
Don't touch my mate







*Don't Touch My Mate*

She opened her eyes widely. "I must have heard wrong"She thought within herself. He was looking straight into her eyes but she couldn't read the emotions on his face. She blinked her eyes and moved back a little.

" said what?" She asked taking her face away.

Leon smiled, "I didn't say anything. Did you hear me say something?"

"No... No"She denied still moving backward. 

"Hope our deal is still on?"She asked. She tried to put on a fake smile. 

"What deal?"Zane asked appearing out of nowhere. His mind has been hovering around Mara.

"Did you follow me?"Mara asked. She is scared of anyone finding out about her secret.

"No, only my mind follows you. After that night, I have been scared of leaving you for a second."Zane explained looking straight at Leon.

"That's nice."Mara mumbled,"this is..."

"Leon, the new twilight vampire in Vamville. I heard about him the moment he got into the school."Zane said still looking at Leon.

"It's nice to meet you,"Leon opened his hand for a shake.

"Don't mess with Mara. She might look so sweet but she's weak. I won't allow anyone to hurt her."Zane warned instead of shaking Leon. Leon slowly put his hands behind his back.

"I won't mess with her. Am also going to protect her."Leon said. 

"She doesn't need your protection. Their are a lot of girls in school."Zane threatened.

"Zane, he's just a new person. And I don't need any of your protection. I can take care of myself."Mara concluded. She walked out angrily. She has no idea that Zane or Zane's mind has been following her. 

"Hope he didn't find out about anything?"She thought as she walks home.

She looked up at the sky, it was almost morning. And the sun would soon be up. She wasn't scared of the sun since she can't be burnt by it. 

"Hey, miss Mara"A feminine voice said from behind. Mara turned, she was shocked to see Liliana standing with her arms folded on her chest.

"What are you doing here, the sun will soon be up"Mara asked. She has never been noticed by Liliana. Liliana is like the beauty of Vamville school. She is the strongest among all the girls. She is also a senior to Mara. Mara wondered what would have made Liliana talk to her.

"Am a Dhampir."Liliana said with a smirk.

Mara grasped. Dhampir are like the worst Vampire breed in Vamville. They eat their fellow vampires to satisfy their taste. No one at school knows that Liliana is one of them.

"You... You are joking right?"Mara asked. She move backward slowly.

"You aren't scared, are you?"Liliana asked laughing a little.

"What do you want from me?"Mara asked the half demon, half Vampire.

"Your compliance."Liliana answered without beating around. 

"Compliance?. On what?"

"I have my eyes on Leon. He's cute and strong. I just saw you talking with him and the distance wasn't encouraging. It's just to warn you. Stay far away from him. He's mine."Liliana said.

"I have nothing to do with him. If I offended you, please spare me"Mara said out of fear.

"I'll only spare you if you comply."Liliana said. She still stood at a spot.

"No one knows that you are a Dhampir."Mara tried to threaten her but she seems undefeated.

"How would you feel if the whole school finds out?"Mara kept on threatening.

"Don't test my patience."Liliana said softly moving a leg from the spot.

"I won't dare, so don't test mine either."Mara said.

The sunlight shone on Mara's eyes. This is the first time she'd be out of the coven by this time.

"I have to go home"Mara said. She should be getting ready for another spanking from Amber and Joshua. She doesn't want Liliana to know about her breed either.

"I won't argue with you. My father will deal with you then"Liliana said before rushing out. Mara sigh a long smile. Her sweat became visible.

Mara started walking home counting her footstep. She felt bad about being noticed. People finding about her would decrease the number of days for her life.

"Are you scared of her?"Leon asked. He had watched from afar and listened carefully. Mara wasn't surprised when he spoke out. She noticed him around. She could feel his emotions and read his mind from afar.

"Yes. Dhampir are stronger than my breed."Mara said absentmindedly.

"Should I teach you how to be as strong as a wolf?"Leon asked.

"People will find out if I become strong"She said still absentminded.

"I overheard the teacher, Ruby talking about a vampire contest."

"Yes I know about it. It's in two full moon time about 50 days to go"Mara said with excitement on her eyes.

"But I can't go." She said. The excitement in her eyes disappeared the moment she remembered Amber and Joshua.


"I am weak"She lied. 

"That is what a weak person will say. I can make you strong. You are two strong creature mixed together. You are stronger than you think"Leon motivated her.

"What do you believe in me?"Mara asked. She wondered why someone who just met her would quickly believe in her.

