Semua Bab Coffin Without Honour : Bab 21 - Bab 24
24 Bab
Chapter Twenty: Conversations in the Briars
They were still pretty far ahead, so it was doubtful they'd have seen us. From my vantage point, I watched as Aldith shook some paper in Theron's direction. "She's only been here a day and already..." "We'll take care of it. I trust you with all our livesAldith. Between us, these are just empty threats." "But still..." My eyes followed as the elf mage lookedback down at the paper in his grip. "Whoever wrote this is not playingaround Theron. We should exercise caution until we know more."
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Chapter Twenty-One: Origins
After a moment's hesitation, I reached out, wrapping my fingertips around the stem and avoiding the thorns. The conviction coating Theron's words appeared genuine. I raised my eyes from the flower to meet his, noticing the petals were almost the same shade as Theron's dark crimson gaze. I couldn't detect any malice as he matched my stare, no doubt waiting for me to say something. Rather, I found the same conviction there as in his words. "Thank you," I managed eventually, breaking our strange scrutinising and turning my attention back to the flower. "It would mean a great deal to me and Lixiss to be able to have a home and family again." That part wasn't a lie. The Circe Coven had disowned us, love turning to fear and hatred. The Crypt Clan had become more of a family to us, but that was all st
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Chapter Twenty-Two: An Interruption of Theories
"So, he showed you a fancy tree planted by the gods and now there's irrefutable evidence you'll be part of the Royal Clan. Does that about sum up your date?" Lixiss smirked, before throwing another snack ball into her mouth, no doubt pilfered from the kitchens. "Again, your eloquence for summarising a situation knows no bounds." I replied, "Any blood in those balls?" Lixiss shook her head. "Nope, but have one anyway. They're meaty, whatever they are." Eh, what did I have to
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Chapter Twenty-Three: Hunters and Hunted
Popping the mountain deer snack ball into my mouth, I strode around another corner, trying in vain to project confident indifference. "Does he still follow?" The murmured words left my lips. Lixiss nodded in reply.  We had been right about the elf's plans and it appeared Aldith had no intention of letting us out of his sight. He must be a fool not to realise we can sense his movements. "The Tailor is up ahead, in the dressing chamber. Stay alert." I uttered. Though safe in the knowledge that Aldith wouldn't attempt to enter the chambers (whether in person or by the arcane), I was curious as
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