

I literally rolled my eyes at the phrase, it was one of the most common things I had heard in school everywhere, despite the fact that I didn’t have much friends.

That was so ordinary, it was a common phrase to tell a girl, it could get someone arrested.

‘‘ Girl, now you have standards about what to be done and what not to be done, and yet just recently you didn’t have a chance?’’ my conscience screamed at me after detecting what I had just done.

‘‘That is so lovely, oooouh,’’ I let out a fake mona as I struggled so hard not to laugh or do anything.

God, I am evil too, kill me , punish me, make me repent. I laughed inwardly.

I was currently doing well, experiencing a series of absolute highs that I couldn’t comprehends. What did I do to deserve all this.

Would he have been heart broken if at all I had done it, if at all I had succeeded in taking away my life yesterday, perhaps he would have, perhaps he wouldn’t have.

‘‘ I think I like you,’’ he blurted out.

‘‘ What ?’’ I asked
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