttered around Candy’s fingers. She could feel her mate’s teeth in her skin. For some reason, it felt right as the swirl of emotions moved through her. Candy leaned back to look at her with blood stained lips and wide eyes. Annie pressed herself forward, digging blunt teeth into Candy’s neck, marking her in the same way. The moan that filled her ears made her feel powerful, and the heat that she felt earlier seemed to intensify as the bond strengthened. Concentrating on Annie’s hip. She pulled away from Candy, letting out a groan of pain. “Annie?” Candy asked as she pulled her hand back, her other hand coming up to smooth the hair away from her mate’s face as she studied her with worried eyes. Annie could feel something moving through her and didn’t understand what it was. Wha
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Chapter Twenty-Nine
“What, what’s wrong?” Candy asked as she moved closer to her mother, trying to see what the older woman saw. “Is everything okay?” Annie asked, trying to push herself to sit up. Candy came to her side, placing a pillow behind her so she could sit. “Yeah, you didn’t have a birthmark on your hip before, did you?” Candy asked, already knowing the answer. She hadn’t had much time to become acquainted with her mate’s body, but she was sure that hadn’t been there before. “No.” Annie said, lifting her arm up as she moved her shirt higher. The swirling, bursting pattern was burnt into her skin. Doc moved her hand closer to inspect the skin. It was hot to the touch. “Candy, go get some burn cream and bandages from the clinic.” “I don’t want to leave Annie.” Cand
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