
Chapter 2


It's been days or should I say approximately a week after my dad had broken the most horrible news ever to me in my room, which has automatically turned my life upside down.

To be sincere, if my younger brother, Richard wasn't brought into the picture, I’d never agree to marry that strange man. However, I have to walk down the aisle with him since I don't want Richard to be harmed because of my simple reluctance.

Nevertheless, earlier this morning, I confronted dad and made him know that I have concurred to tie the knot with the powerful man whom he had told me about. But then, I made it very clear to him that I was only agreeing to this marital union because of my younger brother, Richard.

My father seems to be very pleased and at the same time thankful about my final decision; ‘it's for the 'best'.’ he had uttered to me.

Some hours after letting my decision known, two flashy cars suddenly arrived at our apartment.

I was stunned as I stood at the door with my two hands enfolded over my chest, I could hear brisk footsteps behind me and I knew it was Samantha.

"Who are they?" Samantha asked me, I could sense the curiosity in her voice.

"I... I don't know," I replied to her truthfully, we were both staring at the burly men who were walking gallantly toward us.

"Those are the men who are here to take you to the mall to see the wedding planners and stylists." The energetic voice of my father echoed from behind our backs.

"Huh?" Samantha and I uttered in unison as we swerved our heads around to glance at him.

"Mr. Williams!" One of the  burly looking men reached our patio and bowed.

"Welcome!" My father flashed  a smile at the man before turning towards me. "Go with them, you are in safe hands!" He assured me.

In all these occurrences that have been happening lately, I haven't come across my husband-to-be and either talk to him.

I don’t even know what he looks like.

"I'm not going with them, father!" I disagreed.

"Why, Bella?" My father asked me in a serious tone.

"Ignore her, Mr. Williams. She will certainly go with the men and I will follow her." Samantha chipped in before I could respond to my father.

I glared at her resentfully, how could she open her mouth and openly declare that she’d tag along with me, when I haven’t even agreed yet! For goodness sake, I'm not interested in all these things that have been happening.

Fine, I agreed to get married to this unknown man, isn't that good enough, huh?

"Bella, do you wanna say something?" Samantha asked me, smiling sheepishly at me.

Great! I wanted to yell at her but I decided to keep my cool. The deed is already done, she doesn't have an inkling about the whole story about this marriage of a thing.

"Nothing!" I shook my head, faking a smile at her.

I was reluctant to follow the unknown men but since Samantha offered to tag along with me, I couldn't say 'NO.' So we both headed together the car together, and the men followed behind us.

"Your new husband must be very rich!" Samantha giggled excitedly beside me, whispering in my ear as she interlocked our hands together.

"Isn't it obvious?" I grimaced at her.

All I had told her was that I had to get married for a reason my father had refused to disclose with me, because there was no way I’d tell her about what actually happened.

I loved Samantha.

But, she could sometimes be a little bit loose mouthed.

One of the guards opened the door swiftly and we both entered the car, and then, he closed the door afterward.

In less than a minute, the car was now driving out of the yard with the other cars trailing behind us.

"Damn, Bella. You are quite lucky to have bc landed such a moneyed man, I pray deeply in my mind that my fairy godmother would appear and cast a spell on me so that I will finally get to have my wealthy husband!" Samantha mused audibly, she was very blunt with her words and has no filter, not feeling embarrassed by her recent confession.

I shook her head sideways, leaning my back head against the car headrest. If only Samantha knew the actual reason behind this marriage. Perhaps, she won't be wishing for her fairy godmother to come just yet.

It's been hours since we arrived at the mall and we were shown our way to the wedding planners, tons and tons of expensive wedding dresses were shown but I wasn't interested in any of them.

Not like I don't like astonishing dresses but it's just that my heart is entirely against this wedding. This isn't what I want, this isn't what planned for and no one can help me out in this situation.


  A few days are gone and the wedding bell was ringing, it was my wedding day!

It felt so much like a really bad dream to me, one which I couldn’t wait to wake up from.

"You never told me you had a man, nor have you ever spoken about marriage in like… forever. Woah! My big sis will soon be married in a few hours!" Richard chuckled in front of me as we stood in my room.

I smiled tearfully under my white crystal veil, I know in my mind that Richard had no idea that I was in this position today because of him. But, it isn't his fault anyway, it's all my father's recklessness and waywardness that had put me in this position.

