
Two years down the line

Two years down the line. The business had significantly picked and become a household name for those intending to have their events. Peter had been of great help. Most of the things he handled. I had to just go to the venue and confirm. Sometimes I didn't even need to go at all.

My office was well decorated and designed courtesy of Peter. His full name was Peter Dawn. I asked him many times if he was related to the prominent Dawn family in city D, but he said no. I had a hunch he was hiding something, but I could not tap into it.

For the two years that we have worked together, we employed the best team ever. The efficiency of the work done by the team has always been superb. I planned to take my team out for dinner one of the weekends. At least to bod more and show them appreciation.

Getting out of work one evening, my dad called me, as he does almost every evening.

"Darling d

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