

My stance changed completely from the brief emotional encounter I had with Kamdi earlier. Butterflies kept flying in my stomach as I tried to wipe off the stupid grin plastered on my face as i walked to the kitchen. There were some mushrooms and vegetables on the counter and a sack of rice in the high cupboard with a transparent glass fixed to the wall 

" Finally, something solid to eat to hold body and soul together", I whispered to myself, chuckling. 

The darkness of the night kept gained ground as I picked a lamp on the floor to lit it. However, I stood for a while, contemplating if I should cook because cooking wasn't really my thing. I was mostly occupied in the track and fields team. I persistently tried to improve my speed capability. My main motivation emanated from the urge to show the freeborns that a slave can do much more than they ever expected.

I stretched to take the Rice sack. Meanwhile, there was a dark figure by my side, probably emanating from the ray of light. My eyes quickly drifted to my right. It was a shadow that seemed to be immoveable. I turned to view this object.

" My goodness Kamdi!. You scared me". I said holding on to my chest, panting.

" Really?, well I'm sorry if I did. I just came to prepare something to eat. Then I saw you".

He stressed the 'you' in his statement and it brought me to thinking.

" Me?".

" Well, you were in the middle of something", he said, smirking as he leaned on the door way folding his 'ripped' muscular arms.

My face flushed as I turned to back him. Trying once again to wipe that grin off my face. I took a bowl from the counter and poured the rice. All that so he wouldn't suspect.

" Oh that?. I'm sorry about it. Your brother bought me new clothes and I didn't realize it would be this short". I said as my hands touched the hem of my mini gown.

" No no no, don't apologise. Okay look!, I'm sorry I couldn't stop staring. Your thighs were in view and I couldn't help but watch".

' So I wasn't the only one in this emotional frenzy?'. I sighed with relief.

" It's fine. About the cooking, don't bother at all. I can handle it".

" Sure?".

" Yeah, you can take it as my way of saying 'thank you' to you and your brother for all your help". I replied with a smile as I turned back to face him.

" You're welcome anytime". He left.

Thirty minutes passed on as I sat on the kitchen chair. My mind seem to be unsettled as I kept thinking about my Mum, Dad, Chubby and Afam.

' I wish there was a way to assure them that their daughter is in safe hands'.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the front door.

" I'm coming!".

Opening the door. I rose the lamp to clearly see this beautiful creature standing before me. His eyes met mine as we stood in silence, facing each other. He partly opened his mouth as if wanting to say something but immediately closed it. His eyes scrolled my body from head to toe before finally landing on my eyes. 

" That dress".

" What about it?".

" It's too short, I should have gotten something longer". He said.

" I noticed. But thank you still. I'm grateful".

" Don't mention".

Silence fell between us once again for what seemed to be like a century.

" I didn't know I had to pass through the security before entering my own house"

' Stupid.... stupid....stupid'.

" Oh sorry!" I chuckled , making way for him to enter.

" Hmmm, what's cooking?". He said. His left hand brushed the surface of my thigh as he passed by.

Immediately, goose bumps filled me up. I wasn't sure if he was aware or not so I pretended and played along.

" I made rice and vegetable sauce. It's just my show of gratitude for everything you've done for me so far since I have no money to repay you".

" I hope you know that there's no need for that. Well, I'm farmished and I'm sure you can hear the grumbling sound from my stomach", we both laughed.

I left him in the dining as I proceeded to he kitchen.

Some minutes later, I heard some rambling from the dining as I placed my ear against the kitchen door to listen.

" For what reason exactly?". 

" it's just for questioning Kamdi".

The voices were all over the place as I resumed dishing out the food.

" Questioning!?".

" Yes"

" So now I'm a suspect because I and Nnedi dated for like two seconds?".

" No one said you are". Tobere replied.

" You don't expect...".

" Listen!". Tobere's voice echoed through the house as silence took over. I was sure I could hear my breathing.

" Sonna just needs clues on the case" he said softly.

" Sonna this, Sonna that. Wasn't he the same person that attempted to kill you?".

" That's not the point".

" Well if that's the case, then it's not a big deal. But if I may ask, who mentioned my name?".

" I don't know. He didn't mention".

I came out of the kitchen with the two plates on a plastic trey as I placed them on the table. I felt the air thicker than earlier as there was a prolonged silence between them as they sat.


Eze dyke stood in the autopsy room, supervising what the new recruits were up to.

" Any leads on the corpse?". 

" Yes sir. Despite the slit on her throat, we found hand prints on her neck that depicts strangling". Ikem Sochi, the forensics team leader reported as his hands kept touching and moving some parts on Nnedi's corpse.

" And?".

" Well we're not sure which exactly caused her death".

Eze looked puzzled as he folded his arms pacing about the room, not noticing when Manduco walked in.

" Hmm, tough. But if the killer wanted to kill her, what was the need for strangling?".

" Probably if she was persistent and tried to fight back". Manduco cut in.

" Manduco, you're here".

" It's not been long though, tell me the update". Manduco replied as he went closer to view the body.

" Well Ikem said that they discovered some hand prints hat indicated strangling on the victim's neck".

" Wow!".

" I know right?".Eze replied.

" Anything else?".

" Nothing yet. They're still digging". 

" How about we call..." 

" Sirs!". Ikem intruded as he called out with bewilderment written all over his face.

" Yes!" They replied in unison as they stood next to him.

" There's a bite on the victim's lip, tongue and chin". He said pointing to the areas. " It looks like there was a forced impact on her lip".

" Impact?" , Eze asked, looking puzzled.

" Yes sir. If it was a punch, there would have signs of swelling, but there's none".

" So what is it then?". Manduco asked as his cold face remained unreadable to other recruits.

" I still don't know. Probably a smack, a forced kiss, or something".

" A kiss?. Who would want to kiss someone before killing them?" Eze asked confusedly.

" Well sir, it's just my observation, not a fact". Ikem replied, yawning slightly and blinking his eyes continuously. It was apparent that he was tired.

" Tell your assistant to bring me the reports tomorrow morning. As of now, you all can go home, it's already late. You guys did well on your third trial. Bravo!" Eze said as he applauded them.

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