
Wolves' Queen
Wolves' Queen
Author: seorin writernim

Full Moon: The Hunt Begins

"Did the doctor tell you the sex of your baby during the ultrasound yesterday?" a middle-aged woman asked Allea.

"The doctor said it was a girl," Allea replied.

"Are you sure you won't tell Liam about the child you're carrying?" The woman tried to persuade Allea again. She was very worried about Allea's condition who was currently heavily pregnant.

"I will never tell him. This child will grow up and live with me. She will be a normal person, get married, and have her own family," Allea insisted.

"But she's a descendant of Liam, the werewolf."

"This is my bad. I will bear it myself. I won't let Liam take her away from me. This baby is mine. She can't be like her father," Allea insisted. She would defend the baby.

"You're in big trouble now, Allea," the woman warned Allea.

"I know that. That's why I'm asking for your help. Can I give birth here? I'm afraid they found me at home and are after the baby," Allea pleaded. She hoped that the woman she knew, who was an obstetrician, would help her.

"I'm not sure this will work. They'll keep coming after you, no matter where you are." The gynaecologist began to doubt her.

The woman also looked very anxious about Allea's current mannerisms. Even so, the woman named Maria was willing to help Allea. She felt very sorry for Allea.

That afternoon, Allea came to Maria's house to ask for her help. She felt that she would be giving birth soon. However, she looked confused and didn't know where to go to save her baby after giving birth.

Allea felt there was no point in going to the hospital or clinic. Because Liam would know her whereabouts. He could just take her baby away and kill her, just like he had planned all along.

The night air in the remote village was cold and eerie. Maria brought Allea a cup of hot chocolate.

"Please drink it first! You must be cold, Allea," Maria said.

"Thank you," Allea said. She sipped the chocolate slowly.

"Are you okay? How do you feel, Allea?" Maria confirmed. She saw the change in Allea's face after drinking the chocolate.

"Maria, can you check my stomach now? It looks like another contraction," Allea informed.

Maria rushed to get the medical equipment and checked Allea's womb. It looked like Allea was going into labour tonight.

"I think it's time," Maria said.

"What do you mean, didn't you say the baby was due in a week?" Allea widened her eyes in shock.

"No, Allea. Your baby is due tonight," Maria informed her. "I'll prepare for the labour and you just rest."

Allea nodded slowly. She followed all of Maria's directions. While Maria was making preparations in the delivery room, Allea suddenly felt uncomfortable and overly anxious. She was very worried about her surroundings. It seemed like someone had been following her all this time. 

Cold sweat broke out on Allea's temples and forehead. She peeked behind the living room window. She felt uneasy if she hadn't made sure it was safe out there. Sure enough, she saw a large number of shirtless men approaching Maria's house.

"Who are they? Why aren't they dressed in this winter?" Allea wondered. She took a closer look. The men disappeared in an instant. Could it have been her hallucination?

Suddenly, a well-built man stood in front of the window, right in front of Allea. Suddenly, she was shocked to see him. Since when had he been standing there?

The green-eyed man knocked on Maria's door. Allea was even more frightened to face him. She knew he must be Liam's messenger to arrest her.

"No! Don't come any closer!" Allea hissed. She tried to hide behind the window curtain.

The man knocked harder and harder on Maria's door. Finally, Maria came out of the labour room and approached Allea in the living room. She heard someone knocking on her door. So, she was going to check it out, who came to her house at this time of night.

"Allea, who's outside? Why are you silent and not opening the door?" Maria asked.

"Don't open it! They must have come to arrest me," Allea said with a panicked look on her face.

"'Them'? You mean the werewolves ordered by Liam?" guessed Maria. Allea nodded.

"Oh my! How is this?" Maria became frightened as she saw Allea trembling behind the window curtain.

"My stomach ...." Allea whimpered in pain.

Maria immediately helped Allea. It looked like it was time for Allea to give birth.

"Follow me!" Maria commanded. She carried Allea to the labour room.

The door was forcefully opened as no one answered it from inside. The man saw his two target women enter the labour room. Then, he followed her from behind to find out. Whether those women were the ones he was targeting this time.

The door to the room opened. Maria prevented the man from approaching Allea who was about to give birth.

"Who are you, what is your problem with this woman?" Maria asked sternly.

"Is she Allea?" The green-eyed man asked Maria back. "She has the same features as that woman," he shouted.

"No! Don't go near her!" Maria tried to hold him back. However, the man quickly pushed her away until the obstetrician was sent flying into the wall. The impact was so hard that the woman became unconscious.

"MARIA!" cried Allea. She was shocked to see Maria lying on the floor. She couldn't escape now either.

"You have to come with me!" the man ordered.

"I don't wanna come with you. Go away!" Allea shooed him away. "Did Liam order you to take my baby? Tell him it's not that easy for him to take this baby from me."

Allea was overwhelmed by the weight in her stomach now. She couldn't stand let alone run. However, the man insisted and said he would take her away from there immediately.

"Come with me! If you don't, they'll take you to our leader immediately," the man coaxed.

Allea was taken aback by the young man's words. Whose side was the wolf man on? Wasn't he one of Liam's followers?

"I will take you far away from here. They will kill you if you are still in this place. Hurry up!"

"But, I'm going into labour soon."

"I know. That's why I came before them. You can trust me," the man said very convincingly.

That made Allea change her mind. She wasn't given the chance to reject him. So, she would obey what the wolf man said.

"Can I trust you? You won't betray me, right?" Allea confirmed again.

"I promise you," Paul assured Allea again.

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