"I just have a feeling about this"Leon said with a smile.

"Wow"Mara smiled. She didn't even realize that she was smiled.

"Your smile is beautiful"Leon complemented.

"Huh"Her face changed. This is the first time she smile without faking it.

"When should we meet for the training."He asked.

"Am not interested"Mara answered with a sigh.

"The city"Leon sent a message through their mind link.

"I said am not interested.... Also be careful of Liliana." Mara said. 

"Ok"Leon answered with a wide eyes. He could sense some spark of jealousy.

"Why are your eyes wide open?"Mara seems to hear his thoughts.

"Nothing much"

"I only said that out of concern."Mara said immediately.

"Rush home so that Amber wouldn't scold you."Leon said with a smile.

"Stop reading my mind. How is that even possible?. How can I open your mind?"Mara asked.

"Run home, I'll tell you if you are able to come for the training"Leon said. He already knows alot about her through her thoughts.

Mara ran home without looking back.

                 🌟 🌠 ⭐

"I'll like to join the yearly Vamville competition"Mara announced after getting her punishment for coming home late. She was given 100 strokes of cane, asked to wash some particular clothes for 10 times, clean the whole coven thrice. She ended up finishing her work by evening. 

"What competition?"Amber asked.

"Vamville...."Before she could finish the statement, Amber brushed her face with a slap. Blood oozed out of her nose. This is the 30th time she'd receive a slap from the Balcoin(apart from Dawn) today. She covered her nose with her palm.

"The only person allowed to partake in that competition is Katherine and she will emerge the strongest vampire. She will beat Liliana."Amber boasted.

Mara smiled inwardly. Amber had no idea who Liliana is and why no one could defeat her.

"You want to show yourself to the world and bring disgrace to Balcoin coven?. Your plan has failed."Amber said angrily.

"Don't you dare say this to Joshua. If not this is going to be your last day in this coven."Amber threatened.

"Okay ma'am"Mara stood up slowly and walked out to nurse her wound.

Zane and Katherine walked in. Zane sighted Mara as she walks out of the room.

"Isn't that Mara?"He asked no one in particular.

"Who's Mara?"Katherine pretended not to know.

"Oh, Maybe my eyes are decieving me. I've been thinking about her lately"Zane said. He personally agreed to train Katherine for the competition because of the bond between both families.

"I'll love to take my leave"He said. He wanted to check out the girl who looks a lot like Mara from behind.

"Sit for dinner tonight"Amber suggested.

"Amber, I have something to do. I'll come tomorrow for the training."He said. He had never addressed Amber with respect. To him,She doesn't deserve his respect.

"Okay, see you tomorrow"Katherine said, "I'll make sure to arrange the hall well."

"Okay"He said before running along.

"You can't even escort him"Amber whispered.

"Why would I escort him?"

"You don't know how to be romantic until Mara takes him away."

"Talking of the de vil, where's Mara?"Katherine asked.


Mara walls around the city market. She covered her head and body with a scarf to prevent people from seeing her scars. She had escaped from the coven in an attempt to get some vegetables. She burnt all the vegetables to make her excuse spicy.

A hand held her firmly, she turned to look at the face but was surprised to meet herself in an empty space. She looked around and found Leon standing far away from her.

"You made it"Leon shouted.

"Yes"Mara shouted back. She chuckled. She is beginning to like this game. She rushed to where he is.

"You never told me your powers."Mara said.

"Teleportation"He replied looking straight in her eyes. He could feel the pain from the torture.

"Teleportation?, That's not common among vampires. You are a wolf anyways."Mara said. She tried smiling by all means to remove that pain from her eyes.

"If you want to decieve someone, it shouldn't be me."Leon warned

"What did they do to you?"He pull the scarf off her body exposing her bare skin. She couldn't even put on clothing that will cover her skin due to the pain. All parts of her skin we're bleeding. He had felt it when she screamed in pain and since then his mind wasn't at rest.

Hot tears trickled from Mara's eyes, "I was given 100 strokes of cane, asked to wash some particular clothes for 10 times, clean the whole coven thrice and given 30 slaps today."She found herself opening up to Leon.

"Don't let them hurt you this way Mara"Leon said with a teary eyes. It hurt to see his mate this way.

"They are my parents. I have no one else apart from them, so..."


Mara looked at him trying to figure out why he got so angry at her.

"Why do you look so angry at me?"Mara asked searching his face with her eyes.

"Don't you get it Mara?,!!"


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