
Chapter 49


“Let’s have a talk! You might be strong now but I am too. I don’t intend to apply treachery and trickery to win this battle. Your army is no less than mine; I developed monsters worthy to rival yours. I made a pact with the Devil to have you back, don’t you see that?” the king spoke with a voice that seemed young. A voice that made me stay in the shadows for more than a few seconds. I stared at the orb that floated in front of me, left by Aurora. I was a side character in all this. Was I worthy to join her side? I should be there. Standing there and having my revenge…

You used human lives to make the atrocities you command. I applaud you, old friend. Don’t joke upon bringing me back! You know the Devil can’t bring me back. There no attornment in thousands years of pain and suffering! Even if I turn you into thousands of pieces, my rage wouldn’t subside. Do you know how

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