
Chapter 2: Westbridge

Poppy's POV

"Woah!" I exclaimed when I saw the Westbridge building. It was far larger than Mr. Miller's and the other companies I applied to the day before. The structure has 100 or more floors. 

I was so taken with the massive structure that I forgot I just had 10 minutes before I had to go. I rush inside and accidently run into someone.

"My apologies, I wasn't looking my way," an apologetic man's voice remarked. I was astounded to see his manly features as he raised his face. He has gray ash hair, stunning golden eyes that complement his arched thick gray brows, a sharp nose, and curves kissable lips. I've never been this way around guys before.

I snapped out of my thoughts when he asked me if I was alright.

"U-uhm, yes, I'm fine, how about you?" I responded. He just stares at me, and his eyes twinkle. My cheeks are suddenly hot.

"It's not a bad idea to be friends with him; maybe I'll just ask for his phone number," I reasoned.

My flirty mode has vanished as I open my phone screen. When I saw the time, I began to panic.

"Oh my gosh, I only have 2 minutes," I shouted, perplexing the man.

"2 minutes? What for?"

"I'm so sorry, but I really need to get going now," she says. 

"For real?"

"Yes, I'm sorry for what happened recently," I said. I was going to depart when a hand grabbed my wrist.

"Wait, can you at least give me your phone number?" 

"Um, maybe the next time we meet," I said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll take that as your promise," he said as he smiled at me. "See you soon," he said as he let me go.

"Yeah! see you," I said as I walked away.

I dashed through the elevator as quickly as I could. The four silver-doored elevators were all full. I was panicking because I was already late. Fortunately, I noticed another elevator at the edge, but it was considerably different from the others because it was gold plated. When I saw that someone was already there, I increased my speed.

"S-sir, wait! W-wait me!" I yelled so he'd hear me and stop pressing the close button. 

While I ran towards the elevator, he glared at me with his cold emerald eyes. Even though his glances were as icy as ice, I could feel him waiting for me and grinned in relief. When he noticed my smile, he flinched and pulled his necktie down slightly. I was almost there when a sneer appeared on his lips. My mouth shot open in surprise as he pushed the close button, as if he was merely giving me false hope.

"Dang it!" I muttered to myself. I accelerated my pace.

The elevator is nearly closing, and I know if I don't do anything I can't make it in time. Leaving no choice I took off one of my shoes and tossed it between the elevator doors while I kept running. It landed perfectly. I felt victory but then my celebrating mode gone as the man kicked my shoe out.

"Is he really trying to provoke me?" I asked myself. I'm getting irritated. "Don't underestimate me!" 

The elevator doors are only 5 inches apart before closing completely. I kicked back my shoe with my concealed athletic soccer techniques. Finally! Victory! The shoe arrived in time, allowing the doors to reopen. I hurry into the elevator before the man can respond, pick up my shoe, and put it back on. I adjust my skirt before closing the window as if nothing had happened.

I can feel his death glare behind me. 

To show him that I am not like the other girls who are easy to deal with. "Next time, first recognize what you are bumping into!" I confidently exclaimed.

"Oh really?" His voice was almost insulting.

I then turned around to face him. It's pretty embarrassing, but as I look at him intently, my outburst of rage melts away. My tongue has suddenly become shy. He possesses black as ebony hair, emerald eyes that sparkle like jewelry, thick black brows, a very beautifully shaped straight long pointed nose, and natural crimson Cupid's Bow lips. I carefully stroll down my sight, his wearing a tailored suit that fits him wonderfully and emphasizes his Greek God-like form.

"Done checking?" he asked, his face furrowed.

"To be honest, I don't see much Mr.!" I sneered and turned away.

"You didn't see much? But you almost drooled while scanning all over my face and body?" 

I grimace at what he said, but I opt to remain mute and unconcerned.

When I stepped out of the elevator, I walked straight to the HR department. I almost got chastised since I was 5 minutes late.

 "This is the cafeteria for employees like us," Sir Palomero explained as he led me around the building and introduced me to each Department we visited; he was the CEO's former secretary who was transferred and became head HR. "I guess I've taken you around the entire building, I think we should proceed now to your working place," he added. In reaction to what he said, I nodded.

We immediately went to the elevators. And I stood quietly.

"Ms. Beckett, what are you doing there? Why don't you get in her so we can leave!" Sir Palomero called from the golden plated elevator. I apologized instantly and went inside.

The entire establishment is quiet, and I'm beginning to feel weird. So I came up with a topic to discuss. "Ah! Sir Palomero! I just wanted to ask you something,"

"What is that, Ms. Beckett?" he inquired, adjusting his collar in the elevator's reflection.

"What distinguishes the gold-plated elevator we're riding today from other elevators?" I've been fascinated for a time now.

"As you can see, Ms. Beckett, the word gold plated, what can you say?" he said again, making me apprehensive.

"Ah-ah! High-end? More valuable than silver?" I said with a mix of intuition.

 "That's right! From the word valuable itself, this elevator was only exclusive for the valuable members of this company and guests," he responded softly to what I stated.

"I see," was all I replied, and the room fell silent once more.

"We're almost there, and as for Mr. Caden West's new secretary, here are some reminders that may help you do a better job performance... Kindly write it down," stated the Head HR.

I grabbed a notebook and a ballpoint pen right away.

He began to discuss Mr. West's Do's and Don'ts till the elevator opens into the corridor and we come to a door with the CEO's office inscribed on it. The ones I documented were nearly ten pages long.

 "Mr. West has a lot of don'ts, maybe he is a widower or an old single man," I thought to myself as I waited for Mr. Palomero to enter the office.

"Mr. West! Ms. Beckett was already here!" he announced after knocking on the door.

"Come in!" says a voice from within the room. I finally followed the Head of Human Resources in.

I bowed as I entered to show respect and to make a good first impression at work. I felt nervous as soon as I walked in, as if there were eyes glaring at me as if they were hurling spears at me.

But I choose to disregard it.

"Mr. West, this is your new secretary, Ms. Poppy Beckett, Ms Beckett this is our company CEO, Mr. Caden West," said Mr. Palomero.

"I'm glad to be here and to be your new secretary, Sir CEO Caden West," I said nicely as I raised my head. Seeing his face, the smile I had planned dissipated like a bubble. "Y-you?" I couldn't believe it when I saw the man again in the elevator.

"Glad to be in your care, Ms. Poppy Beckett!" he said firmly, as though

evil was in his tone. He gave me a silly smile. And I know this time I'm in big trouble.

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