

I found out a lot from the guy. His name is Peter.

He had recently been sacked from his job, and it became hard to provide for his girlfriend. She left him for another man who had more money.

I asked myself so many questions after hearing his story.

Love had been tainted. Here I am, looking for true love with no strings attached, and someone else throws it just like that. It's a pity.

Well. Peter knew his way around West City like the palm of his hand. He took me to the center of the City. Two tall buildings in the middle faced each other like giants. The designs were different, but they looked majestic.

"Here we are." He said, standing before one of the tall buildings holding his waist in excitement

"What? This place?" I asked in amazement. The place looked expensive, but I didn't care. Well, it was not like I could not afford the place. The amount of money in my account could help me start my business and manage it from my pocket for a who

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