"Let's go! The car is waiting impatiently for us outside!" Richard told me, grabbing my hand gently and he pulls me out of the room as if he was the groom.

We got to the living room and we met Samantha, she was the chief bridesmaid. She grinned happily when she sighted me. A radiant look was on her face and her dress brought out the color of her eyes beautifully.

Samantha looked way happier and more excited than the bride, aka me.

"Where is father?" I whisper into Richard's ear.

Richard leaned to mine and murmured. "He's at the church, don't worry, I'm here if you need anything, okay?" He assured me.


We entered the car one after the other. Once again, my husband to be which I’m yet to meet, has sent a ton of cars to come pick us up this morning.

Richard sat at the right hand of the window and Samantha at the left. I was positioned in the middle of the back passenger seat, the driver penetrated through the driver's space before igniting the car and he zoomed off.

 Everything was happening so fast, we got to the church and to my shock, I realized that it was a church big enough to hold thousands of people, and it was filled up to the brink. The types of cars parked in every spots outside the church was proof enough that the guests were important people —one could tell that they were from wealthy and affluent homes.

At the entrance of the church, Richard left my side and dad came to hold my hand instead. He smiled at me, but I could tell that he saw the bubbles of tears brimming in my eyes through my veil, but he pretended like he didn’t.

Romantic music was playing in the atmosphere, and every inch of the church was silent and reserved. I could feel every pair of eyes on me, which unnerved me to the core as we walked gracefully to the altar.

Reaching the altar, I was expecting to come across a fat, old man. After I had asked my dad a few times to show me a picture of my supposed husband to be, he had claimed to not have any picture of the man and that I was going to be seeing him on the wedding day.

However, what I saw was... was quite shocking!

My father left my hand after handing me to my husband to be, and I felt my heartbeat increase as the man’s calloused hands closed around my softer and smaller ones.  

Wait for a second... I'm sure I have seen this man somewhere before!

Through the white veil which was shrouding my face, I could explore his tremendous height and his muscular biceps which were practically bulging out of his polished expensive black suit. By the devil's balls; this man is sinfully handsome with his icy blue eyes, his black hair was shiny, and not to talk of how flawless chiseled face was coupled with his perfectly pointed nose.

The dark aura which prowls around him screams intimidation and power, it nearly made me shrink like a scared cat in front of him.

Hell! Now, I really do remember who he truly was!

His name is Alfred Winston, a popular and powerful Mafia Boss, and I felt an horrified shiver slide down my spine at that realization.

When father had talked about a man lending him money years ago, I had no idea it was a mafia boss.

What was my father thinking!? To the extent of attempting to mess with someone like this?

I could vividly recall him giving a speech at a gathering some years ago, but I can't tell exactly where the gathering took place. That was the only time I’ve sighted him.

Christ! I never believe a day like this would come for both of us!

"The ceremony is about to begin!" The pastor who stood at the altar with us said, snapping me out of my deep trance and I nervously sighed quietly.

Slowly and gradually, we turned towards the pastor with the entire church watching us.

I was feeling cornered and overwhelmed as I inwardly prepared myself to say the wedding vows which I most definitely wouldn’t mean. The once cool air was now suffocating to me I could hardly take a full breath in.

"You may say your wedding vow, Mr. Winston!" The priest shakily said to him.

Alfred faces me and grabs my right hand, eliciting me to tremble slightly at his ambiance.

"In the name of God, I Alfred Winston take you, Bella Williams to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow." Said Alfred and forthwith he pushes the golden ring into my finger.

Alfred's bright blue eyes bore into mine. Through the touch of my soft palm in his hand which had become sweaty, I could tell that he knew that I was extremely overwhelmed and unnerved by his intense gaze.

"It's your turn, ma'am!" The priest's voice was heard, and I took a shaky breath.

"In the name of God, I Bella Williams take you, Alfred Winston to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. This is my solemn vow." I said aloud, and then, I slowly took the golden ring and slid it into his finger.

"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest finally breathed out, and my heart skipped a bit.

A kiss!?

Alfred wasted no time to stand courtliness in front of me, picking up the rims of the veil as he swiftly discards it from my face.

We gazed directly at each other, as his callous hands grazed my cheeks and he brushed his soft lips against mine.

I freeze immediately.

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