
Chapter 3 : The Past

Cathrine had just graduated from college but immediately landed a job as a personal assistant to Andrew Davison, CEO of Mega World Company Pte Ltd.  His father, Marco Davison, was the founder and largest shareholder in the company.

 To celebrate good fortune, Cathrine had a small party with her family.  This made Cathrine even more excited to work.  Considering she is the eldest child from a poor family and has to help the family economy.

 Andrew's attitude towards Cathrine was firm and a little cruel.  She didn't even give her enough time to rest.  His obsession with work makes Andrew a tough and critical thinker.  Making it did not take long to raise the company's image in the global eye.  To attract many investors and cooperate with companies from various countries.

That's what made Cathrine fall in love with Andrew, even though she realized that she was nothing compared to him. Cathrine is just a poor girl who happens to have the luck to work for a big company.  To maintain her career, she could only hide the love in her heart.

 Right on New Year's Eve, Andrew took Cathrine to a hotel for a meeting between colleagues.  She, who was still innocent at that time, was asked by Andrew to deliver alcoholic drinks to the VIP room where Andrew and his friends met.

 Jonas, one of Andrew's friends noticed Cathrine who was coming in with a drink.  He, who liked to change partners, realized from the girl's gaze that Cathrine was in love with Andrew.

Andrew, who at that time was too obsessed with work, only considered Jonas's words as a joke.  He just smiled and didn't care.  Max tries to convince Andrew that what Jonas said might be true.  Gary, who is seduced by Cathrine's beauty, persuades Andrew to approach the girl.

 Andrew flatly refused.  He did not want to destroy the reputation and good name of the company that his father had built just for a girl.  But constant persuasion by his friends made Andrew waver.  Especially when Gary said Cathrine was just a poor girl.  He could twist the fact that it was Cathrine who was trying to seduce him.

 After the New Year's fireworks boom, Andrew took Cathrine into the VIP room.  He coaxed and seduced the girl.  The innocent Cathrine didn't think that she had been caught in a trap.  Willing to give her virginity to Andrew that night.  She believed that the man was also falling in love with her.

But the false happiness did not last long.  Gary, Max, and Jonas suddenly enter the room after they finish having sex.  Cathrine was frightened and trembled while covering her naked body with the blanket.

 The three men laughed at Cathrine.  Jonas patted Andrew on the back and praised him.  Andrew just smiled without saying anything.  Put on his clothes and leave the room.

 A frightened Cathrine called Andrew's name over and over, but the man didn't care at all.  She was about to stand up but Max held her back.  Cathrine shouted and rebuked them, telling the three men to get out.

 Instead of complying with her wishes, Jonas slapped the girl so hard that she fell on the bed.  He pressed Cathrine's body and began kissing her brutally.  Seeing this, Max and Gary immediately took off their clothes and took turns raping Cathrine.  A painful night that will never be forgotten for her.

 Cathrine woke up feeling sore and sticky all over.  Especially on the girl's bottom.  There were bloodstains on the white sheets, a sign that she had wrongly given up her trust.

Cathrine contacted Luna for help.  Luna, who had just arrived at the hotel, immediately guessed what had happened to her best friend.  The girl didn't want to ask anything.  She helped Cathrine clean up and return to the apartment.

 After the incident, Cathrine decided to lock herself in the apartment.  Luna came with a warning letter from the company, but Cathrine didn't care at all.

 Unwanted things do happen.  Cathrine finds out she is pregnant.  It ruined her life even more.  She decided to leave the apartment and return to Georgia, where her parents lived.

 They welcomed their daughter's presence.  But with Cathrine's demeanor and body changes, her mother becomes suspicious.  Cathrine didn't want to hide anything, she was telling the truth.  Unexpectedly, it was heard by the father.

 Cathrine's father was furious and threw her out.  Even though her mother pleaded with tears and knelt, the man didn't care at all.  Cathrine left the house in the pouring rain.  With the remaining money, she got into a taxi and left the place.

 Cathrine got off in front of a mansion.  She walked in the rain with her body shaking with cold.  The tears didn't stop flowing, but the rain didn't make it look like she was crying.

 Two gatekeepers who knew her immediately opened the gate.  Dozens of cars parked neatly in front of the house.  Cathrine ran in without paying any heed, making the two guards suspicious and chasing after her.

 She lunged at the door and slammed it open.  Dozens of well-dressed guests stared at Cathrine strangely.  Andrew looked at Cathrine in surprise.  While the girl in the white dress in front of her was confused.

 Today is the day of engagement between Andrew and Stacy - the only daughter of Owner Light Green Technology Ltd.  They have been betrothed for a long time.  Although Andrew had no intention of having a relationship with a woman, he was willing to do it for the sake of the company's reputation.

 Cathrine walked up to Andrew and slapped the man on the cheek in front of the crowd.  It took Andrew's parents and all the guests by surprise, especially Stacy.  Cathrine swore at Andrew, humiliating him in front of all the guests and colleagues.  She also said that she was pregnant and demanded Andrew be responsible.

 The two guards who had been chasing had grabbed Cathrine's arms.  But the girl did not stop cursing.  Stacy, who couldn't stand the sight, came up to Cathrine and slapped her.  Ordered two guards to drag the girl out.

 They threw Cathrine in the rain like trash.  She felt a pain in her stomach. Stacy cursed and insulted Cathrine, saying that she was just a bitch who tries to seduce and trap men like Andrew.  The pain in Cathrine's stomach made her can't to reply to her words.

Her heart ached, even more, when Andrew said that the child in Cathrine's stomach was not necessarily his.  Because he wasn't the only one enjoying her body.  Stacy lost her temper, she ordered the guards to throw Cathrine out the gate.  Blood continued to flow from the girl's genitals.  She screamed in pain in the rain until in the end, everything turned dark.

 Cathrine wakes up in the hospital.  A nurse said that she was found faint by a car driver and took her to the hospital.  The nurse also said that she had a miscarriage.  Cathrine was shocked and crying, she asked the nurse to call her friend.

 Luna came to the hospital and hugged Cathrine.  She comforted her broken friend.  Trying to cheer up Cathrine.  After her condition improved, Cathrine did not return to the apartment.  She chose to live in Luna's house.

 Luna, who had once been in the dark world, told Cathrine that there was one place where she might calm her down and heal her mind.  She told all about the place and the freedom might she would find there.  Cathrine who had already broken down didn't care about anything anymore.  She accepted Luna's offer without a second thought.

 On the appointed day, Luna drove Cathrine to the airport.  The flight that will take the girl to Rio, Brazil.


 Cathrine smirked with tears streaming down her cheeks.  Memories of decades ago resurfaced.  Reveal old wounds that she healed herself.  She put the business card in his wallet and returned it to Alex's room.

 Cathrine smiled before closing the door.

 "Let's see, Andrew. I've got your main card and can't wait to make your life ruined. Just like you ruined mine."

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